Sunday, December 1, 2013


Non-"Profit"?? -- What's Up??
Is it just me?; or, have you noticed what appears to be an explosion of "Charitable Trusts"; NGO's; "Celebrity" Fund-Raising (Think Bono?); State-Sponsored Fund-Raising (Think Clinton and "W'' for Haiti).  The list is long and growing longer.  We know why "celebrities" do it:  they can't let their "STAR" fade, or they're "done-for"!  Politicians do, because the gold-mine in cash-raising comes after they leave office.  Their Foundations are their personal "Churches"  (repositories for the loot they skim), and their "Causes" come straight from the News Media.  Its a new Gold Rush, stolen from the tricks of organized religions.
There is a penchant for starving, under-educated, disfigured children of Africa.  Never-mind that the education, health-care, etc. doesn't matter a "fig" to them; when it comes to Black and Brown children at home.  Every wonder why? FAITH. Brother; "Faith"!!  Many of these Fund-Raising entities are Hard-Right Religious NUTS!!
Yes, like the private and religious snake-oil of old, you're asked to empty your pockets on blind faith.  Has anyone seen an accounting of where the funds for Haiti went?  Take a look at Haiti today and you'd be hard-pressed to convince yourself that the money went into anything except the pockets of the fund-raisers.
One such "cause" was to provide cheap electronic readers to young Africans.  (Ever notice that it is always "Africa"; never a specific country, tribe, or village?)  The teller of the tale said he visited a "school" looking for books the children had for reading, and found a "History of UTAH"!!!  Guess who got to these people in Africa first!!  They seem to be everywhere; except for exposing the tremendous wealth and businesses owned here in the United States; funded by their "Missionary" work.
Faith works wonders; chief among them is building personal wealth for political dynasties, aging entertainers, and a horde of budding entrepreneurs who have "sniffed out" this gold mine.  If this trend continues, the established Churches, of our established Religions, may find their "competition" for easy money hard to combat.
Stay Vigilant!  KNOW who gets your money?? Another argument FOR Bit-Coin??
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