Sunday, February 15, 2015


It Ain't Just the 2nd Amendment!!

Ah, Senator Graham!! South Carolina, of course!  He was in the Media this morning; banging away at how much the Republicans hate Obama and blame him for anything their pea-brains can concoct!  The Junior Half of the Katzenjammer Twins (with; "ain't-gonna-nevah-change"-McCain), now, claims that we must put unlimited "American" boots on the ground in the Middle East -- to make him "feel better"!

We all know how the Mass, 6th-grade-educated public in the United States "interpret" our 2nd Amendment.  It is mostly responsible for the fact that we propably have more guns than Bibles in the possession of the the "great white un-washed" in our Sewer States.  The European public, judging from Media reporting from Denmark, seems to have a similar problem with our 1st Amendment.  Mindful of the fact that our dominant racial and religious beliefs and practices were brought to the Americas, by boat, from Europe, that should not surprise us.  I was taught, in graduate school in the 1970(s), that our Bill of Rights, if put to a popular vote, would be VOTED DOWN by the average citizen.  I have wtinessed steady corroboration of that study since; here in the U.S.  Now, I'm learning that the average European Cracker may be even worse-off, in their understanding of the U.S. Constitution.

Freedom of Speech, has never meant total freedom for the CONTENT of speech!  There has always been the "Yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater" limitation!  Somehow that's too subtle for the Cracker Mind to grasp; as, also, is the wording by our Founders of our 2nd Amendment.

Stay Vigilant!  I'm sure there's more to learn as this travesty unravels.  How do you spell Dysfunction in U.S. Politics??  R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N!!  They have, thus far, shown that they are INCAPABLE of GOVERNING -- even with Majorities in Both Houses of Congress!!  Are you sure we EVER want another Repoob elected to national office??  Remember, Graham, a retired AF JAG, was a LAWYER in the Military Justice System!  He entered the Air Force the year I retired, so I know the "preparations" that awaited his arrival. 

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