Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015: BEYOND "Black Bourgeoisie"??

"F-i-n-a-l-l-y" (???) !!

If "Black Lives Matter", then why, as we enter 2015, are we STILL searching for ourselves inside the white fantasy images that Hollywood, Television, and U.S. MEDIA, in general; foist upon us daily??

E. Franklin Frazier, in the 1950s, wrote about the self-perception problem that Black citizens of this country exhibit, from the impact of slavery and the brutalities of Segregation. One hundred years after Birth of a Nation, Black Americans (throughout the Americas) have not halted their acquiescence in this syndrome.  How can we seriously champion Black Lives, when we so readily ignore their presence, and absence, in visual media?  Portrayals, today are problemmatic at best, or downright evil, as in the dark past.

Republican politicians obviously don't believe that Black Lives Matter.  Their  treatment (over six years) of the first Black President in the U.S., can be largely described as one of deep and personal disrespect, and denigration.  Whites accept that as "politics", , and non-whites have mostly ignored it.  "Politics As Usual" is reflected, today, in "Racism as Usual"!

Frazier, writing in the 1950s and 1960s found the same syndrome as described by De Tocqueville in 1830:  black slaves were unable to "see" themselves at all; preferring to fantasize about living in "Massa's" house, his clothes, his skin, HIS LIFE!  To find this syndrome alive in 2015 MUST NOT to be ignored by people who are building a Movement, in which they claim they want to be treated as human beings; and fully respeccted accordingly!

Stay Vigilant!  "Freedom" from slavery and its evils requires honesty as well as resolve!  The Civil Rights Movement of the last century was long on Moral preaching to whites, and short on understanding of Economic issues for non-whites.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

STATEN ISLAND --- Whassup??

Ground Zero?

Did you notice?  Many Items in the news lately "tie-back" to Staten Island. the Staten-Island Police "Choke-Hold-Killing"; Staten Island D.A.'s role in "clearing" the cops;  Their Congressman, Grimm's resignation from the House of Representative after pleading guilty to a Felony; the Staten Island Voters, knowing his legal issues, voted to send him back to Congress; AND it is the location for the "Towers" and Port Authority, of "9/11".  Throw in Governor Christie and his "Bridge-Gate/Port-Authority shenanigans, and the picture of Staten Island grows grim, and acquires an "odor"??

Staten Island is becoming a "Borough of ill-repute"??.  City residents in The Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn, might want to see what they can do about their fellow Borough?   New York's "finest", who earned their Rep in 9/11, may be losing it, so long as people like Lynch "represent" it?  Both Governors, NY and NJ agreed to Veto Legislation to Overhaul the Authority.

Stay Vigilant!  The "Bad Guys" of Staten Island may bear closer scrutiny?  Where is the REAL Power?

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Monday, December 29, 2014

A "New Face" for WHITE AMERICA??

The "Next" America??

We all know that the "founding Fathers" meant for this nation to be a "Preserve" for white, Anglo-Saxon Males who were Protestant Christians.  That changed with the election of Andrew Jackson in 1829.  Up until then, no Catholics, no Jews, no white Women could aspire to National Leadership. Jackson was an old Indian Fighter, and Frontiersman, who made a name for himself in the War of 1812, in the battle for New Orleans.  I've nicknamed him the "Exterminator-in-Chief" because of his battle against the Cherokees in Georgia, and the Seminoles at "Fort Negro" in Florida.  (The Seminoles were led by an escaped African Slave at that time).  Most of us know about the "Trail of Tears" in which members of the "Civilized Tribes" (Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole) were force-marched to "Indian Territory" -- today's Oklahoma.  The rise of the "Non-
WASP White Male" to power included such men as Sam Houston, and Stephen Austin, early founders of  Texas, a state that, until today, has maintained an "uneasy" allegiance to the rest of these United States.

My ancestry includes many of these "civilized"  Native Tribes, and also many European Ethnicities.  In his book; The Next American Nation, (1995), Michael Lind quotes Austin's description of Mexicans as a "mongrel Spanish-Indian and negro race".  The term: "Mestizo" is more commonly used to describe people whose lineage includes white, black, and Native mixture.  That description will also include most Blacks, or African-Americans, today.  The refashioning of the "face" of Power in the United States firmly excluded Persons of Color until 1965.  Today also, many "whites" are actually Mestizo.  The "eye" deceives us all; which causes extreme problems for Cops who demand the right to "Racially-Profile".  Internal battles to force white women to have more babies (abortion battles) have failed, and whites will no longer have numerical majorities in the United States.

Fast-forward to 2008:  All this got tossed into a "cocked hat" with the election of Barack Obama.
The nation has been "in shock" since that election.  Severe crippling of our economy, achieved by a bunch of "Rabble" that seized power inside our House of Representatives.  Their choice for President in 2000, brought us 9/11; the invasion of Iraq; and a Wall-Street-driven corruption of the economies of  the United States and many Western Nations.  The immediate response of this "Rabble" to the election of the first Non-White President, brought about extreme dysfunction of our national politics, the transformation of the politics of many of our states, and the emergence of a NEW FACE for white America.  One by one, we saw the parade of "faces" that merged into the "amalgalm" that now controls our Congress, and is led by John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.  Extreme, race-based, politics were openly pursued over the past six years, in the name of the Republican Party, to forge the new face of white America.  The final facial features are not yet "set".  Republicans apparently hope fo finish the job before 2016.  A challenge to include a white Woman, is their fixation today, to parallel their continuing "revulsion" toward Hispanics and their immigration into this nation.  Drastic reversal of our immigration laws and customs are advocated by the "Rabble".

Stay Vigilant!  We're currently experiencing the "imprint" of our nation's POLICE in the process of fashioning our new National (white?) FACE.  What image does Your Mirror show?

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

De-Tocqueville "Meets" NAT TURNER ??

What "History" TEACH(es) ??

DeTocqueville's visit to  the newly-born United States of America was approved in 1831:  the SAME YEAR of the Nat Turner "Rebellion".  If every citizen of this nation with at least "one-drop" of African blood remaining, took care to read about Nat; and study DeTocqueville's  findings: from his Tour (to examine our Prisons), they would understand more clearly the  "significance" of the immense gathering of (mostly-white) COPS in N.Y. City, yesterday.  I think that no event -- not even our Civil War -- has had a greater impact on the mind-set of white citizens of this country.  Our "education" system can be credited with creating our current "Mind-set".  A  mind-set, that has driven Government Policy at both the State and Federal Level, since 1831.  No "Black" American should fail to read DeTocqueville's findings relevant to both, the status, and future prospects for  the Native American and the Black American.  We will all see how his findings are precisely relevant to the killings of black youth in our streets today.  The Hispanic, or Latin- Americans are a unique product of  racial-blending in the Americas.  Spaniards used a three-color race wheel, and the English used only two of those colors.  The Papacy is responsible for both instituting color racism , and for keeping it alive

Nat's "Rebellion" took place in the Sewer Region of the United States, 40 years after Toussaint L'Overture led his successful slave rebellion in Haiti.  Toussaint soundly DEFEATED Napoleon in the process.  The French later captured him and got their revenge.  Some might feel that French revenge echoes in Haiti til this day!

What leaps, for us,  from the pages of History?  The deep-seated belief by Sewer-Region-Whites that blacks were "incapable" of killing their tormentors; for starters.  Harriet Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin to refute the conclusion that Nat was "capable" of doing what the whites killed him for.

 In the 20th Century, the U.S. Army commissioned a study by a group of General Officers (it included Eisenhower, I'm told); to PROVE that black males were incapable of being effective soldiers in combat.  They were still convinced of that in the early 1960s, when I entered active duty.  Close scrutiny of racial strife within the Military, from 1947 through through 1973, bears that out.  This period also covers the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.  Involvement in these acts by our F.B.I. have been published.

