O, Say, Can You See??
President Obama proclaims; "That's Not Who We Are!". The voting statistics for 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014, show a mixed, highly disturbing, and contradictory(?) "picture" of the American People (U.S., riding its Hubris Horse) . The "American People" (CRACKER-Americans version of "their" whites) may be precisely the PROBLEM! This mixture of Red-necks, Fascists, Southern Racists, California Aerospace Workers, and all-round "rabble", invided our House of Representatives, led by Newt Gengrich of Georgia, in 1994. Over the intervening two decades it has grown to a segment of our population that is within inches of taking over our Government. It is a cancer that invaded the Republican Party and has destroyed its "Host" by systematically ridding the Party of every educated, fair-minded, or, in any way, "circumspect" Member.
This Residue, led by Boehner (the butt-plug of the monster) and McConnell, who just demonstrated their ability to convince two-thirds of our electorate to not bother voting; thereby opening the door
for some even more radical slime to slither into office. They will "own" our Congress within a few weeks. We can expect more Nixons and Fergusons, more Trayvons and O'Maras, more Browns and McColloughs, and more Garners and Donovans. They've managed to "flip" THE LAW (and our Constitution) on it head; turning it into a tool for Fascism. With the help of Daddy Bush (1991), and their long-running campaign in the Senate Judiciary Committee to stack "Justice" against Black and Brown marginalized citizens, they have also produced a Prison Industry that would make DeTocqueville "take notice". NBC "entertains" the nation with "content" aired from our nation's jails.
Stay Vigilant! Now we can see why Repoobs "dare not recognize" TORTURE??
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