Sunday, December 28, 2014

De-Tocqueville "Meets" NAT TURNER ??

What "History" TEACH(es) ??

DeTocqueville's visit to  the newly-born United States of America was approved in 1831:  the SAME YEAR of the Nat Turner "Rebellion".  If every citizen of this nation with at least "one-drop" of African blood remaining, took care to read about Nat; and study DeTocqueville's  findings: from his Tour (to examine our Prisons), they would understand more clearly the  "significance" of the immense gathering of (mostly-white) COPS in N.Y. City, yesterday.  I think that no event -- not even our Civil War -- has had a greater impact on the mind-set of white citizens of this country.  Our "education" system can be credited with creating our current "Mind-set".  A  mind-set, that has driven Government Policy at both the State and Federal Level, since 1831.  No "Black" American should fail to read DeTocqueville's findings relevant to both, the status, and future prospects for  the Native American and the Black American.  We will all see how his findings are precisely relevant to the killings of black youth in our streets today.  The Hispanic, or Latin- Americans are a unique product of  racial-blending in the Americas.  Spaniards used a three-color race wheel, and the English used only two of those colors.  The Papacy is responsible for both instituting color racism , and for keeping it alive

Nat's "Rebellion" took place in the Sewer Region of the United States, 40 years after Toussaint L'Overture led his successful slave rebellion in Haiti.  Toussaint soundly DEFEATED Napoleon in the process.  The French later captured him and got their revenge.  Some might feel that French revenge echoes in Haiti til this day!

What leaps, for us,  from the pages of History?  The deep-seated belief by Sewer-Region-Whites that blacks were "incapable" of killing their tormentors; for starters.  Harriet Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin to refute the conclusion that Nat was "capable" of doing what the whites killed him for.

 In the 20th Century, the U.S. Army commissioned a study by a group of General Officers (it included Eisenhower, I'm told); to PROVE that black males were incapable of being effective soldiers in combat.  They were still convinced of that in the early 1960s, when I entered active duty.  Close scrutiny of racial strife within the Military, from 1947 through through 1973, bears that out.  This period also covers the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.  Involvement in these acts by our F.B.I. have been published.

As we emerge from the sorry and tragic performance of too many politicians of the Republican persuasion, and their careful "gerry-rigging" of the electoral structure for this country, since 1990; we' understand how the events of 2014 will make it extremely difficult for those citizens who still believe in our Constitutional Democracy, as they face the national election of 2016.  The Extreme Right has a "LOCK" on the  electoral "System" in the RED States.  A dark period looms, in which fearful, ignorant, "whites" are positioned to "run things"!

Stay Vigilant!  It appears the Repoobs have clearly understood the historic base for WHITE FEAR, far better than the "Progressives" , the "Democrats", and the "Liberals".  Regaining the nation we knew before 1980 will be extremely diffucult; both economically and socially.

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