As we emerge from the sorry and tragic performance of too many politicians of the Republican persuasion, and their careful "gerry-rigging" of the electoral structure for this country, since 1990; we' understand how the events of 2014 will make it extremely difficult for those citizens who still believe in our Constitutional Democracy, as they face the national election of 2016.  The Extreme Right has a "LOCK" on the  electoral "System" in the RED States.  A dark period looms, in which fearful, ignorant, "whites" are positioned to "run things"!

Stay Vigilant!  It appears the Repoobs have clearly understood the historic base for WHITE FEAR, far better than the "Progressives" , the "Democrats", and the "Liberals".  Regaining the nation we knew before 1980 will be extremely diffucult; both economically and socially.

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Saturday, December 27, 2014


The (first) FUNERAL

My Grandfather told me this, when I was a teen-ager; I didn't understand what he meant.
As I've grown, it has "rung true" in so many instances.  As I watched  politicians "waxing on" over the casket of the first of the two policemen shot and killed by a deranged black man, I saw and heard a number of things that none of us should quietly "accept".  The militaristic, "formation" that surrounded the church, separated the proceedings from the "Public" .  Ordinary citizens who attended were assigned space blocks away from the church.  This only served to heighten a feeling that the NYPD "separates" itself from the public it claims to keep "safe".  That's not "acceptable"!

The entire program was designed to show the police as both, beseiged, and "betrayed".  It should be hard for anyone to "accept" that claim.  The "turning of backs" to the Mayor of New York City -- their "Commander-in-Chief" -- is "insubordinate" and should be PUNISHED  accordingly!  "Acceptance" of this behavior by officials, is something the PUBLIC should not "Accept"!

The source of the "complaint" the police present, is the Public Demonstrations against police actions that are not in dispute (we all saw the videotapes).  If the NYPD feels that Public Demonstrations should be "suppressed" in any way; THAT is not "Acceptable"!  It is a Constitutional Right!

The MEDIA has taken the bait to stir this controversy into a large political brouhaha,  Neither the Governor, nor the Police Commissioner seem pre-disposed to stop this.  THAT is not "Acceptable"!

Stay Vigilant!  Democracy disappears in small steps and stages.  The NYPD says it protects "its own".  Does this mean that the rest of us have to do the same?  They claim to set a model for all police forces in our nation to follow.  THAT is not "Acceptable"!

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Friday, December 26, 2014

TRAPPED: in the Valley Between "GOOD and 'EVIL" ??

The "Dis-Believers" ??

Whether its the foul-mouthed Lynch of New York's "Finest", or JEB, who bequeathed us "Stand Your Ground" (for white males); its perfectly clear, after the past six years, that those who recently led us, and want desperately to do so again, DON'T BELIEVE in Democracy, as designed for us by those who gave us our Constitution.  They clearly don't want those of us who are not white to HAVE A VOICE, or, any CHOICE(s).  JEB thinks he can ride to glory on that horse, yet again, in 2016!

If he's right, then there are clearly more EVIL whites, than there are GOOD whites!  With all of the powers attendent to the Presidency of the United States, the EVIL Ones, with a dedicated campaign that began BEFORE Obama had a chance to DO anything, decided he should be Destroyed.  They have prevailed to the point of capturing the nation's Purse and its Legislative Heights

Rogue Cops, through their Unions, have organized nationally, to Oppress the People, denying them CHOICE in exchange for their "Safety".  Those whose love loved-ones have died because of  Rogue Cops don't feel safe!!  The Good Cops, trapped inside the rotten system also die, because their voices are silenced.  The Christopher Commission of the 1980s told us that -- and we paid no attention.
It is at least curious, why the proeponderance of white folk think they won't ever be Victims of these Bullies.  Their favorite:  "Sit-Down-And-Shut-Up-Christie" !!  Governor Cuomo seems content to leave DiBlasio "hanging out to dry".  Governors around the country are busy spreading poverty and racial hatred in the RED States.  The economically-viable regions are led by CITIES, and their enlightened Mayors, who see the value of Education, Internet and Air-Travel Access, and Equality of Treatment for ALL, backed by Shared Interests!!  Our Current Cops can't understand that!  They make WAR on their MAYORS.

Meanwhile, the World is Watching; they can see the "Color-Line" between Good and Evil in the United States and throughout the rest of our Planet.  The "kindler-'gentler' Opression" that we have pawned off as Reform in our past, won't SELL this time.  Non-whites are breaking the CODE of white double-speak!  The entire planet, beginning the the Middle East, is moving to create an entirely New FACE!  Many who have never been seen or heard, will be.  Even Pope Too won't be able to keep the "lid" on the massive corruption, misery, hatred, and greed that has grown in the wake of the Conquistadors.

Stay Vigilant!  Some whites are "gettin' on board" the movement toward a different, much mor equal, and "JUST" future.  Too many non-whites are cynically playing th OLD PLANTATION game of "suckin'up" to whomever appears to be the "Massa" of the day.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

"W-I-L-L *I* A-M" ?? (An Open "Note")


I saw your interview this morning, with MSNBC's version of "The Beeb".  Congratulations for doing what you're doing to awaken black and brown children to career opportunities OTHER THAN Organized Sports.  This gives black and brown mothers, as well as their children, a larger view of opportunities and goals for their lives.

The outfit you're running in L.A. reminds me of an organization in a large corporation;  named Preliminary Design., that I joined in the mid-80s.  It had a 20-year horizon for applying current technology, and exploring new technologies; with an eye for manufacturability and markets.  One of my clients, a mixed-race, married couple, both Cal-Tech products, created a "world" that you might  review with an eye toward your "education" goals.  I am more and more convinced that "other worlds" have to be created, in order to properly educate the children of marginalized citizens in our country.  Google ACAJI, and read about the Multi-function Dome:

As Jesse Jackson remarked after running for President in 1988:  "Our patch ain't big enough"!
C.K. Prahalad's book: The Fortune At The Bottom Of The Pyramid, Eradicating Poverty Through Profits,   points to the immense numbers of impoverished people in the world who subsist by their wits and their abilities to "improvise".  Their stories parallel those of the Slaves and their descendents in the United States.  As in this country, today, the "Profits" never show up in ways that benefit anybody in our Ghettos; and "Poverty" has not been "eradicated".  We have to think beyond "invention" to fix that problem.

Maybe we can make the "patch" big enough, by including ALL black and brown children in the Americas?  Recent events in New York City prove that the world can't wait for white people to figure out the insanity of keeping their foot on the necks of marginalized non-whites.  Self-help can be a good thing, only if we think it through!; and enlarge the "Patch"??

Stay Vigilant!  "Put Down Your Buckets, Where You Are!!"  That's still good advice!

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Monday, December 22, 2014


The "BADGE" of "Criminality" ??

The purpose of the Yellow Badge in Germany during the 1930s was to make it easier for Police to identify and terrorize Jews; otherwise, they would have to make the males undress for "Inspection".

 In the United States, the "Badge" is Skin Color, often correlated with  restricted areas for persons of color to reside.  If the person of color has conspicuous wealth, the Cops, historically, "shake them down" in other ways, regardless of where they live.  This has been the history of this country from the time of  Hooded Night-Riding Klan in the Sewer Regions, to the Urban Riots of Irish and Italian street gangs as they lynched Blacks, or murdered them in other ways, in places like New York, Chicago, and Detroit.  The descendents of those ethnic street gangs became the nation's Police in the Middle West and Northeast. 

In the South and West, other forms of extortion and suppression were devised.  Over time, the white population took for granted the "protection" Police provided THEM; while ignoring anything the police did to the marginalized Blacks and Browns.  It is precisely this position of "comfort" enjoyed by whites that allows them to" look the other way" on Juries or in Grand Juries, whenever "Justice" is sought by non-whites for crimes committed by whites.  The Tulsa Riots in the 1920s were mis-named.  What happened was a Pogrom, in which poor whites invaded wealthy black residential areas for purposes of killing and looting.  The foundation of RACE in the United States has always been ECONOMIC!

Stay Vigilant! -- During this Period of Reflection; called while two MINORITY Police Officers, who were tragically murdered on Duty, are mourned.  Continued Insistence on the use of Terror to keep persons of color marginalized, is PRECISELY what we should ALL focus on;  and resolve to rid this nation, once and for all of all of these White Supremacy Tactics and Practices.   Terror tactics are working to scare the police more than the police manage to scare their victims.

