Sunday, February 22, 2015

RACE; and the (old/NEW) COLD WAR ??

While We "Laugh" ...

Take a little time off from your various "entertainments" and look around you.  Governor Kasich of Ohio, sounding almost "sane", was on the T.V., chiding Jeb, and the other Hard Right Nuts banging away at 2016, to "knock-it-off"!!  This past week shows how deeply ingrained "Giulianism" has become in what few brains Hard Right Republicans have.  If you listen "really closely" to what Kasich said, and didn't say, there's a bit of hope that some kind of "rational" white Party might arise on the Right that can GOVERN??  The situation is hopeless, with Mitch and Boehner!  Boehner is heading down a "Rabbit Hole, with Netanyahu!

Remember, during the COLD WAR, both Russia and the U.S.(and its Allies) spent inordinate sums propagandizing 3rd World Non-whites to join to their  Sphere of Influence.  Somalia, and the Horn of Africa was a particularly "hot" area of contest.  It totally destroyed the bit of government there.  What grew in that place after the Wall Fell, was 3rd World Piracy, committed against 1st World Shipping.
That has since grown into Boko Horam.  Every Western initiative has turned malignant and grown beyond its control.

J. Edgar Hoover saw every non-white political leader as a "Communist".  The Sit-In Students were considered to be "Communists", as I remember.  With that part of the old COLD WAR "won" by Mad Ronnie; we're now in some new space that is scaring Crap out of all Western Governments and populations.  The operative word among the Rabid Right today is "Socialism".  Today's global equivalent to the Sit-In kids of the 1950s and 60s, are non-white youth, the world over, who are without Jobs, but NOT without EDUCATION.  Post-Cold-War Capitalism has failed, throughout the world, to create jobs.  Kids outside the U.S.,; much more adept at using Social Media for their own purposes that the silly, narcissistic kids here, are explosively connecting and forming new organizations; some are shockingly violent.

President Obama "Get's It" and is doing what he can! (given the hobbling effect the Republicans have on all aspects of government in this country; STATE and FEDERAL!).   Kasich is right: these A-holes among the Republicans had better find some way to GOVERN!!

Stay Vigilant!  I guess racism and White Supremacy have some sweet or addictive taste for Whites!
Why else would "Giulianism" persist among them?  Their Racist Institutions; built over the past decades, are now running on auto-pilot.

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