A Road to the Future??
The Last Question posed to President Obama this morning, in hs last Press Congress before he set off for his his "Mele Kalikimaka" (he it wished that for us ALL); was one about the status of Blacks in this Country today. I thought his answer was exactly correct, and could be seen as properly "sensitive" ; by the good people (those you agree with) and, not so much by the bad people (those you don't).
For Blacks, in particular, I would like to underscore what I heard implied in his response: It's Time for us to Quit B*tchin' .. and Get to WORK! Progress cited by the President included work on Policing across this country: (to make it more-cooperative with the communities policed), and concrete steps to improve the rate of graduation for black and brown students. Those are legitimate government functions. Now, the Communities expressing grievances have to step up and show they can function like a community!
Babies still come from mommies and daddies, in families (of some sort), that are located within communities (of some sort). Too many babies grow into individuals alienated from their birth parents and, from anything than might resemble a "community". That wasn't always the case for Blacks (Then, Negros) in this nation! The disintegration of Black Communities began after the "break-throughs" of the 1960s. That's not the way it was supposed to happen. The yearning for "personal" advancement among pent-up individuals, seemed to cause them to "rush forward"; trampling all that came before.
Now, here we are in 2014. The Global World might not yet have arrived for many, but, as Tom Friedman told Charlie Rose, "Local" is gone! No matter your color, age, or gender, you have to define clearly for yourself who you are, who your family is, and who comprises your "Community"! Lacking this, the rest of the "Conversation" we're having makes no sense. It is pure idiocy to leave that task to anyone else! For those Blacks and Browns plunging "head-long" toward "Integration"; these past six years, and the treatment of the first Black President, should make clear to you that SOMETHING ain't happenin' the way you're dreamin' it ought to! A great deal of Catastrophe and dysfunction is created as a result??
What to do? PICK UP THE PIECES! Everybody's got to EAT! The entire world knows and thrives on the culinary gifts bestowed on it by slave women in the Americas over the past 500 years! We're in a time period when young people of all colors and classes are handicapped when it comes to feeding themselves. Many don't know how to BOIL WATER. They think all food comes from the Supermarket! They have no idea what they're putting into their stomachs and what in Hell they have to do to fix the problem! Restaurants might benefit, but the rest of the world suffers as a result.
For Blacks wh fit this description, look to your relatives (your grandmothers, especially) and learn the basics of survival, before its too late! What am I talkin'?? -- SOUL FOOD! Not the collard greens and pig feet that have become standard fare -- I'm talking about the potato cakes I had with my breakfast this morning. You should know how to make them! There are thousands of recipes and cooking tricks just waiting to be learned. They might restore your definition of self; and, miraculously, restore you to a "Community".
When my son was 11 years old, I dropped in on his Middle School classroom and sat in the back to observe. I sprang to life when I heard the white female teacher tell the children in the class that "slavery was the best thing that could have happened for Blacks". I stopped the class, chewed her out, telling het that was an aswful lie to to tell to anybody's children!. I removed my child from that public school and placed him in private school. That B*tch was one of a legion of women, all colors and faiths who "educated" our children in "integrated" settings. It was the System's way of "Backlash" against Black America. At that time, it was unheard of for black male children to gun each other down in the streest of this country. We still do not know the role "Integrated Education" played in bringing this phenomenon into being.
Stay Vigilant! Have a very Merry "Soul Food" Christmas. Search; I'll bet you can find someone to relate to!
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