Monday, December 8, 2014

"ROYALTY goes to HARLEM" What's the "Message"??

EXTREME "Social Distance" (??)
In whose EYES?

I'm sure the Royal Trip has been planned for some time, but the TIMING, and the places selected to visit, are ripe for comment.  Somehow, ... if it were "Diana" ... (?)

But why confuse black children in Harlem with this "tradition" of  "royal-worship"??  Some white folk love it; but the most fundamental right of citizens of the United States, is a right NOT to be compelled to bow to ANY "Superiors".  Racist Crackers from our Old South still can't let go of their "demand" that non-whites should "OBEY" them.  That explains the stance of the Republicans toward President Obama; and the mind-set expressed by Darren Wilson, the Cop who slaughtered Michael Brown.

It is well within the tradition of race relations, beginning with Native American Policies of U.S. Administrations since our Founding, to inflict confusion on non-white children; without the permission of their parents, or their ability to do anything about it.  Meanwhile, we continue to wonder why white racism springs anew with each genration in this country.  "Unobtanium" is the
LAST thing non-white children should have set before them without a cogent EXPLANATION! 

To be fair to these children, a complete program, documented, and administered during the rest of their lives ; in such a manner that we can be sure they "got it"; should be made available to them.  It should  make sure, they did NOT suffer losses to their self-esteem from visits like this.  We wonder why people like Condi Rice grow up worshipping all things European, while thinking less of people who look like her.  Same for "Clarence -on -the -Court!  People,  like "41",  know the power of placing people "raised" in their way, in strategic places; to insure that the old Racial Patterns are preserved.  That also may partly explanain why whites in this country grow up; generation-to-generation, thinking the relationships between whites and non-whites are "natural"??  Religious Teachings  are the source of the rest of the "confusion".

An explanation might help us all understand the hoped-for outcome from exposing black and brown children to such a visit -- especially, at a time, when the entire country is suffering from the most serious attack on our Constitution we have witnessed in our history.

Three persons, all of them non-WASPS, have succeeded in permanently circumvening our Constitutional Guarentees of Equal Protection of Law.  Our WASP Founders went to great lengths to EXCLUDE their forebears from inclusion;  leading to more than a century of gruesome suffering and death for persons of color.  Without widespread legal changes, the circumstances that we saw play out in Ferguson, MO., and New York's Staten Island Bourough will bring about the end of Constitutional Government under a Bill of Rights, while ushering in TOTALITARIANISM!

Stay Vigilant!  We can't keep doing the same old things, the same old ways, and EXPECT CHANGE that advances Freedom and Democracy!

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All Rights Reservided:  Williams LLC

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