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

STEP BACK from the "BRINK"?? (MEDIA, Union, 'Politicians' ) ??

There Can Be No "Winners" Here!

Union Leader Lynch (hopefully, not one of their "brighter bulbs"?) lets us know there is more race-hatred where yesterday's "bilge" came from.  The response by Former Mayor Giuliani ( only fans flames,  that are already intolerable!  NYC seems to be on another "Dinkins-round"??  Politicians who "cave" to extorting, racist, bullies, have brought us this mess.  Like President Obama, Mayor DeBlasio is left to clean up after people like Lynch.  The "Good" Cops are caught in the crossfire.  They must take a stand!

The Public may have to follow the advice, being given to the COPS in order to protect themselves.
Their "workplace" conditions are becoming dire.   We ALL deserve better than this.  Police cannot be allowed to act as a GANG that protects only "Its Own".

Stay Vigilant!   This Madness can spread rapidly; if the MEDIA continues to fan the fires!  Toffler, in his Future Shock series of books observed that nations make WAR, the same way they make their MONEY.  Money today is made from Images and Words ; "ditto" for WAR (domestic or foreign).

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

WHEN "COPS" Go "ROGUE" ... Who Protects US??

Cops want NO "Accountability"??

Cops, in NYC, are in the headlines today, threatening the Public Safety, in their response to
Public outcries against recent Police "Mal-practice".  What do they threaten us with?  More Mal-Practice! -- in the form of "extreme discretion".  Wonder who they're threatening to kill, now??

Do they sound like "Public Servants" to you?  No?, well then how about "Keepers of Public Safety"?
When they decide that they will not do their job AT ALL; because we complain about the 
way they're doing it NOW,  -- and demand NO Accountability for their bad deeds -- Who Do We Call?
The Mayor and the Governor, of course!  Rots-a-Ruck!!

Public Awareness of problems with public employees citing Union protections to cover their crap, has been about STRIKES.  Mad Ronnie fired the Air Traffic Controllers when they refused to end their Strike. 

The Taylor Act; is on the books in New York, but it doesn't appear to give Government the power it needs to counter a police force, if it decides to turn on the public.  They have the guns, you know.

Stay Vigilant!  Lets not "back-into" a POLICE STATE??

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Friday, December 19, 2014

A MERRY "SOUL-FOOD" CHRISTMAS?? ...(Just a Thought)

A Road to the Future??

The Last Question posed to President Obama this morning, in hs last Press Congress before he set off for his his "Mele Kalikimaka" (he it wished that for us ALL); was one about the status of Blacks in this Country today.  I thought his answer was exactly correct, and could be seen as properly "sensitive" ; by the good people (those you agree with) and, not so much by the bad people (those you don't).

For Blacks, in particular, I would like to underscore what I heard implied in his response:  It's Time for us to Quit B*tchin' .. and Get to WORK!  Progress cited by the President included work on Policing across this country: (to make it more-cooperative with the communities policed), and concrete steps to improve the rate of graduation for black and brown students.  Those are legitimate government functions.  Now, the Communities expressing grievances have to step up and show they can function like a community!

Babies still come from mommies and daddies, in families (of some sort), that are located within communities (of some sort).  Too many babies grow into individuals alienated from their birth parents and, from anything than might resemble a "community".  That wasn't always the case for Blacks (Then, Negros) in this nation!  The disintegration of Black Communities began after the "break-throughs" of the 1960s.  That's not the way it was supposed to happen.  The yearning for "personal" advancement among pent-up individuals,  seemed to cause them to "rush forward";  trampling all that came before.

Now, here we are in 2014.  The Global World might not yet have arrived for many, but, as Tom Friedman told Charlie Rose, "Local" is gone!  No matter your color, age, or gender, you have to define clearly for yourself who you are, who your family is, and who comprises your "Community"!  Lacking this, the rest of the "Conversation" we're having makes no sense.  It is pure idiocy to leave that task to anyone else!  For those Blacks and Browns plunging "head-long" toward "Integration"; these past six years, and the treatment of the first Black President, should make clear to you that SOMETHING ain't happenin' the way you're dreamin' it ought to!  A great deal of Catastrophe and dysfunction is created as a result??

What to do?  PICK UP THE PIECES!  Everybody's got to EAT!  The entire world knows and thrives on the culinary gifts bestowed on it by slave women in the Americas over the past 500 years!  We're in a time period when young people of all colors and classes are handicapped when it comes to feeding themselves.  Many don't know how to BOIL WATER.  They think all food comes from the Supermarket!  They have no idea what they're putting into their stomachs and what in Hell they have to do to fix the problem!  Restaurants might benefit, but the rest of the world suffers as a result.  

For Blacks wh fit this description, look to your relatives (your grandmothers, especially) and learn the basics of survival, before its too late!  What am I talkin'??  --   SOUL FOOD!  Not the collard greens and pig feet that have become standard fare -- I'm talking about the potato cakes I had with my breakfast this morning.  You should know how to make them!  There are thousands of recipes and cooking tricks just waiting to be learned.  They might restore your definition of self;  and, miraculously,  restore you to a "Community".  

When my son was 11 years old, I dropped in on his Middle School classroom and sat in the back to observe.  I sprang to life when I heard the white female teacher tell the children in the class that "slavery was the best thing that could have happened for Blacks".  I stopped the class, chewed her out, telling het that was an aswful lie to to tell to anybody's children!.  I removed my child from that public school and placed him in private school.  That B*tch was one of a legion of women, all colors and faiths who "educated" our children in "integrated" settings.  It was the System's way of "Backlash" against Black America.  At that time, it was unheard of for black male children to gun each other down in the streest of this country.  We still do not know the role "Integrated Education" played in bringing this phenomenon into being.

Stay Vigilant!  Have a very Merry "Soul Food" Christmas.  Search; I'll bet  you can find someone to relate to!

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

NAT "KING' COLE: ODE to a MERRY Christmas??

For 68 Years ... And Forever!

Since I was 7 year old, Nat "King" Cole has made every Christmas a more Merry One, for me -- no MATTER what had happened for the twelve months that came before.  From the very first notes of his, The Christmas Song, I get a lift, looking both back, and forward.  Many others have tried to match the magic of Nat's recording, but none have.

Merry Christmas! to ALL who have also been blessed to share these feelings for this recording.  Merry Christmas also to Nat's family!


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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

'TIS the "SEASON" / 'TIS the "REASON"

Will We Stay "STUCK" In The PAST??

CUBA is an Island, 90-miles off-shore from Key West, Florida.  Actually, it is a POPULATION of Opressed People, treated badly by Historic Figures from the time of Columbus; to Batista and the  Castros; to include  the United States of America.

"Cubans" are known by two definitions; "Calle-Ocho"  Miami-ans; "political gameballs' for Right-Wing Repoobs, and, the darker-skinned, inhabitants of the Island of Cuba.  This second group,  by far, a "real" definition of Cuba and the Cubans; are those people on the Island, who, historically, and today, have never had a voice of their own. They have been, for centuries, in the cross-hairs of white, male Europeans, their Lackeys, and their "progeny", (since 1492).

President Obama, today,  lifted those who inhabit the Island, up, and out of the shadows, as he began his policy, to move this nation and that island, away from its disastrous, 50-year Embargo of Cuba.  The Calle-Ocho bunch, survivors of the Dictator, Batista, are having a 'hissy-fit"!.   Batista, a racist, so insecure in his "off-white" skin color, that he carried around a small tin of white facial powder, represented a long line and a longer history of "Oligarchs", or Latin Rulers who benefitted from the Racist Ruling System instituted and held in place for half a Millenia by Catholic Popes and Crowned Heads of Europe.

