Time for ADVERTISERS to "Get a Grip"
Okay! We "get-it"! In the last century, when Whites thought they would "always rule"; before Tom Delay had to "gerrymander whites" in grotesque ways; and, white politicians could even pretend that non-whites had a "fair chance" of Representation through the Ballot Box (after 1965); it made sense that all ADVERTISING would be directed to WHITES! But, in 2015, when even the dullest of white politicians know that Whites are losing the "Numbers" to rule fairly; the past six years have shown us that the REPUBLICANs "Get-It" -- They know that All Politics, for them, is both LOCAL and WHITE!!
ADVERTISERS are STILL "discriminating" the old-fashioned way, however! Whether its a TV Ad, where blacks are "made fun of" to entertain whites (the Stupid Black "Jock" dancing in the supermarket for "Cold-Cuts"), or just about any other topic or thrust; that industry is still producing "messages" that are "about-whites, for-whites, and to-whites"!! At a time when our entire domestic economy depends on "Advertising"; you might think that industry would "get a grip"; and realize that they're pitching to the "shrinking" audience -- not the "growing" audience??
Obviously, they still think we're too stupid to notice! Granted, the younger, "integrated" generation, ALL see themselves as "white" regardless of their skin tone, but they don't HAVE THE MONEY the advertisers seek! The rest of us (Who DO have money), just get more and more "pissed"!! When the time comes that we realize we don't have to "accept, or comply" with this; it may be TOO LATE for those companies who still prefer to speak to "whites-only"! New ways of reaching non-whites with MONEY have to be found!!
You might protest that you see more "Non-whites" in advertising (and in television shows); but a closer look will reveal that they are not relevant to the plot -- they're simply "contrast", or "spots on the wall"!!
Advertising had better stop taking us for granted?? Dont'cha THINK??
Stay Vigilant! Old Dogs; New Tricks! or, New Dogs; Old Tricks! ?? This doesn't seem like a smart way to produce "revenue" from a population that is rapidly turning NON-WHITE!!
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