... "CHAOS" Ensues ??
The entire world witnessed, in "9/11", what happens when "Faith", taken to extreme and malevolently directed, "strikes"! In response to 9/11; It can be argued that the white/Right regime in power in the United States at the time, resorted to its own "Faith"; in ways thought be "extreme" by many, when it "struck back"! The remaining years of that regime culminated in a massive destruction in "Trust", on many levels, in many places, and within key global institutions.
Since 2008, massive efforts have been undertaken to "set right" our financial institutions, international relations, and social order. There is a great deal left to be done.
Is the world left to proceed on "Faith" as practiced by the world's various religions? What has, and will happen to Truth, Reason, Confidence, and Trust? There is, according to many extremely religious people, a "Faith" version for each of these, that the "faithful" are eager to substitute. Science; advances in which have produced the wonders of our Modern world, is cast aside by many of these adherents.
"Faith" has proven over time to be the "womb" from which such evils as racism, classism, and social "supremacy" have sprung; and are spreading; to this day! What can we do? We need to examine closely everything we have been in the past, and are now, asked to "accept" on "Faith".
In economic matters, "Faith" really comes in very handy1 We are asked to have "faith" in certain brands, commercial propositions, and in their proponents. I think it was blind "faith" in certain financial institutions, and their leaders, thatled us to the stupendous financial collapse of 2008!
Those politicians who trade in "Faith", especially that part of the Republican Party in the United States known as the Tea Party, is now offering "Government-based-on Faith"! Are you a "believer"?? So far, the majority of voters in national elections have not been mislead; in spite of massive amounts of money, and international collusion to bring them success at the ballot box.
Stay Vigilant! The "Faith Healers" in our past created quite a bit of havoc. Their decendants have retained their historical affinity for "filthy Lucre", however!
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