White males from Europe have been the "scourge" of black and Native Americans for centuries!
Now they roam the world searching for minor "conquests".  Right-wing Repoobs and their captive "Cubans" strive to hold on to that past.  Florida Cubans dream of Restoration of the Batista past, and the Properties they lost.  Tom Wolfe's book; Back To Blood   is a good description of what I observed as the relations between Miami Cubans, and American Blacks and Haitians between 2003 and 2005.

The non-Cuban variety shows up on our nation's police forces as "rogue" Cops; who hunt and kill  their black and brown victims; knowing they will be "protected" by  white practitioners of The LAW!

Stay Vigilant!  Today is just the beginning of a long process of unraveling.  It will be interesting to see how the citizens of the Island of Cuba respond over the coming decades.  Hopefully, there will be a long and much brighter future for all of us.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

When "BAD-GUYs" wear "WHITE-Hats"

100th Anniversary?

2015!  One Hundred Years since Hollywood took on the task of trashin' people in this world, who are not WHITE!  They began with Birth Of A Nation.  They drove the point home 14 years later with Gone With The Wind!  Both movies buried deep into the psyche of the viewer, the profound "worthlessness" of any,  save the most compliant, of non-white people.  That deeply-buried message is the foundation of white fear of non-whites, and the inability of whites in the United States to become concerned, in the way they should, when events like the killing of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner occur.  History blames Jacobinism for the defeat of Napoleon in Haiti; not Toussaint!  The Mexican Revolution, the Invasion of Mexico by the United States, our Civil War, were all awash in that white fear!

In doing so, Hollywood allowed Religion, and Governments (at the Federal and State levels) to off-load some of the weight they carried in the design, and enforcement of Jim Crow!   Somehow, after all these years, whites must learn to overcome this hang-up!  The nation needs this oow, more than ever -- now that mean and racist whites have turned the LAW into an accomplice for their evil.  Suppression of Non-Whites, and "lesser"-whites(?) lies at the root of Naziism.  It has always found a home in the USA.  Today it oozes from the Old South to our Intermountain regionsl  The most serious victims are the Blacks and Browns who internalized the messages and passed them on to their children.  Whites, who also did that, are allowed to pretend the opposite, and pose as  "Good" whites.

Those "Good" whites failed to show at the Polls in 2014; paving the way for the RETURN of a Bush!  Jeb is preparing to run!  

Hollywood also infected us all with a LIE about the "Cowboys" of the old WEST!  In reality, the WEST was WON by Black Soldiers, freed by Abraham Lincoln.  Known as "Buffalo Soldiers", more than 200,000 of them patrolled the territory from Canada, deep into Northern Mexico, and from the Missouri Border to the Sierras.  They made the territory safe for white settlers, while the Gunslingers of the Old West, and the early Mormons, kept the place WILD!  Check it Out!  Those John Wayne Movies were really Propaganda Pieces!  Black and Brown children all over the world, who have been lied to by Holloywood, til' this day; BUY those LIES!

Gunslingers today, with much more ferocious firepower, roam the world, searching for dominance in a world where there is very little LAW.  Too much of the LAW that esists, is used to cloak EVIL!  We awoke this morning to news from Russia of the latest round.  Currency implosions follow the explosions and disappearances of passenger jets.  Instability grows as we venture deeper into the Global Economy.

Stay Vigilant!  Ask the Natives who were here, what their region became, as the Mountain Men disappeared, and the Gunslingers arrived from the EAST.

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Monday, December 15, 2014

"GETTING-ALONG" with our NEIGHBORS?? (We ALL "Know-Better" ??

"Old Truths" Come to Fore??

How long will it take for the most-terrified among us to realize that the ONLY PATH TO SURVIVAL is one that achieves some kind of "Peace" with our "Neighbors".  But, there-in lies the RUB;   Our Neighbors, yesterday, were those of our religion, our close proximity, our race, our "government", our "politics".  NONE of those can insure our SURVIVAL; whether we're white or non-white, young or old, inside the United States, or outside; share in the use of the best Firepower and Forces, or not; inside a religion, or not; inside Russia, or not, or, inside Europe, or not!

"Peace-Through-Terror", perfected by whites against Blacks and Natives, in the United States, and then extended to the rest of our planet,  is proving to no longer achieve the old results!

All, but the most serious of Fools among us, must realize by now that Organized Religion is more likely to cause our death than to bring Peace (no RELIGION is BETTER than any other, really; Death is Death!).  GOVERNMENTS are growing, more weak, or corrupt, or both; and will not SAVE anyone!  They have a hard time countering even most common corruption, as the Global Economy grows, WITHOUT effective International LAW!

What to DO?  Tell your Neighbors,  your Pastor, your Representative or Senator, your business partner, and customer, that you will NOT TOLERATE present ways we live our lives!  We must make up our OWN Minds, and then, accept no less from those around us, whose lives can be influenced BY US!  WE must SAVE OURSELVES!  Events in Australia, today, underscore this point.  Be aware of your sourroundings -- be aware of the limitations of your "Protectors".

There were thousands marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.  It is highly likely they all went home WITHOUT getting to know even ONE PERSON they did not know before the March.
Few  can Benefit from such an exercise.! A lot of EMOTION was expended,  while those who seek to CLAIM "Leadership", advanced toward their goals, BUT NOTHING significant can change this way, alone!  The SURVIVAL interests are not improved; and may become more imperilled!

WHY! Because people, whether they be Killer Cops or your favorite Minister, will do only what they determine to be IN THEIR INTERESTS.  If you as an individual cannot, or will not enter that "interest circle" with full intent to drive it toward your TRUE survival, you're actually working AGAINST your SURVIVAL.  Whether Black or White, Rich or Poor, U.S. Citizen, or not, the outcomes will be the same!  Lack of Resolve and Clear Vision of the REAL THREAT, we will all continue to sink into the Quagmire, created for us, since 1960.

Stay Vigilant!  Every day, we see evidence that PREVALENT Beliefs DON'T WORK!  We can't continue to rely on SOMEONE ELSE to save us.  We cannot continue to believe that we don't have to be INVOLVED -- hands-on, and continuously, until PEACE is found!!  We must all become our OWN SAVIOUR!!

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

"I Know NUTH'-e-e-n-G!!" ((Cheney Did It!))

What Do WE Know??

"If it Works ... Leave It Be"??  That seems to be the attitude toward our National Security Apparatus (NSC, CIA, Defense Dept, etc.)  we have lived under, over the past 57 years,  That's when President Harry Truman (by EXECUTIVE ORDER, for some parts) created our Natinal Security State.   From 1947 to the end of the Eisenhower Administration, most citizens were unaware of our complete Defense and Economic reorganization.  The Bay of Pigs was the first time I took notice of the CIA and its activities.  It was on front pages of  most  newspapers.  Then, came the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Assassination of President Kennedy. The CIA suddenly loomed much larger in our national consciousness.

President Truman later came to regret aspects of the CIA and wondered if it should be allowed to continue in existence.  Obviously it has, without much public concern, until this past week.  The Senate Report on Torture is the vehicle prompting return of  public attention to the machinations of that agency.  Serious Finger-Pointing is going on!; in the open,!  Tweets, even!;  between the Senate of the United States, and the CIA.  Will it survive?  Is it time for massive reorganization?  In this GLOBAL Economy, is the shift from a National Focus on Security long overdue?  Can Obama do it?  Will the all-Repoob Congress Prevent It?  These are the questions that our feckless MEDIA seems incapable of asking.

For years, we citizens have been  left with the impression that the "Agency" would "operate" only outside the country; NEVER inside!  Now, we're not so sure??

Stay Vigilant!  Does "somethin' gotta give' ? before this mess blows over??

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Saturday, December 13, 2014

BEFORE our Universities "Became" "Boozin- BROTHELs"??

We were NOT Always Like This!!

My Home-Town had one 4-Yr College before 1900.  It was for Blacks only, because whites wouldnot DARE attend..  The Crackers who formed the KKK, burned it down in 1925.  It was not replaced.  My Mother was unable to attend that college, as expected.  Her older siblings did.  My Mother graduated from a College in Kansas, in 1929.

