Saturday, February 28, 2015

BLACKS:: Why "MONEY (Goes To) MONEY" (mostly to Whites)

Old Sayin', still TRUE!

Question: (for Blacks in the U.S., and all Non-whites):  How many, filthy-rich, (top 1%), Black or Brown Drug Dealers do you know?  How may filthy-rich Bankers do you know?  Wanna bet those white Bankers don't wind up laundering every bit of that Drug Money??  How does this happen?
Money, unlike water (and crap) "runs up-hill"!  It contains a  many-filtered system that defies gravity.

White skin is a primary filter in the system.  That's why virtually every dollar of money that enters a black community on Friday night, is GONE, by Monday morning.  The Black Church snares the last crumb on Sunday morning!  We know what eventually happens to low-level, non-white drug dealers.  That industry has pioneered ways of disposing of the boides that our Capone's could only dream of!

So long as that remains true, Black and Brown people, the world over, will continue to wail and pray in the streets,  and try to melt the hearts of the Crackers who continue their struggle to maintain  control everything.

There is another system for Politics, where CRAP defies gravity!   John Boehner and Netanyahu can't quite get the "hang" of it, though!

They both keep "steppin' on it" and coming up "short"??  Even the blind can now see that Netanyahu has made a decades-long practice of underminig the American People, while benefitting from our Defense Spending, and State Department largesse!  He has progressed to a point where Jews in this country are turning against each other!  Nothing seems to slow Netanyahu down, however.  One could safely predict from the fact that Netanyahu loved Falwell, and that crowd, that he would HATE Obama on sight!

Stay Vigilant!  On this last day of February; the month, each year,  when White Media pretends to care about the quality of the Black  and  Brown Images it projects during the other eleven months, remember;  its the economics, the money, that should be your first focus -- if you REALLY want to get free of the "2/5 TAX" saddled upon us by the Founders of this country!

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