Thursday, December 4, 2014

A "More Perfect" UNION?? "Oh-Really"??

What happeded to the PERFECT One??

I've been here, for going-on-76 years -- how did I miss it?  It CLEARLY did NOT occur before 1939.
Why are politicians putting out such CRAP?  Maybe the Republicans thought we had the PERFECT Union, when they were "race-trashin"  Obama??  Gimme a Break!!  No wonder our kids will fall for just about ANYTHING!  Even that Garbage at FOX did not "buy" Donovan's CRAP!  Seems like the Gangs of New York are alive and well today; masquerading as a Police Force??

Let's face it!  There is a clear neo-Fascist element operating within the nation's police forces -- to include the Sheriff's Forces in our Rural Regions.  They've invaded Police Unions, obviously.  (Don't forget Bundy's Bunch in Nevada).  Did the Guv'na of Wisconsin (Walker) try to BUST Police Unions?  Why NOT? 

The Germans found catastrophy resulted from their tolerance of FASCISM!  What we saw on the face of  Killer-Cop Wilson, in his television interview after he slaughtered Michael Brown, may be as close to the amoral/immoral specimen as we'll  ever see or hear, in the open.  The D.A.(s) have the luxury of SECRECY, in which  to hide, both, actions and sentiments.  When INTENT can be so easily hidden, it becomes IMPOSSIBLE to ascertain, much less prove!

What would a MORE PERFECT Union bring?  How do we get there?   Rip out everything; root and branch! -- beginning with the Republican Party that was transformed by NIXON in the 1970s.  Eisenhower saw disturbing glimpses of the TRUE Nixon in the 50's.

Whites, who control ALL of our MEDIA, and write the dominant narratives on RACE; are fiddling with phrases like "Tone Deaf".  Deafness does not KILL!  Evil Intent does!!  Do the Think Tanks that produce ideas like Citizen's United, "Faith-based Politics", Race-based Political Campaigns, and ALEC; also back what is clearly a national effort to corrupt our Judicial System with Race-based Practices?  Who funds it?  Are they linked to Corporations?  Which Ones?  Can we shut down their money sources?  These are certain to be the questions that must be answered, to reach a MORE PERFECT Union!

Stay Vigilant!  We may even achieve a form of  Democratic Republic that WORKS across color lines.  We might even get a FUNCTIONAL Congress again.  We will probably  have to BAN the Republican Party and Gerrymandering, though!!

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