Monday, December 1, 2014

Shall We RESCUE the HONEST COP ... While We're At It?

Cleansing Corruption Could Have "Miraculous" Impact!
(It could even reach the Belt-way??)

 In the Mid-80's, I had the distinct Displeasure of living, for four years, under the tyranny of  Gate's LAPD.  We all got to see, later, the "corrupt innards" of that Department.  It served a "Black Mayor" for Pete's Sake!!

Blacks and Hispanics, rich and poor,  suffered daily under them.   There are stories of what Miles Davis had to do to lessen their harrassment!   After Rodney King's beating, and before "O.J."'s Trial, we got the Christopher Commission's Investigation and Recommendations. 

I have established residence in nine of these United States (some more than once), and in NONE did I find widespread among the citizenry, a lack of tolerance for Corruption among police forces!  Just about everywhere, the police reflected the dominant white community and contrasted the "communities" they were assigned to "protect".  We all witnessed the "Gang Culture" and the "us-versus-them" stance taken by the Police on the streets in Ferguson, MO.  This pulling together to "protect" their "Own" is visible among Departments, large and small, Sheriff's Organizations in the Rural Areas, and State Police Forces.  So much for "Law Enforcement",  and "Public Safety"; they fall further down their list of "To-Do's", it seems.  "Whuppin' Heads of the Poor, and Non-white (especially males, from the age of 9 and up) is their claim to fame, and what earns them the continued support of White America.

There is an oddity, found in these organizations, however:  Minority Recruits that could not or would not "fall in line" with the dominant culture; were forced out!
The most pitiful cases, however, are those of the "Honest Cops" -- the cops who really believe the Recruiting Slogans.  If he sees corruption, he has to shut-up, or quietly leave.  Internal Affairs Units within Police Forces are notorious for quietly supporting the dominant culture; "snitches" are "dealt with".  GOOD COPS KNOW WHO THE BAD COPS are --- but they can't DO much about it!  THEY CAN'T "CALL A COP"!!  Corruption goes "up the line".  As we saw in the Ferguson Caper, Officials from the local Police Office to the State-House "Cooperated" in bringing about the 'bastardized" legal proceedings we were handed.  The long history, explained to me by my Grandfather of Police Forces in the United States -- from their roots in Ethnic Gangs in the big cities of the Northeast -- is still resonant today. 

Stay Vigilant!  Who Knows, a little bit of cleaning up, might catch on!  We should at least find a way for good cops to help in the matter; without risking their careers and their lives!

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