I entered University in my Home State in 1957.  It was Established in the late 1860s,, by Buffalo Soldiers, and named for the recently assassinated President, who Emancipated them from Slavery.

The foundation of my 4-yr college career was obtained there.  My "tickets" to success in San Francisco were provided by some of its Faculty Members; when I was forced to transfer after its Physics Department faced a hiring crisis.

I wrote a Paper in Graduate School that explained what happened. Title:  "Doctor White, and Mr. Black".  Members of the Math and Sciences Faculty were world-renown!  The University was "reverse-integrated", in 1957,  by poor whites who could not afford to attend the State University, 30 miles away.  There was one white foreign student, from Sweden.  He "integrated" with black students.  The local whites refused!

Both the Men's Dormitories and the Women's Dormitories had DORM-MOTHERS who made sure the outside doors were locked at 9p.m.; all visitors had exited the premises; and the dormitory was maintained-quiet for study.  Anyone caught with beer on campus faced Suspension.

That was ten years before the leading edge of the Baby Boom population entered college.  By the early 1970s, the Baby-Boom Children had wreaked havoc across K-12 education.  The post-war housing was designed to be segregated by race, and by generation.  White kids grew up in a sea of other white kids, and no old folk, as family members.  There were, ultimately, 76 Million Baby Boomers, all-told.  Most facilities, and institutional practices crumbled before the onslaught; from K-12, and was beginning to move onto college campuses by the late 60s or early 70s.  All HELL Broke Loose!  No adult could be found on a Campus who would take responsibility for ANYTHING!   Many Faculties and Staffs at major Universities are still that way today.  Students have to fend for themselves.

Woodstock, Vietnam War Protests, and Racial Integration Strife were operating during the period, and had their impact.

What was always existent as Frat-based behavior, protected by Alumni, morphed into the pig-sty we see on too many campuses today.

Rape, alcoholism, and associated ills, will not come under control, until parents, already stressed financially, raise HELL and refuse to send their young girls into such a mess!

Stay Vigilant!  Dysfunction is in the GENES of the Baby-Boomers??

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

"WORTH" More, "DEAD" Than "ALIVE"?? "Minorities" and "Ownership"??

Why We're Not Yet "Free"??

My children "grew-up" with Michael Jackson, and the "Jackson-Five" .  In 1970, it was still rare in most parts of the United States to see black faces AT ALL on T.V.  When they appeared, they were "wallpaper"; in the roles of Butlers and Maids.  Motown, and especially the children entertainers, like Michael and his brothers, and "Little Stevie" Wonder, were a sense of Pride by the Black "Community" that formed as a result of an "Internal"  DIASPORA .  Blacks in the United States lost their communities, as a by-product of the Civil Rights Legislation of the 1960s.  One of the things I miss most about the collapse of the type of Community I was raised in, was the PRIDE taken in all of the children by all of the members of the Community.  They knew who you were; -- more exactly, they knew who your PARENTS were, and they would not hesitate to CHASTISE you, if they caught you "doin' wrong".   For a short period after the 1960's that PRIDE was transferred to T.V.; where the national Black Community began to appear.  Even that is gone now!

In 2014, as the end of the term in office of the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT grows near, it is important that Blacks and other non-whites understand the extent to which they are still "OWNED" by whites.  A great deal of the lack of RESPECT exhibited by whites toward Blacks, is due to a sense that they DON'T HAVE TO!  People often don't Respect what they feel they "own".  That is especially true for entertainers who aren't white.  Comparisons of Taylor Swift with Beyonce, can be heard on T.V. daily, as the new TIME Person of the Year issue gets flogged by the magazine.

It should be common knowledge, by now that ANYBODY can "Buy" the Rights to the Music of a Dead Artist.  Who "owns" Michael Jackson today, could be a subject that some bright Black Kid might want to "Look Up".  You'll propably have to share that information with your friends for free, because whites control access for "publication" and MEDIA exposure.

The more important lesson to be learned from this is HOW NOT to let yourself get OWNED by whites in 2014.  Many entertainers, and especially players for Organized Sports, are pitiful "chattel".  The way the MASSA dogs the NFL players, to the delight of those white males who take such delight, is something to behold in MEDIA daily!  So far, CRACKERS have not invented a way to profit from owning dead athletes?

Stay Vigilant!  Know your true worth, and how to protect it?  Internationally; take note of the non-whites who flee their countries for Europe after gaining "education" or other notoriety of value to whites.  They leave only Degradation behind in their home countries.  Such is the manner in which "Integration" devolves to the profit of whites, and the mal-treatment of those left behind.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"WRONG" is "RIGHT"; .. if it "WORKS"?? Welcome to Fascist America??

O, Say, Can You See??

President Obama proclaims; "That's Not Who We Are!".  The voting statistics for 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014, show a mixed, highly disturbing, and contradictory(?) "picture" of the American People (U.S., riding its Hubris Horse) .  The "American People" (CRACKER-Americans version of "their" whites) may be precisely the PROBLEM!  This mixture of Red-necks, Fascists, Southern Racists, California Aerospace Workers, and all-round "rabble", invided our House of Representatives, led by Newt Gengrich of Georgia, in 1994.  Over the intervening two decades it has grown to a segment of our population that is within inches of taking over our Government.  It is a cancer that invaded the Republican Party and has destroyed its "Host" by systematically ridding the Party of every educated, fair-minded, or, in any way, "circumspect" Member.

This Residue, led by Boehner (the butt-plug of the monster) and McConnell, who just demonstrated their ability to convince two-thirds of our electorate to not bother voting; thereby opening the door
for some even more radical slime to slither into office.  They will "own" our Congress within a few weeks.  We can expect more Nixons and Fergusons, more Trayvons and O'Maras, more Browns and McColloughs, and more Garners and Donovans.  They've managed to "flip" THE LAW (and our Constitution) on it head; turning it into a tool for Fascism.  With the help of Daddy Bush (1991), and their long-running campaign in the Senate Judiciary Committee to stack "Justice" against Black and Brown marginalized citizens, they have also produced a Prison Industry that would make DeTocqueville "take notice".  NBC "entertains" the nation with "content" aired from our nation's jails.

Stay Vigilant!  Now we can see why Repoobs "dare not recognize" TORTURE?? 

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Monday, December 8, 2014

"ROYALTY goes to HARLEM" What's the "Message"??

EXTREME "Social Distance" (??)
In whose EYES?

I'm sure the Royal Trip has been planned for some time, but the TIMING, and the places selected to visit, are ripe for comment.  Somehow, ... if it were "Diana" ... (?)

But why confuse black children in Harlem with this "tradition" of  "royal-worship"??  Some white folk love it; but the most fundamental right of citizens of the United States, is a right NOT to be compelled to bow to ANY "Superiors".  Racist Crackers from our Old South still can't let go of their "demand" that non-whites should "OBEY" them.  That explains the stance of the Republicans toward President Obama; and the mind-set expressed by Darren Wilson, the Cop who slaughtered Michael Brown.

It is well within the tradition of race relations, beginning with Native American Policies of U.S. Administrations since our Founding, to inflict confusion on non-white children; without the permission of their parents, or their ability to do anything about it.  Meanwhile, we continue to wonder why white racism springs anew with each genration in this country.  "Unobtanium" is the
LAST thing non-white children should have set before them without a cogent EXPLANATION! 

To be fair to these children, a complete program, documented, and administered during the rest of their lives ; in such a manner that we can be sure they "got it"; should be made available to them.  It should  make sure, they did NOT suffer losses to their self-esteem from visits like this.  We wonder why people like Condi Rice grow up worshipping all things European, while thinking less of people who look like her.  Same for "Clarence -on -the -Court!  People,  like "41",  know the power of placing people "raised" in their way, in strategic places; to insure that the old Racial Patterns are preserved.  That also may partly explanain why whites in this country grow up; generation-to-generation, thinking the relationships between whites and non-whites are "natural"??  Religious Teachings  are the source of the rest of the "confusion".

An explanation might help us all understand the hoped-for outcome from exposing black and brown children to such a visit -- especially, at a time, when the entire country is suffering from the most serious attack on our Constitution we have witnessed in our history.

