Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The "Blacker" tha' BERRY ...

... tha' "Sweeter" the JUICE!

I can still hear her "cackle", as she spit her tabakky juice, on that sunny mid-day afternoon in Bristow, Oklahoma, in 1965. My children's Great-great-Aunt (on their mother's side) was telling me stories of the days she and her family rolled up in to Oklahoma out of Texas in a covered wagon.  Well into her 90's, she must have travelled by covered wagon with her family after 1870, when Texas was re-admitted to the Union after the Civil War.  Texas fought under the Confederate Flag.

It was the part of the story that told of her several husbands, that the leaned down, (I was sitting on the edge of what would pass as a porch on her "shotgun" house), and in response to my question about the color of her last husband, said: "honey, ain't you heard? ... the "blacker" the berry, the sweeter the juice!"  Light-skinned enough to pass for white like many in her family, she and her brother stayed on the "black side".  Grown tired of her earlier, light-skinned, husbands, she got rid of them.  She finally found joy with a black one --her last one.  I asked if she divorced the last one too, and she said "No, as we got older, we built a wall down the middle of the house -- he had his side, and I had mine."

I often wonder what she would say about the way white America treated their first black President.
I'm sure she would conclude that white folk are beyond hope!  Their hatreds are "to the bone".
Not all of them are as radical as the Republicans, but they still VOTE for the worst among them!
As Justice Ginsburg said in her recent interview, "our legislators don't want the system to work"!!

We should stop wasting our time trying to save the whites from themselves, and concentrate on our behaviors that limit our abilities to survive and prosper.  The technologies today (especially the Internet) provide an "open door" to escape the multi-faceted, institution-driven, racism that plagues our nation today.  The steps taken recently by Little Leagues International against the Jackie Robinson League tells us all we need to know how whites, hiding their racism in "safe deposit" -- locked inside institutions they control; spring forth to teach their kids, our kids, and all kids, about the immutability of race and white control.  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/02/11/little-league-strips-chicago-jackie-robinson-west-championship-team-title/

It ain't about the whites, its really been about US, all along.  We must accept the challenge, in this Black History Month, for self-inspection, evaluation, internal judgement, and self-improvement! That's what we need to do; as we close this sorry chapter of  ugly white response to Obama.  The whole world has been shown what a determined wall of racial animus can do.  The country and the entire world are worse off as a result.  The Republicans have won their  pyric victory!
White Supremacy has struck once again, this time from Little League Baseball.  Public Education, Law Enforcement, and the very Rule of Law, itself, are long-standing victims of this belief-rooted-in-religion! 

Stay Vigilant!  Now that we can't continue lying to ourselves, let's use new tools to build a better world for people of all skin shades.  Whites; Christians; have proven themselves to be incapable of that!  They were non-responsive to wholesale slaughter of their own primary-grade children!

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