Something "smells"??
Blacks have to do their own Investigative Reporting!! Relying on whites, or others, to do it for them, is not working in their best interests. Take Black Voting, for example. Fifty years after the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Supreme Court killed it, and dared Congress to do anything about it! The Crackers who control the Court knew that this, "Southern-Fried", Congress would not lift a finger to "fix" the problem!
Let's take a look across the Sewer States and see what has happened for Blacks since they got the right to vote, after "Selma". Without looking too closely, it becomes clear that those Blacks living outside the South did much better than those blacks stuck in the old Sewer! Blacks in places like Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, have not fared well at all! Now, North Carolina is falling back into the historic Sewer of racial misery.
South Carolina, long recorded as the epicenter of Right-Wing bonifides for all things racial in Republican politics, produced a strong black Representative in the House, Clyburn; and a "eunuch" in the Senate, carefully selected by white Republicans. It would be interesting to see what "advances" the poorest blacks in that state have gained, after 50 years of "Voting Rights".
Then, there's Mississippi. Nina Simone had them pegged decades ago, it seems! Voting Rights came and went, with almost no change to the plight of blacks in that state. White Mississippians are now claiming credit for the Delta Blues -- and getting that credit --and MONEY!
Finally, consider "Lousy-Weesie", (Louisiana)! Not content to let Giuliani have all the fun of being a bigot at Obama's expense, their amazingly limited Governor (Jindal), cut himself in for part of that!
With Presidential hopes, himself, Jindal, (real name: Piyush; he has assumed the "white" name of "Bobby") appears to be striving for the mantle held by David Duke. Race and Louisiana politics have presented an enigma in U.S. Politics that has produced everything from Katrina to the Gulf Oil Spill.
They propably hold the record for Governors who have been sent to jail.
Stay Vigilant! Who really benefitted from Voting Rights over the past 50 years? I was told recently by a white woman from Texas, that her father still votes the ballots of all blacks who work for him. They have to feed their families, I guess! Both Louisiana and South Carolina have selected "old-world-Indians" for their Governors. Is there some message there?
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