Three persons, all of them non-WASPS, have succeeded in permanently circumvening our Constitutional Guarentees of Equal Protection of Law.  Our WASP Founders went to great lengths to EXCLUDE their forebears from inclusion;  leading to more than a century of gruesome suffering and death for persons of color.  Without widespread legal changes, the circumstances that we saw play out in Ferguson, MO., and New York's Staten Island Bourough will bring about the end of Constitutional Government under a Bill of Rights, while ushering in TOTALITARIANISM!

Stay Vigilant!  We can't keep doing the same old things, the same old ways, and EXPECT CHANGE that advances Freedom and Democracy!

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Sunday, December 7, 2014


George "W" said on the Sunday "Talks" today, that he had dinner with "Condi" last night.  He was on T.V. to "discuss" our racial mess, his brother, Jeb, and his new book about "41".  Let's not forget:  "Condi" was amazingly "unconcerned with Katrina" and its  Black victims??  

Let's also not forget:  "W" tasked Dick Cheney, in 2000,  to find a candidate for Vice-President of the United States.  It "appears"  Cheney ran out and found a MIRROR!  We all know the horrors that followed in the wake of that!

Obama, and many Presidents to follow him, will be "mucking-out" from the immense damages Cheney's fingerprints are attached to.  Its hard to prioritize the damage, from secret Energy Policy, to the destruction of our Intelligence Apparatus, to the corruption of our Military Forces,  and Abu-Ghraib,; Cheney was either in the middle, or, pulling "strings".through surrogates,

Rather than just complain, we could all keep a SCUMBAG, into which we place the most prominent "Cheney-leavings" who, and what still plagues our Nation, today.  The top of my list would be ISIS, and those who bang the drums to "militarize" our response with U.S."BOOTS".  No Cheney, No ISIS -- its really that simple once it is examined closely!  It really is a sad, sick, politician who chooses to advance his or her career in the ISIS cess pool;   Just about all of them are Repoobs!.  

Somewhere, some-day,  we may be able to sort out what REALLY happened in 9/11; and who contributed what to the outcomes we all witnessed.  The opening of our Closed Airways to allow the Bin Laden Family to exit this country, was never fully explained to public satisfaction.  The secrecy surrounding this question may last for some time.

The "spin-offs" and consequences to the Events of 2000-2008;  both foreign and domestic, (don't forget the destruction of our Economy in 2008); are "streaming" ahead, however.

 My version of a national "SCUM"- bag, will be named for CHENEY!  Maybe there can be a WALL somewhere in Social Media where we can share our choices for candidates?  A cogent, written, statement that lists the events  connected with your choices for candidates,; should be a minimal requirement.

Stay Vigilant!  Light a light against the darkness -- maybe a bonfire??  A palliative for our national mood?
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Then, and NOW?

One day in 1955, I was walking to work after school, late for my job on the "white side" of the tracks.
I was stopped by the Chief of Police, as he yelled from his car:  Hey, N*gger!, what are you doing over here?  I told him I was going to work and he was making me late.  If he didn't believe me (I knew he didn't) he could give me a ride to make up the time.  HE DID THAT!  I guess cops were a little bit better, then?

That was shortly there-after, when Missouri (post -Supreme Court -- School Integration) decided to "integrate" the police force in my small town.  Just about all cops were "beat" cops, or "flat feet" cops.  There weren't many cars around in those days.

A hand-picked couple of blacks were selected and given "billy clubs" (night-sticks) and NO GUN!
They were told they could beat Hell out of any black they chose, but had to call a white cop for anything they saw whites doing.

Stay Vigilant!  I guess that's why Missourians are convinced, in spite of Ferguson, that they've made "progress"??

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Saturday, December 6, 2014

"THIRD WORLD-WAR"; "By Other Means" ??

King of Jordan, to Charlie Rose (12/6)

One day before our annual "Pearl Harbor" Remembrances, we can pay heed to King Abdullah's observation; in a recent Charlie Rose Interview; in reference to ISIS.  Those of us, all colors, with some sanity left, can agree strongly with the KING.  This EVIL, cloaked in a major Religion, parallels the EVIL that the "other" major religion,  (through some of its prominent Irish and Italian members) is inflicting on people of color in the streets of the United States!

The underlying theme is the same for both EVILS:  "All Heil" to the Superior White Male. (Little-bitty George "W" started this madness, after 9/11!)  

Our White Right, Cracker Party, has forced President Obama to spend untold treasure to defeat a band of Brigands who delight in be-heading white males; while appearing IMPOTENT in the face of Ethnic Whites in our own country who seek to Destroy our RULE OF LAW; from the inside.

FEAR is a cancerous thing!  A country riddled to the point of DYSFUNCTION, by FEAR, is a WEAK country!  Republicans need to "get a grip"; and tell the MASTER MANIPULATORS (Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, the Koch(s), the "Katzenjammer Senators, and lesser players;  to include Limbaugh and Scarborough) to CEASE and DESIST; before we have no LAW or COUNTRY left for anybody.  We're on a "back road"  to "Syria"! --  in which even the "filthy rich"  will wind up flat-on-their-ass,  -- with NOTHING!

Stay Vigilant!  I hope there are at least a few Whites out there, who have overcome  their fears, and can call off these DOGS OF WAR!  Stop feeding Putin (and Netanyahu) and their dream of victory through racial conflict.  This a GLOBAL issue! -- NOT only a NATIONAL issue!

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Friday, December 5, 2014

"BLACKS n' BROWNS" ; and GREEN! (??)

Wanna Be RESPECTED? (World-Wide)??

First! Learn to RESPECT Yourself, in everything you DO -- not just what you SAY!  Then, Learn what people in other cultures, around the world respect, in OTHERS!  Learn that the EUROPEANS have been masterful, for tens of centuries, in manipulating this issue through Religion, the Lash, Economic Hardship, Lackey-Leaders who operate on Bribes,, Controlling non-white EDUCATION (the list grown longer).  The hands of the U.S. State Department are not, and never have been "clean" in this regard!

The current outrage in our streets, concern the rash (growing epidemic) of racial killings by POLICE.
Have we forgotten already that CRACKERS had Martin King killed?? (Ties to J-Edgar and the FBI have been established).  Crackers are just "uppin' their GAME, now, following their success at Denigrating Obama through MEDIA Propaganda, and regional political activities  They scared spineless whites into not-Voting in 2014!.  Make no mistake: the Republican Party has been working hard since 1973 to become the CRACKER Party.  It has succeeded!  What we have today is a blend of the KNOW-NOTHING PARTY and the KLAN.
Jeb Bush is taking a "Trial Outing" to see how well those Planks "will hold"; in 2016.  Prepare for their Slime Campaigns to switch from Obama to Hillary!

Ask yourself, along with your morning prayers:  "why is it that the Whole World has been taught to hate Blacks??"  Chalk it up to the persistence of centuries of Christian Teachings among European Immigrants to the Americas, and the historic roles of European class structure.  Close study of Chinese culture will reveal the ASIAN versions of this.

For the twenty-first Century, and the Hegemony of Insanely Wealthy U.S. Crackers within the world economy; Blacks and Browns, along with what few TRUE ALLIES they can find among others, will  have to take and hold the lead in their opposition!!  This time- PROTEST has to bite; and go well beyond OCCUPY.  ENVIRONMENTALISTS  must realize that they have a "Dog" in this fight also.
By the time CRACKERS succeed in exterminating or enslaving the world's non-white, there WILL BE NO PLANET LEFT TO SAVE!!  The ENEMY ot Mankind has been consistent on both!
The Conqustador, the Conqueror, the Master of Lesser Races, collectively, is the ENEMY.

GREEN: (wealth) is the only effective antidote.  CRACKERS will readily devour each other to be the Monopolistic "Winner" that Controls the Universe!  Little People think, mistakenly, that it takes Big Money to defeat THE MONEY BOYS.  Not so!  Capitalists learned long ago that small amounts, in the hands of large numbers of people represent, collectively, more wealth than any man or race can hold or control.  It just has to be properly focused.  Instead of allowing your Religious Leaders to bleed off your lesser wealth, and control your minds, YOU must stay in control.  Do all you can to deny economic success to any CRACKER or CRACKER sympathizer.  

