Republicans get "EMOTIONAL"
Like little boys who have trouble holding their pee, the Repoobs (from Jeb to Christie, and the other, wacko "sludge" in between) can't wait to show us what they have in store for this country!! Once they get POWER! (both in 2014, and 2016); EVERYONE will have to "Sit Down" for whomever emerges as the REAL "SMART" MONEY in all of this! From Tojo and Adolf, until now, only those who have a broad enough view can posssibly "connect" the dots. Most people born after 1950 can't even "see" the dots!. Their children can't "see" or "hear" anything that really matters in their lives!
It's clear that we're living in a WARP in time, when only the most un-principled actors hold sway. They do so by taking advantage of what technology PERMITS them to do; NOT what we all expect people who are MORAL will do. Wall Street Fat Cats and their hi-tech enablers will never see jail for their crimes, because our LAWS allowed them to do so. Airplanes full of passengers can "disappear without a trace" because of WARPs in our technological advances that permit it. Children in developed nations; especially vain, under-developed females are setting themselves up for horrible lives by Sexting with their cell phones. ISIS or ISIL show us daily how they use the fall-out from technological advances to consolidate their power. Our "tribal" responses to EBOLA from Republican "Leaders" endanger us all! NOTHING in our system can protect them, or us, from the multiple consequences. In every case, the INCENTIVES (from our "traditionsl" Capitalist econonics) propel these practices.
Fortunately, not ALL of the Bad Guys are enlisting on the side of the new EVILS. The new-evil-ones are more likely to be rich, white, male, citizens of the United States and Europe, and completely AMORAL! Fifteen Presidents, acting simultaneously could not combat this consolidation of global evil!
While we continue to sleep, it appears that MEXICO is being transformed into a Criminal STATE that is ready-made for the operations of these kinds of new-age Capitalists!
Technology advances have WARPED the meaning and function of "INFRASTRUCTURE. Just as the Boeing 747, "leapt over" the traditional infrastructure limitations of Third World nations, transforming them into "Developing" nations; the CELL PHONE is transforming the lives and the capabilities of CHILDREN, all over the world, in ways their parents cannot detect, or understand.
Global consequences are emerging already. The children of the "rising" nations will be strengthened, while those of the "Developed" nations seem to be lured by the AMORAL forces (shrapnel from the collapse of COLD WAR Captialism). The "controllers" of our global economy are getting prepared to "rape" (again) the developing nations, because only they have available assets to acquire.
Stay Vigilant! While too many white citizens, driven by thech-powered MEDIA, and assisted by AMORAL nations like India, plunge ahead toward the Pied-Pipers of the likes of Bush(es), Christie, Romney, and Cruz; there is still a little time for them to deflect the charge of the Bullies, WITH THEIR VOTES!!
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