Friday, December 5, 2014

"BLACKS n' BROWNS" ; and GREEN! (??)

Wanna Be RESPECTED? (World-Wide)??

First! Learn to RESPECT Yourself, in everything you DO -- not just what you SAY!  Then, Learn what people in other cultures, around the world respect, in OTHERS!  Learn that the EUROPEANS have been masterful, for tens of centuries, in manipulating this issue through Religion, the Lash, Economic Hardship, Lackey-Leaders who operate on Bribes,, Controlling non-white EDUCATION (the list grown longer).  The hands of the U.S. State Department are not, and never have been "clean" in this regard!

The current outrage in our streets, concern the rash (growing epidemic) of racial killings by POLICE.
Have we forgotten already that CRACKERS had Martin King killed?? (Ties to J-Edgar and the FBI have been established).  Crackers are just "uppin' their GAME, now, following their success at Denigrating Obama through MEDIA Propaganda, and regional political activities  They scared spineless whites into not-Voting in 2014!.  Make no mistake: the Republican Party has been working hard since 1973 to become the CRACKER Party.  It has succeeded!  What we have today is a blend of the KNOW-NOTHING PARTY and the KLAN.
Jeb Bush is taking a "Trial Outing" to see how well those Planks "will hold"; in 2016.  Prepare for their Slime Campaigns to switch from Obama to Hillary!

Ask yourself, along with your morning prayers:  "why is it that the Whole World has been taught to hate Blacks??"  Chalk it up to the persistence of centuries of Christian Teachings among European Immigrants to the Americas, and the historic roles of European class structure.  Close study of Chinese culture will reveal the ASIAN versions of this.

For the twenty-first Century, and the Hegemony of Insanely Wealthy U.S. Crackers within the world economy; Blacks and Browns, along with what few TRUE ALLIES they can find among others, will  have to take and hold the lead in their opposition!!  This time- PROTEST has to bite; and go well beyond OCCUPY.  ENVIRONMENTALISTS  must realize that they have a "Dog" in this fight also.
By the time CRACKERS succeed in exterminating or enslaving the world's non-white, there WILL BE NO PLANET LEFT TO SAVE!!  The ENEMY ot Mankind has been consistent on both!
The Conqustador, the Conqueror, the Master of Lesser Races, collectively, is the ENEMY.

GREEN: (wealth) is the only effective antidote.  CRACKERS will readily devour each other to be the Monopolistic "Winner" that Controls the Universe!  Little People think, mistakenly, that it takes Big Money to defeat THE MONEY BOYS.  Not so!  Capitalists learned long ago that small amounts, in the hands of large numbers of people represent, collectively, more wealth than any man or race can hold or control.  It just has to be properly focused.  Instead of allowing your Religious Leaders to bleed off your lesser wealth, and control your minds, YOU must stay in control.  Do all you can to deny economic success to any CRACKER or CRACKER sympathizer.  

Neither; ALL WHITES ARE  CRACKERS; nor, ALL CRACKERS,  WHITE -- but, all of their sympathizers serve CRACKER interests -- to their own downfall!  Train your eyes and your minds to ferret out the CRACKERS who don't "out" themselves, like Limbaugh and Cruz (sympathizer?, or "Hitler"-wannabe?  Most prominent among CRACKER sympathizer are Old-World Indians, who wrote the book on Class, Caste, Color, and Race.  Look what two of them have done to the states of Louisiana and South Carolina.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't let this round fail like all of those before.  The consistent , and persistent prevail!!  What do they have say to make you lose your focus; or, kill next, to make you get it back?  Two D.A.' s have shown, conclusively, that they have MASTERED DENIABILITY through their application of Grand Juries; rendering our Justice system moot!.  O'Mara showed them how to do it in a regular JURY.

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