Neither; ALL WHITES ARE  CRACKERS; nor, ALL CRACKERS,  WHITE -- but, all of their sympathizers serve CRACKER interests -- to their own downfall!  Train your eyes and your minds to ferret out the CRACKERS who don't "out" themselves, like Limbaugh and Cruz (sympathizer?, or "Hitler"-wannabe?  Most prominent among CRACKER sympathizer are Old-World Indians, who wrote the book on Class, Caste, Color, and Race.  Look what two of them have done to the states of Louisiana and South Carolina.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't let this round fail like all of those before.  The consistent , and persistent prevail!!  What do they have say to make you lose your focus; or, kill next, to make you get it back?  Two D.A.' s have shown, conclusively, that they have MASTERED DENIABILITY through their application of Grand Juries; rendering our Justice system moot!.  O'Mara showed them how to do it in a regular JURY.

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Thursday, December 4, 2014

A "More Perfect" UNION?? "Oh-Really"??

What happeded to the PERFECT One??

I've been here, for going-on-76 years -- how did I miss it?  It CLEARLY did NOT occur before 1939.
Why are politicians putting out such CRAP?  Maybe the Republicans thought we had the PERFECT Union, when they were "race-trashin"  Obama??  Gimme a Break!!  No wonder our kids will fall for just about ANYTHING!  Even that Garbage at FOX did not "buy" Donovan's CRAP!  Seems like the Gangs of New York are alive and well today; masquerading as a Police Force??

Let's face it!  There is a clear neo-Fascist element operating within the nation's police forces -- to include the Sheriff's Forces in our Rural Regions.  They've invaded Police Unions, obviously.  (Don't forget Bundy's Bunch in Nevada).  Did the Guv'na of Wisconsin (Walker) try to BUST Police Unions?  Why NOT? 

The Germans found catastrophy resulted from their tolerance of FASCISM!  What we saw on the face of  Killer-Cop Wilson, in his television interview after he slaughtered Michael Brown, may be as close to the amoral/immoral specimen as we'll  ever see or hear, in the open.  The D.A.(s) have the luxury of SECRECY, in which  to hide, both, actions and sentiments.  When INTENT can be so easily hidden, it becomes IMPOSSIBLE to ascertain, much less prove!

What would a MORE PERFECT Union bring?  How do we get there?   Rip out everything; root and branch! -- beginning with the Republican Party that was transformed by NIXON in the 1970s.  Eisenhower saw disturbing glimpses of the TRUE Nixon in the 50's.

Whites, who control ALL of our MEDIA, and write the dominant narratives on RACE; are fiddling with phrases like "Tone Deaf".  Deafness does not KILL!  Evil Intent does!!  Do the Think Tanks that produce ideas like Citizen's United, "Faith-based Politics", Race-based Political Campaigns, and ALEC; also back what is clearly a national effort to corrupt our Judicial System with Race-based Practices?  Who funds it?  Are they linked to Corporations?  Which Ones?  Can we shut down their money sources?  These are certain to be the questions that must be answered, to reach a MORE PERFECT Union!

Stay Vigilant!  We may even achieve a form of  Democratic Republic that WORKS across color lines.  We might even get a FUNCTIONAL Congress again.  We will probably  have to BAN the Republican Party and Gerrymandering, though!!

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Obviously, "CAMERAS" Don't "MATTER" either??

D.A?, or  D.N.A.??
O'Mara, McCollough, Donovan?

Here they go, again!  Politicians thought they found a "bone" on which we could all invest "hope" for a way forward -- "cameras".  They were thought to protect the interests of Cops, AND the citizens who expect unbiased Public Safety in TRUSTED Enforcement Officers.  NOT SO, in the case of NYC.  We all saw and heard what happened!  What can explain the inability of this second Grand Jury (in NYC, this time) to be both  BLIND and DEAF to it; and, instead choose NOT to Indict!!

Senator Hatch, and the Republican Establishment have been working diligently, for YEARS, to secure the protections of our LAWS for whites; while denying them to the Poor and Non-white.  Have they undermined our Legal System, in favor of their 
Religious Beliefs? , Especially that strain of "Christianity"  that invaded Right-Wing Politics during the Reagan Administration?  It holds dear to their wicked hearts, a belief that God FORGIVES whites, while he PUNISHES non-whites.

Pat Robertson, Falwell, Swaggart, the entire malignant litany of Spokespersons for the "Christian-Way have been spreading that poison for decades.  Those who are non-white can see clearly, in our life experiences, the results of their beliefs in the operation of our JUSTICE System; from the Cop on the BEAT, to the Supreme Court.    

We citizens, remained silent, while disbelieving that they would prevail, in the end.  It appears we were wrong.  Police Unions are now stronger than our Bill of Rights!   Malignant Republican political attacks on many parts of our government; in pursuit of gaining power, without winning elections, over the past six years,has paid them handsomely.   The Republican Party gleefully participated in a practice, joined  by televised and broadcast MEDIA, that found and exploited multiple ways to DENIGRATE, racially, the First Black President of the United States.  Since there were no negative consequences;  the BENEFITS reaped by the Political Right have been so spectacular, we must conclude that a majority of white citizens do not believe that JUSTICE; as promised by our Constitution, should apply only to whites.  Some have been diligently striving toward a POLICE State.  New York is not below the Mason-Dixon!  Missouri, a former slave state, arguably is!  The U.S. cannot hide its RACISM  in DENIABILITY, any longer.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be confused by lap dogs like "Charles": who comes out to "BARK"-ley, on command, to support Cracker-interests.  Black Conservatives serve a role, similar to that of the Butler in "DJANGO"!  Perhaps we can save all the money we planned to spend on cameras??

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Scarboro UN-Fair"?? ... Joe's "Mourn" turns to RAGE??


I awoke this morning to "Mourning Joe" screaming in Rage at his audience, and at video images of Black Congress-persons with hands-up in the "don't-shoot" position.  Screaming "LIES", "LIES"!; Joe has evidently "swallowed-whole" the bucket of crap McCollough dished out as "Legal" Findings of the Grand Jury in Ferguson.  Poor Joe, what's a Media-shill for Cracker-America to do?  Not only are they mourning the loss of past privilege, and  comfort -of -numbers, through lower white birth rates (like the Israelis, I might add), they are losing the blind allegiance of those whites who "go along" with the race-baiting of the Republicans.  Joe is trying to "brow-beat" his viewing audience the way he does those weak Blacks he has on, who shuffle before him and his white audience.  I've not seen one, yet, that will tell Joe, he is "full of it"!!

Joe also Raged at the weaknesses of the NFL; for their lack in  "disciplining"  its Black Players.  Joe and his Cracker-Backers should realize that mature adults "Diccipline" CHILDREN!  They CONVICT mature adults; for infractions!  That's why we call those who are in jail, "Convicts"; (fewer of whom are WHITE) -- as times goes on.  Black athletes, and other "entertainers" continuously crawl before Crackers for their money; but the rest of us, don't have to!  As the Internet increasingly gains PROPER use by people, who are not-white, they may find ways to form Networks for TRADE that don't  provide profit for abusing Crackers.

Not all non-whites are "there" yet, but so long as the Internet is kept open to all, they may eventually work themselves free of their entrapment by "Conservative" Whites who have only brought them struggle, pain, harm, confusion, conflict, and Death; while falsely offering a "BETTER LIFE"!

Stay Vigilant!  There are several  kinds of "Kool-aid";  in many flavors, and with many features, in the MEDIA.  Smart "Buyers" will find success and reward; as the Fools continue to suffer shame, loss of privacy, and denigration.  The NFL now feels "empowered" to invade PARENTING relationships within Black Families; while claiming to impart their "Superior" Wisdom.  They have no respect, no shame, and know no limits!  They don't realize that many "successful" whites of today would not be here, if Black Women did not Parent their ancestors!   P.S.  It's "about -time" the Black Caucus realized they had a "Constituency"!!

