Sunday, October 19, 2014

EBOLA(?) ; ISIS(?) ; or, "OIL" ??? .. A "Trifecta": for Cracker-Rule??

Check your "Mirror" or, your "Roots"?

Those of us who seek to survive the economic "shock", planned for us next, by the Cracker-Right and their Money Backers, after they gain the Senate (Dallas and Ebola is a warning); we KNOW we have to look intelligently ahead, while reading the signs along the road!  The White/Right take-over will NOT be through Rebellion, Nullification, (like our LAST Civil War), NOR through Secession as Trick Perry and his fellow Texans continuously threaten:  It will build a Legislature/Judicial juggernaught with which they will batter the Executive third of our governing model!

We have no credible Journalism in this country anymore!  Everything that drives our Media must have shock value, and be dummed-down to the Cracker level.  The Hospitals in this country are  hiding severe fiscal problems; while doctors scramble to save their "economic" bacon.  Nobody is looking!  We choose to blindly swallow that "best medical system" crap!  If we had real Journalism, someone would dig up the REAL story behind the Texas-Coup that swung our Supreme Court behind Bush v. Gore in 2000; and what really happened to Sandra-Day and Rehnquist as the Cheney/Bush boys polished off the SCOTUS, turning it, and our entire Judicial/Law Enforcement System, into the racist-sham it is now?  Did you notice the 5 a.m. "ruling" by the Cracker portion of the Court, allowing Texas to discriminate against millions of that state's voters?  Maybe you now understand why Terrible Teddy Cruz thinks he will be our President in 2016?  It also explains blind, white reaction to Obama; or, Ferguson, MO., et-cetera.

Our Media has programmed us to "see" color when we hear certain words or phrases.  We've known this for quite a while; but never took it seriously.  Now they've added "Ebola" and "ISIS" to that list.  The bad news is that ISIS seems to know that, and they're winning the global PR Game!  Pope-Too has to "UP" his game; if he intends to hold the Christian, centuries-old, White Supremacy Model for world domination in place.

The Election is two weeks away, and the White Right thinks it has the outcome "in-the-bag"!  Thinking voters are being sickened by what they see and hear, and may stay home, along with those "puddin'-head Blacks who always serve Crackers.  Blacks will ALWAYS follow whatever white Media lays out for them, "Christians" continue to swallow the brew served in both Protestant and Catholic outlets.

A new wrinkle:  Old-World-Indians are returning to the role they played in Apartheid Africa.  As Mandela is dead, along with Martin and Malcolm, these "non-whites" (Jendal, Haley) spring up as "stand-ins" for old-line white extremists like David Duke.  It is AMAZING that Southern Blacks in Louisiana are confused by Jendal's "Color".  Zacharia, and the new face of  Microsoft, are examples in the Media and Technology sectors of our economy?  EVERYBODY should read and understand  RACE,CLASS, and the WORLD SYSTEM, (1987).. by Oliver C. Cox!   Alex Haley had no idea what he started with "ROOTS"!

Martin Wolf, in his new book, concludes that OIL will determine our economic future!  The 2008 Meltdown, courtesy of Bush/Cheney, shifted the economic structure back in favor of the Consuming Nations -- not the Exporting Nations.  Bad news for Russia and China, and, curiously, Germany?  Worse news for us? -- We're broke, and can't continue to "consume"!  The Developing Nations CAN consume, however, and some are beginning to open their doors to displaced educated and talented immigrants from the Middle East.

Stay Vigilant!  Last Chance to stop all of this from sending the U.S. to the bottom of the world's economic trash can!

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