Sunday, February 8, 2015


If YOU can't SEE You; then ,YOU Don't EXIST??
If you don't EXIST, you can't SURVIVE!
If you don't think that SEEING yourself in MEDIA is important; then you don't care if there is a new Cold War with Russia brewing, or, that white people with MONEY are pushing-aside anybody who gets in their way!  The "National Networks", and popular Cable Channels  cater "primarily" to their public!

Driven by ratings, TV and Cable channels will do just about ANYTHHING to get the best "numbers".  The current row over Brian Williams, shows that we have to be skeptical about EVERYTHING MEDIA does.  "Truth" disappeared from "News" when Nixon/Kissinger left leading Government.  To Gossip, we now have to add "backbiting" "jealousy" and "trash-talk about peers"
as common ingredients mixed with what is shoved at us by the networks as "News".  Nobody in that industry is unaffected by the garbage that only becomes more egrigious with time!
ALJazeera-America, is the only Channel that seems to readily cross color lines in their coverage of News Events.  This week, they're doing a special report on the Gullah Culture in the Sea Islands that dot our Eastern Coastline.

It is critical for ALL people who wish to be viable participants in our national economy to seek accurate reflection of themselves and their communities in MEDIA.  Money will flow in the direction of those whom MEDIA reflects best -- for jobs, for your ability to keep your house, your community's growth, your safety, and your General Welfare (as called for in our Constiuttion).  Media is overwhelmingly our prime  purveyor of hatred, suspicion, prejudices, and general confusion.  Approximately three-quarters of the world's population is mostly absent from or world view, insofar; as their Health, and Wealth are concerned.  EXCEPT for the cancerous growth of FOUNDATIONS begging for MONEY in their name.   White Media concentrates on those subjects of interest only to White and Rich people.  MEDIA is also the prime force against  the Integration and Pluralism that they all say we need.

Stay Vigilant!  The Hard Right, at home and abroad, is interested in War and Confusion mixed with Hatred and Suspicion .  This the method employed by the likes of Putin and Netanyahu as they grab territory that does not belong to them.  Media provides the megaphone by which they constantly attack and denigrate our President, and gain political power.  Ask Jeb Bush, where he "stands" on Guns (stand-your-ground); Immigration: and Infrastructure!
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