Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Scarboro UN-Fair"?? ... Joe's "Mourn" turns to RAGE??


I awoke this morning to "Mourning Joe" screaming in Rage at his audience, and at video images of Black Congress-persons with hands-up in the "don't-shoot" position.  Screaming "LIES", "LIES"!; Joe has evidently "swallowed-whole" the bucket of crap McCollough dished out as "Legal" Findings of the Grand Jury in Ferguson.  Poor Joe, what's a Media-shill for Cracker-America to do?  Not only are they mourning the loss of past privilege, and  comfort -of -numbers, through lower white birth rates (like the Israelis, I might add), they are losing the blind allegiance of those whites who "go along" with the race-baiting of the Republicans.  Joe is trying to "brow-beat" his viewing audience the way he does those weak Blacks he has on, who shuffle before him and his white audience.  I've not seen one, yet, that will tell Joe, he is "full of it"!!

Joe also Raged at the weaknesses of the NFL; for their lack in  "disciplining"  its Black Players.  Joe and his Cracker-Backers should realize that mature adults "Diccipline" CHILDREN!  They CONVICT mature adults; for infractions!  That's why we call those who are in jail, "Convicts"; (fewer of whom are WHITE) -- as times goes on.  Black athletes, and other "entertainers" continuously crawl before Crackers for their money; but the rest of us, don't have to!  As the Internet increasingly gains PROPER use by people, who are not-white, they may find ways to form Networks for TRADE that don't  provide profit for abusing Crackers.

Not all non-whites are "there" yet, but so long as the Internet is kept open to all, they may eventually work themselves free of their entrapment by "Conservative" Whites who have only brought them struggle, pain, harm, confusion, conflict, and Death; while falsely offering a "BETTER LIFE"!

Stay Vigilant!  There are several  kinds of "Kool-aid";  in many flavors, and with many features, in the MEDIA.  Smart "Buyers" will find success and reward; as the Fools continue to suffer shame, loss of privacy, and denigration.  The NFL now feels "empowered" to invade PARENTING relationships within Black Families; while claiming to impart their "Superior" Wisdom.  They have no respect, no shame, and know no limits!  They don't realize that many "successful" whites of today would not be here, if Black Women did not Parent their ancestors!   P.S.  It's "about -time" the Black Caucus realized they had a "Constituency"!!

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