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Shall We RESCUE the HONEST COP ... While We're At It?

Cleansing Corruption Could Have "Miraculous" Impact!
(It could even reach the Belt-way??)

 In the Mid-80's, I had the distinct Displeasure of living, for four years, under the tyranny of  Gate's LAPD.  We all got to see, later, the "corrupt innards" of that Department.  It served a "Black Mayor" for Pete's Sake!!

Blacks and Hispanics, rich and poor,  suffered daily under them.   There are stories of what Miles Davis had to do to lessen their harrassment!   After Rodney King's beating, and before "O.J."'s Trial, we got the Christopher Commission's Investigation and Recommendations. 

I have established residence in nine of these United States (some more than once), and in NONE did I find widespread among the citizenry, a lack of tolerance for Corruption among police forces!  Just about everywhere, the police reflected the dominant white community and contrasted the "communities" they were assigned to "protect".  We all witnessed the "Gang Culture" and the "us-versus-them" stance taken by the Police on the streets in Ferguson, MO.  This pulling together to "protect" their "Own" is visible among Departments, large and small, Sheriff's Organizations in the Rural Areas, and State Police Forces.  So much for "Law Enforcement",  and "Public Safety"; they fall further down their list of "To-Do's", it seems.  "Whuppin' Heads of the Poor, and Non-white (especially males, from the age of 9 and up) is their claim to fame, and what earns them the continued support of White America.

There is an oddity, found in these organizations, however:  Minority Recruits that could not or would not "fall in line" with the dominant culture; were forced out!
The most pitiful cases, however, are those of the "Honest Cops" -- the cops who really believe the Recruiting Slogans.  If he sees corruption, he has to shut-up, or quietly leave.  Internal Affairs Units within Police Forces are notorious for quietly supporting the dominant culture; "snitches" are "dealt with".  GOOD COPS KNOW WHO THE BAD COPS are --- but they can't DO much about it!  THEY CAN'T "CALL A COP"!!  Corruption goes "up the line".  As we saw in the Ferguson Caper, Officials from the local Police Office to the State-House "Cooperated" in bringing about the 'bastardized" legal proceedings we were handed.  The long history, explained to me by my Grandfather of Police Forces in the United States -- from their roots in Ethnic Gangs in the big cities of the Northeast -- is still resonant today. 

Stay Vigilant!  Who Knows, a little bit of cleaning up, might catch on!  We should at least find a way for good cops to help in the matter; without risking their careers and their lives!

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Sunday, November 30, 2014

COSBY/WILSON -- Strange Bed-Fellows??

The Power of MEDIA to DEVOUR

Those who court the "benefits" of MEDIA must also beware its WRATH??  No sooner than the O'Mara/McCollough Legal Trick was "sprung" upon us (aided and abetted by Guv'na Nixon); came the abrupt "Resignation" of Wilson.  His "moment" before the cameras was just one interview on ABC; but, it was  enough to "reveal" to anyone with a brain, who saw it, what "really" happened on that street in Ferguson, in August.  As for Cosby, its like the MEDIA has "backed-up" on him; like a leaky sewer?  These "leaks" are strange, and long-withheld; in that they reveal "old-stuff"  -- and does so in  drip-fashion,   Every-other day or so, we get another/ "surprising" claim of rape!

Both Cosby and Wilson have "escaped the clutches" of THE LAW; with the help of MEDIA.  Now both are being "burned" by MEDIA.  21st Century MEDIA may prove to be more damaging than nuclear weapons.  It depends on whose hands are "manipulating" it??  All  Social Media Junkies, who would  "kill" to be seen on line, had better pay attention --  remember the moth that flew too close to the flame??  Court it, at your peril!!  No Doubt, White America feels that it controls the MEDIA, but that "control group"  has too many "faces", and a very erratic "focus".

The MEDIA, over these past several weeks, has revealed several things about our white mind-set,  especially how it is easily, and quickly swayed by "viral-trends".  Not many of it's "positions" can be foretold. De Tocqville wrote in 1830, about American (U.S.) Whites:

"The men scattered over it" (U.S.) "are not, as in Europe, shoots of the same stock.  It is obvious that there are three naturally distinct, one might say hostile, races.  Education, law, origin, and external features too have raised almost insurmountable barriers between them; chance has brought them together on the same soil, but they have mixed without combining, and each follows a separate destiny.   Seeing what happens in the world, might one not say that the European is
 to men of
other races what man is to the animals?
He makes them serve his convenience, and when he cannot bend
them to his will he destroys them." 

Alexis DeTocqueville, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, ( pp 316-17)

This observation, made almost 200 years ago, rings true, as we struggle with white attidudes today.
We're witnessing an old, global, phenomenon; in the grip of a highly technological, and global, "communication" tool; manipulated by shallow minds with no regard for any history.

Stay Vigilant!  I'm sure we don't have to worry about the future of either Coaby or Wilson.  The Black guy has plenty of money, and, I'm sure, the same Hard Right interests who were so well served by this entire debacle, will "take care" of Wilson, as they "took care" of Palin.  Whites who are not true followers of  race-baiting Republicans, or the "Weird Right", in general, are the real "Losers".  They are being "Used and Abused" too!

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Saturday, November 29, 2014


The "Methods"

I'll always remember a television show on a Public Broadcast Stattion in Baltimore, in 1963.
It featured an old Native author, who, as a child experienced the "Indian Schools"  -- when U.S. Policy, carried out by Christian Missionaries, was to kidnap the children of Native Tribes and take the "Indian" out of them -- often by brutal means.  The point he left me with was the "Method" used by the "white-eyes" to ROB a culture of some feature Whites Valued.  They would teach the children of that culture to DEVALUE that feature, through denigration.  Once this practice took hold, the Whites would then claim that feature as their own.  This METHOD describes the technique used by Whites, then, and today, to USURP (for profit) the ownership of Music, Food Recipes, Clothing Styles, etc. (the list is endless), --after, first, "cleansing" it from those who  created it.  This method has continually worked among the Permanently Marginalized Groups described by DeTocqueville (Natives and Blacks), and, today,  is being applied to a Racial Group "Created" by Europeans -- The HISPANICs (formerly known as Creollas.

Outside of the Americas, the Europeans used a special "Divide-and-Conquer" method.  They woud study closely any racial, tribal, or religious tensions among the indigenous peoples, and move to  exploit them for both, profit, and to extend their rule.  The Europeans decided which groups were "Included" and which were not.  Borders were drawn in the Middle East and Africa, for these purposes.

From Ferguson, MO, to ISIS, these time-worn of European techniques have to be over-laid our current events to fully understand what is happening and what is likely to happen in our future.  The Profit Motive has only increased globally, as technologies drive the pace of Globalization.  Whether it's Taliban, ISIS, Boko-Haram,
or our own Hard-Right Groups with their Think-Tanks, working to take over the Government of the United States.  The activities and motives fit the ages-old TEMPLATE.  Ferguson also shows how a ("O'Mara/McCollough") NEW TEMPLATE, can selectively negate the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. This is prerequisite to the goal of a Neo-Con, Neo-Fascist group to place this nation firmly in the hands of  of certain whites.  They're emerging more and more into the open, under the rubric of opposing President Obama, and  "Regulation" by our Federal Government.  

Two recent events: the overturn by the Thomas-Roberts Supreme Court (Citizens United); of the 1907 Law preventing corporate funding of  politics 
and, the turn, away from our Industry-Based Economy (under Reagan), toward a FINANCE-based Economy.

What we see is the beginning of selective "cantonment" or  "Incarceration" for "Exploitation", of groups of people:  for their resources, labor, market-share, or, "whatever" the MONEY BOYS decide!  Whites who are not HARD Right, are either "Cowed" by Fear, or Propagandized to believe the Cops are always right.

Stay Vigilant!  We still have a Constitutional Government at the Federal Level -- at least for the next two years.

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