The "Dis-Believers" ??
Whether its the foul-mouthed Lynch of New York's "Finest", or JEB, who bequeathed us "Stand Your Ground" (for white males); its perfectly clear, after the past six years, that those who recently led us, and want desperately to do so again, DON'T BELIEVE in Democracy, as designed for us by those who gave us our Constitution. They clearly don't want those of us who are not white to HAVE A VOICE, or, any CHOICE(s). JEB thinks he can ride to glory on that horse, yet again, in 2016!
If he's right, then there are clearly more EVIL whites, than there are GOOD whites! With all of the powers attendent to the Presidency of the United States, the EVIL Ones, with a dedicated campaign that began BEFORE Obama had a chance to DO anything, decided he should be Destroyed. They have prevailed to the point of capturing the nation's Purse and its Legislative Heights.
Rogue Cops, through their Unions, have organized nationally, to Oppress the People, denying them CHOICE in exchange for their "Safety". Those whose love loved-ones have died because of Rogue Cops don't feel safe!! The Good Cops, trapped inside the rotten system also die, because their voices are silenced. The Christopher Commission of the 1980s told us that -- and we paid no attention.
It is at least curious, why the proeponderance of white folk think they won't ever be Victims of these Bullies. Their favorite: "Sit-Down-And-Shut-Up-Christie" !! Governor Cuomo seems content to leave DiBlasio "hanging out to dry". Governors around the country are busy spreading poverty and racial hatred in the RED States. The economically-viable regions are led by CITIES, and their enlightened Mayors, who see the value of Education, Internet and Air-Travel Access, and Equality of Treatment for ALL, backed by Shared Interests!! Our Current Cops can't understand that! They make WAR on their MAYORS.
Meanwhile, the World is Watching; they can see the "Color-Line" between Good and Evil in the United States and throughout the rest of our Planet. The "kindler-'gentler' Opression" that we have pawned off as Reform in our past, won't SELL this time. Non-whites are breaking the CODE of white double-speak! The entire planet, beginning the the Middle East, is moving to create an entirely New FACE! Many who have never been seen or heard, will be. Even Pope Too won't be able to keep the "lid" on the massive corruption, misery, hatred, and greed that has grown in the wake of the Conquistadors.
Stay Vigilant! Some whites are "gettin' on board" the movement toward a different, much mor equal, and "JUST" future. Too many non-whites are cynically playing th OLD PLANTATION game of "suckin'up" to whomever appears to be the "Massa" of the day.
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