Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The "Veneer" continues to disappear?

A "lump of coal":  The entire planet will richly deserve this "gift" for the Holidays if we fail to come to grips with the fact that "Tribalism" is what lies beneath most, if not all, of the planets most serious issues.  I Blogged early in 2012 that the Presidential Election in the United States would be a "Rorschach Test" for this nation.  See BLOG: (RORSCHACH" Election 2012),  (9-9-2012).  Time has proven my prediction to be accurate.

Since my early college days in San Francisco in the 1960(s), I've known how the Europeans used tribal hatreds as tools to control the populations they exploited in Africa during the Colonial Period. Those lingering hatreds have exploded periodically, as in Rwanda, and, today in the Sudan.  Even if it takes the bankruptcy of every European Country that grew rich off of Sub-Saharan Africa; no citizen of this country should fight and die to protect their riches!  Failure to put out these fires that are erupting could wind up bankrupting the entire planet!

Tribes have their own religions, and are very often willing to kill others in the name of those religions.  Empires that are formed by successful tribes, also design their own Gods.  No more, please!  In the 21st Century we should strive mightily to keep World War III (nuclear; in the long run) from occurring.

The "veneer" that covers tribalism and related religious hatreds is often "race".  As malignant "Ducks" arise in our Media, and in Pots of Rot, like the deep South states ( "Lousy-weezy", for example) and careen down the highways of "progress" in this country; we learn of new road hazards that now compete with the "terrified family" we're warned to look out far on road signs along the freeways as we enter San Diego.  We should now be careful not to tip over barrels of crackers along the roadside?  The "Ducks" would appreciate that, apparently!  They don't care much for immigrant families that try to dodge cars on the freeway, apparently.

Seriously, folks!  Tribalism is nothing to joke about.  It can snuggle into the house next door to you -- with guns loaded and cocked!  If we don't have a political party that will stand clearly against this crap, WE CAN INVENT ONE!  It shouldn't take too long in these days of the internet.

Stay Vigilant!  2014 is Nigh!  Time to prepare to vote (early, earnestly, if not often).

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