Saturday, February 14, 2015


Will Our HISTORY "Destroy" Us??

No one "in their right mind" would consider the Chapel Hill Murderer of the three young Muslims
in North Carolina to be working for ISIS!  Yet, as more mature heads among our elected leaders remind us (and the MEDIA muffles their message); our violent reactions to them "plays into their hands"!  Those of  us who remember 9/11, also remember Bin Laden's Message; stating that their attack was designed to weaken us so we would colllapse from within!  So far, Ferguson, NYPPD, and now, Chapel Hill, N.C. are proving that expectation to be correct!

As news from Denmark wafts in today, there seems to be, yet another, provocation by Muslim Extremists, that keeps "Charley" alive in Paris.  The forces that drive our actions and reactions are drawn from our separate past teachings and leanings.  So far, those have NOT proven to be noble, nor mature! As a result, there is a widespread feeling that the "bad guys" are "winning"!  This is a MEDIA-based conflict, and the "winner" will probably be the side that uses the MEDIA best.

Then, there's Citizens United!!   Since we were inflicted with this ruling by our Supreme Court in 2010; MONEY has shifted its very definition; in a direction that immensely enhances POWER!
SCOTUS Ruling MAJORITY:  Scalia, Thomas (not Part IV), Roberts,  Alito, Ginsburg, Breyer, Kennedy, Sotomayor (Part IV only),  Stevens,   ALL Concurred; at least in part.   Thomas dissented to Part IV, and Sotomayor concurred,only with Part IV!  EVERYONE can, by now, see negative effects from that ruling.

The power of money, the power of those who have money, how money is being spent, and the changing definition of money; ALL have come under intense scrutiny since 2010.  Those tradionalists who relied only on firepower, before 2010; shifted to firepower and money.  Those who relied solely on money, now add: religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, and determination to defeat the will to resist.  They modify their calculations; as they continue to expand their grab for Power.  Money, clearly has changed its "value" in the mix; and, may have determined a final outcome to be one of MONEY overall.!!  Without doubt, there will be little or NO CHANCE to acquire POWER without HUGE SUMS of MONEY!!

This post-2010 trend is operating on a Global Scale; AND a Local Scale; simultaneously, as money flows in huge sums from "mysterious" sources!  Those who relied on Rule of Law must accept defeat, as Law is "bought and sold" on multiple levels, both domestically and internationally.  We cannot be sure whose payroll our elected  Leaders are on!  DEMOCRACY may have been dealt its death-knell.  In the meantime, RELIGIONS assume greater prominence in the Power Equation.

Stay Vigilant!  These are scary times.  Nothing blindly believed before 2010 can re relied upon as we proceed through the 21st Century.

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