Tuesday, October 14, 2014

usa: MITCH ; MITT ; Grimes(?) .. the "final" "Riverboat" GAMBLE??

Germany's 1930s "arrives" in the USA?

Mitt Romney is back in the Media, telling Race Jokes, again; that means the GOP expects to "Win" the Senate, "by hook, or by crook"!  That means Hillary and Bill will "Pack-it-In"!;: and retire to the grandbaby and the MONEY they've recently raised.  The road is now open for MITT.  (clue to the joke:  "What Can You DO?)  Crackers knew, in 2008, what Obama COULDN'T DO!;; which was --what the non-whites and liberal whites were praying for -- Save our Democracy, so, maybe,  they would have a chance to PARTICAPE fully.  Looks like THAT won't happen!  In their one and only debate, Evil MITCH tricked Grimes into claiming her CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!  Game Over!  EVERYBODY knows that the Ol' South (now totally GOP) has never given a Damn for our Constitution.  Fort Sumpter, and Sherman, and Jim Crow tells you all you need to know about that!  They have since spread their RED across the country; benefitting the lesser-evil ROMNNEY and his following.  (Remember when the Mormons ambushed the Wagon Trains, slaughtering and robbing, they KEPT the blonde, blue-eyed children as their own!  They blamed their crimes on the INDIANS!

God's Gifts keep coming, from Pope Too, waving a veiled "promise" of redemption to their hungry, Gay white sheep.  Pope Too seems, also, to move in lock-step with his black-in-black comrade, to keep those color codes they invented centuries ago, alive?  Demographics are hard to overcome.  Every white vote will count in 2014!  Even Liberal Whites (Maher?) don't want to give up White Supremacy!   The move by the Catholic Church to preserve its singular, most important, achievement, has been assisted by the spread of EBOLA across our planet.  The full impact of that on the globe's financial markets and national "Interests" is still unfolding.  ThE BIG MONEY boys are praying that the Race-Card, as played by the GOP over the past 6 years, will not harm THEIR Interests.  The Jury's still Out on that.

As for everyone else?  Look at Harlan County, Kentucky!  For all of his trumped-up power, Mitch McConnell has presided over its steady DECLINE, economically!  Those  poor whites!  He's paid by Coal Interests, as he screws the coal economy; blaming it all,  of course, on Obama.

Oh, back to "What can you you do"?  The Operative Word is YOU!!  The movie, The Help, showed us how the Cracker Mind is convinced that their white GOD, sent Blacks to these shores to clean up behind them; "innovate" for them; and allow them to take full CREDIT for anything they find either useful or profitable!.  Young Blacks in Ferguson may be just as blind as those older blacks before them, who chose "Booker-T" over "W.E.B"!  They need to understand the importance of the "Big Head" and stop living through their "Little Head"; turning black women into "Breeders" for 21st Century JIM CROW!

Stay Vigilant!  The 2014 Contest is for the WHITE VOTE!!  They're leaning toward 30s-Germany, and 2014-Russia, TODAY.

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