U.S. Citizens May Come to Regret NOT VOTING in 2014!
In his book, Profit With Honor, The New Stage of Market Capitalism, (2006), Daniel Yankelovich bemoans the departure of ethics from Corporate Businesses.
Enlightened self-interest , practiced widely by Corporations during the first 50 years of my lifetime, DIED in 1989; with the rise to power of the MONEY and FINANCE Boys! Yankelovich says an UN-enlightened self-interest arose to replace it. Win/win, was replaced with win/lose! He cites Enron, and the entire gaggle of activities undertaken, when our politicians on the Right "ran-amuck" in their new-found, de-regulated ,world!! Ironic; that the book was published two years before that bunch "exploded" our Global Economy.
Enlightened self-interest , practiced widely by Corporations during the first 50 years of my lifetime, DIED in 1989; with the rise to power of the MONEY and FINANCE Boys! Yankelovich says an UN-enlightened self-interest arose to replace it. Win/win, was replaced with win/lose! He cites Enron, and the entire gaggle of activities undertaken, when our politicians on the Right "ran-amuck" in their new-found, de-regulated ,world!! Ironic; that the book was published two years before that bunch "exploded" our Global Economy.
Losing office in large numbers, those politicians that brought on such horror, consistently, for six years, undermined the President who was elected to "fix" their mess. The fact that the new President was also the first Black President, made it easy for them. In so doing, they moved the unenlighted self-interest principle, openly, to their politics. Winning the Senate in a No-Show-Election in 2014, we now have a Congress controlled by a racial-based entourage that is more Loyal to its Political Base, than it is to our Nation! Is this a re-run of our Civil War?? It's the same Sewer State Players!
This cancerous spread of unenlightened self-interest is weakening Governments all over the planet! A new form of fighting WARs is emerging from the incorporation of this principle. The be-headings and most recent burning-alive of hostages are committed by metastasizing groups (the names change monthly, it seems) who are in possession of enough MONEY and modern IT Technology to grow; in spite of the best efforts of traditional war-fighting means to stop it. It may be that our SAFETY on this planet, is more important than our MONEY; and, will depend on achieving an effective GLOBAL POLICE-FORCE! With heads of state like Putin and Netanyahu employing the new unenlightened self-interest principle to gain territory and strike Terror; it may be more difficult, today, to form an effective world-coalition to confront this newEvil, than it was for Churchill and Roosevelt found it to be, around the time I wa born.
The unlightened sefl-interest has invaded Policing in the United States. 800 years after the Magna Carta proclaimed no man to be above the Law, Crooked Lawyers and Politicians have managed to placate their racial base, by placing Murdering Policemen, and killers of black youth, ABOVE the Law! On hundred years after Birth of a Nation, Jim Crow returns in full force!
MEDIA is focusing, foolishly, on the day-to-day antics of Republicans in Congress, who are led by former Senator DeMint, from South Carolina, and the Heritage Foundation. The Repoobs seem to be playing a long game, targeted to whomever the Democrats choose to follow Obama.
Stay Vigilant! We're living in a time of Business, War, and Politics, With DISHONOR! Save Your Country! NO REPUBLICAN should be elected in 2016!! Ballots before Bullets!
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