Monday, December 15, 2014

"GETTING-ALONG" with our NEIGHBORS?? (We ALL "Know-Better" ??

"Old Truths" Come to Fore??

How long will it take for the most-terrified among us to realize that the ONLY PATH TO SURVIVAL is one that achieves some kind of "Peace" with our "Neighbors".  But, there-in lies the RUB;   Our Neighbors, yesterday, were those of our religion, our close proximity, our race, our "government", our "politics".  NONE of those can insure our SURVIVAL; whether we're white or non-white, young or old, inside the United States, or outside; share in the use of the best Firepower and Forces, or not; inside a religion, or not; inside Russia, or not, or, inside Europe, or not!

"Peace-Through-Terror", perfected by whites against Blacks and Natives, in the United States, and then extended to the rest of our planet,  is proving to no longer achieve the old results!

All, but the most serious of Fools among us, must realize by now that Organized Religion is more likely to cause our death than to bring Peace (no RELIGION is BETTER than any other, really; Death is Death!).  GOVERNMENTS are growing, more weak, or corrupt, or both; and will not SAVE anyone!  They have a hard time countering even most common corruption, as the Global Economy grows, WITHOUT effective International LAW!

What to DO?  Tell your Neighbors,  your Pastor, your Representative or Senator, your business partner, and customer, that you will NOT TOLERATE present ways we live our lives!  We must make up our OWN Minds, and then, accept no less from those around us, whose lives can be influenced BY US!  WE must SAVE OURSELVES!  Events in Australia, today, underscore this point.  Be aware of your sourroundings -- be aware of the limitations of your "Protectors".

There were thousands marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.  It is highly likely they all went home WITHOUT getting to know even ONE PERSON they did not know before the March.
Few  can Benefit from such an exercise.! A lot of EMOTION was expended,  while those who seek to CLAIM "Leadership", advanced toward their goals, BUT NOTHING significant can change this way, alone!  The SURVIVAL interests are not improved; and may become more imperilled!

WHY! Because people, whether they be Killer Cops or your favorite Minister, will do only what they determine to be IN THEIR INTERESTS.  If you as an individual cannot, or will not enter that "interest circle" with full intent to drive it toward your TRUE survival, you're actually working AGAINST your SURVIVAL.  Whether Black or White, Rich or Poor, U.S. Citizen, or not, the outcomes will be the same!  Lack of Resolve and Clear Vision of the REAL THREAT, we will all continue to sink into the Quagmire, created for us, since 1960.

Stay Vigilant!  Every day, we see evidence that PREVALENT Beliefs DON'T WORK!  We can't continue to rely on SOMEONE ELSE to save us.  We cannot continue to believe that we don't have to be INVOLVED -- hands-on, and continuously, until PEACE is found!!  We must all become our OWN SAVIOUR!!

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