The "Harbingers"
When H.L. Mencken wrote about "wireless" a hundred years ago; he was referring to RADIO!
Today, with the Internet, Propaganda T.V. ("FOX" and friends, and CNN; for "Fox"-lite), the MEDIA is the delivery agent of something: for what is being characterized as "WORLD-WAR-THREE-by others means"!!
REMINDER: When I use the term "CRACKER" in these blogs, I refer to those Whites, the world over, who CANNOT, or WILL NOT engage on equal footing with persons who do not look like them!! Hence, the Boehner/Netanyahu "brotherhood" becomes obvious. Jews can be Crackers, Russians can be Crackers ... etc,; its a matter of their choices!! Mitch McConnell, in a six-year campaign raised "Cracker-dom": to a level that would shock and awe the KLAN leadership of old.
In his interview with Fareed Zacharia, aired today, King Hussein of Jordan explained why President Obama is right in his decision NOT to give Muslim Extremists the "gift" of equating their actions with the Muslim Religion. The "Completely-Cracker" Republican Party, of 2015, is having a "hissy-fit" over this!
Why Religions? Whether it's Netanyahu, or Putin, Religion is key to their brand of "Divide and Conquer". Religions contain all of the necessary ingredients for large-scale warfare: Racism, Chauvanism; Jingoism; Nativism; and Patriotism (of the perverted, Political type)!!
Partners; in what could become a crime against humanity; Boehner and Netanyahu are engaging in a ploy to undermine the efforts of the P5+1 This could lead, as Senator Feinstein intimated this morning, to war between Israel and Iran; and, as she asks: "then what"??
Our malignant Media is quick to enter their "let's you and him fight" mode to keep the focus on the White/Right/Repoob tact of "hate Obama"! They do us all, a Dis-service!, by ignoring their obligation to report on the P5+1! A Propaganda Ploy that is is reminiscent of Hearst Newspapers' "Yellow Journalism" that tricked the U. S. Public into War with Cuba; a hundred years back.
Putin, who is "creating" a new "religion" in his version of Netanyahu's game, is learning the perils of believing his own Polls; as he awakes to Thousands of Russians in the streets of Moscow, protesting the murder of Putin's Political Opposition.
Stay Vigilant! We must all hope the U.S. Public awakens from their deadly "sleep"; induced by our Propaganda MEDIA! "W" Spoiled Israel; when he abandoned his post and became "shotgun back-up" to Sharon in the chase after Arafat!! Obama refuses to sink that low!
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