A Contest of "Champions"
I always used to watch the Super-Bowl with the Old Buffalo Soldier! Commissioned in the U.S.Army "Black" Calvary, in 1941, he was a fanatic for Sports (with Black Players). He and I both remembered when Sports were Segregated in this country, and what a Travesty resulted after they were "Integrated". The NFL version of Integration, under autocratic "owners", is reflective of the old Plantation System in our Old South (Sewer Region).
Havig no children of his own; he and his wife adopted and raised a German Brown Baby. He felt like EVERY black player in football, or basketball, or baseball, was his own SON! He knew their life histories, and many stories about their relatives. That was easy in the beginning (after 1948 for baseball, and after 1957 for the rest of the sports). I was later amazed at his ability to "keep up" as the Latin Players came in, and the numbers became so large. He died in his early eighties, a retired Army Colonel. Too bad he didn't live long enough to see Russell Wilson play!
After yesterday, it should be clear to all who are not blind that the SeaHawks are a TEAM (almost like a family) -- the Patriots are not. LUCK reared its ugly head at the very end of Superbowl 2015; punishing Wilson and his Seahawks, and rewarding the bad playing of the Patriot gaggle. Coaching on both sides can be questioned, as I see it. I don't think any of us will live long enough to see back-to-back "flukey" plays like the two that ended yesterday's game.
Following the GAME, I saw the interviews of Mitch and John; followed by the Black Chief of Police for Cleveland, on SIXTY MINUTES. I was already in a sour mood, but those two interviewes really "pissed me off"!! Why do we put up with losers like these three; as our "Leaders"?? Lest anyone doubt it, Black enablers WITHIN the Policing Industry, are as much, or more, to blame for the crap we face in Law Enforcement! White Racists will always flock to "Police" people who don' t look like them, or live among them! The Christopher Commission (in L.A.), told us that putting Blacks on the Force would NOT solve the problem! The Black Chief of Cleveland showed us all what a disgrace he is to HUMANITY! He is far more dangerous to this country, and to non-whites, than Condi and Clarence, combined! He is carefully chosen by whites to "cover" for them. There may be hundreds like him!
John and Mitch (Boehner and McConnell) made it clear that they are entrenched in their Tribal and Racial leanings, learned down South along the Ohio River. They signal that we can expect two more years of "We Hate Obama", and any dirty tricks (Netanyahu??) they can dream up. Too bad we can't be led by Wilson and Brady??
Stay Vigilant! We may learn that Racism in the USA is too deeply entrenched (within ALL of us) to be significantly changed by changing the color of the President. Changing the Gender may be even more disappointing.
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