George "W" said on the Sunday "Talks" today, that he had dinner with "Condi" last night. He was on T.V. to "discuss" our racial mess, his brother, Jeb, and his new book about "41". Let's not forget: "Condi" was amazingly "unconcerned with Katrina" and its Black victims??
Let's also not forget: "W" tasked Dick Cheney, in 2000, to find a candidate for Vice-President of the United States. It "appears" Cheney ran out and found a MIRROR! We all know the horrors that followed in the wake of that!
Obama, and many Presidents to follow him, will be "mucking-out" from the immense damages Cheney's fingerprints are attached to. Its hard to prioritize the damage, from secret Energy Policy, to the destruction of our Intelligence Apparatus, to the corruption of our Military Forces, and Abu-Ghraib,; Cheney was either in the middle, or, pulling "strings".through surrogates,
Rather than just complain, we could all keep a SCUMBAG, into which we place the most prominent "Cheney-leavings" who, and what still plagues our Nation, today. The top of my list would be ISIS, and those who bang the drums to "militarize" our response with U.S."BOOTS". No Cheney, No ISIS -- its really that simple once it is examined closely! It really is a sad, sick, politician who chooses to advance his or her career in the ISIS cess pool; Just about all of them are Repoobs!.
Somewhere, some-day, we may be able to sort out what REALLY happened in 9/11; and who contributed what to the outcomes we all witnessed. The opening of our Closed Airways to allow the Bin Laden Family to exit this country, was never fully explained to public satisfaction. The secrecy surrounding this question may last for some time.
The "spin-offs" and consequences to the Events of 2000-2008; both foreign and domestic, (don't forget the destruction of our Economy in 2008); are "streaming" ahead, however.
My version of a national "SCUM"- bag, will be named for CHENEY! Maybe there can be a WALL somewhere in Social Media where we can share our choices for candidates? A cogent, written, statement that lists the events connected with your choices for candidates,; should be a minimal requirement.
Stay Vigilant! Light a light against the darkness -- maybe a bonfire?? A palliative for our national mood?
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