... about RACE and POVERTY ??
What everybody KNOWs; yet NOBODY will ADMIT, is that "america": (the "white" part of the U.S. population; according to the WHITE RIGHT) "operates" at the intersection of RACE and POVERTY. Their "Chosen" and "Christian" status empowers them to sit in judgment of anything and everything the Poor and the Non-white do, or say, or believe!
Congressman Charlie Rangel, and Vice-President Biden have come under attack recently in our malicious MEDIA (blacks, browns, and whites) for comments they made regarding SLAVERY! Rangel, who was 9 years old when I was born; and Biden who was born when I was 3 years old, are both old enough to KNOW what they're talking about!! Sorry, if that don't fit with the "Politically-Correct Scripts that everyone is playing from these days, There seems to be a script for EVERYONE, since the Blacks got a teeney-weenie taste of Freedom in the 1960s. The black and brown youngsters (anybody below the age of 50) were MIND-F**Ked to a fare-thee-well by our Public Education System and some Churches to believe that the PAST was OVER! A New Day is assumed for blacks, Hispanics, women, some Native-Americans; but NOT for the poor; and non-specific "non-whites"; especially Mexican Immigrants! Everyone admits that RACISM still exists,; at the same time they DENY that ANYONE is Racist! I hope that explains what fuels the Republican attack strategies against the First Black President, (who is supposed to be half-white) while he is constrained to speak for ALL citizens; and cannot FIGHT BACK. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/31/charlie-rangel-on-gop-they-believe-slavery-isnt-ov/
Stupid (young and old) black talking-heads in the MEDIA are most dangerous because they follow scripts that proclaim Racism as a thing of our PAST.
They are simple-minded just enough to think that the Police Dogs and the scenes made popular in ROOTs, and 12 Days A Slave, DEFINED Slavery! Women, Hispanics, the Hnadicapped, and now, GAYs are taking a ride on the backs of black struggles of our generation!
Because they don't focus on the economic root and methods of extracting wealth from others AGAINST THEIR WILL; they are powerless to combat situations like TRAYVON, FERGUSON, or the GUN VIOLENCE, and EBOLA thar are growing as techniques of Coercion today. The LAW was anything white males stated it to be; before the Civil War; and, before Civil Rights in the 1960s; and remains so TODAY!! Only Whites can decide what is LAW, what Laws will be ENFORCED, and what Laws to ignore, or discard!
Sounds like Slavery to me!! What won't you do to keep your Job???
Stay Vigilant! Masks are beginning to slip, as TABOOS against Race, Religion (expecially the Catholic and Jewish Histories) and Poverty are struggling to remain OFF-LIMITS for fair, honest, and frank discussion in the Public Square.
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