Sunday, December 29, 2013


Does the "White-Bubble" "Burst"??

Bill Maher,  (on his show, which bears his name),states that "white Conservatives" live in a "bubble" that does not permit any reality other than their own to "penetrate" it's shell.  I submit that all who "shadow-box" with racism (all colors, all genders, all income classes, both Parties) tip-toe around racial issues while safely ensconced in their protective "bubble".  It allows them to feign ignorance when caught in an openly questionable racial stance.

As the 2014 "off-year" election approaches, stresses within both major political parties are building to a breaking point that might "disintegrate" our "Democracy" in ways not foreseen .  The shifting Red (neck?) states and Blue (blood?) states reveal very little of what is really going on. Having 'dumped' poor whites from their midst, the more wealthy whites are re-forming to rid their political party (Republican/Corporate) of the most extremely religious, racist, gun-nuttiest, Conservative, 'Exceptional'; (take your pick) elements.  Under these pressures, these elements are "morphing" from Tea Party Nuts, into "Ducks".  Whites have to really stay on their toes to navigate our racial waters today!  Throw in Women, Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexual s, and Transgender folk; along with non-white immigrants, living-wage advocates, and those who hide behind the labels of "Libertarian" or "Independents" (all of whom practice their own versions of color racism), and you can easily see how 2014 could reveal the full dimensions of the "Obama-Phenomenon"!  'New' Party(s) could emerge!

Which side will win??  That depends on which combination of interests gets the most voters to the polls in 2014, while "suppressing" the vote of the other side.  Democrats have the numbers, but are weak on their commitment to "Democracy" and "Equal Opportunity/Treatment".  Republicans have the most MONEY, but have to successfully disguise the new racism they will need; to continue to concentrate power in the hands of a dwindling white, and corporate-controlled portion of our total population.

MEDIA, all sides, all stripes, all colors; is in HOG HEAVEN.  The money that can be spent in 2014 may dwarf the riches of  the Gold Rush of the mid-1800s!  It will virtually all go to Media in one or more of its many manifestations.

Stay Vigilant!  Each person must STAND THEIR GROUND in this battle, and VOTE!!!

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