a CABAL ? ; LARGER than the TEA PARTY?
What if; following the break-through legislation and court rulings against racial discrimination in the 1960s and '70s; a rich CABAL formed to feed off the anger spilling into the streets and Media from the poor-whites as they "Back-lashed" ?? What if this CABAL was formed of very rich, right-wing factions, world-wide? What if they realized that Big Money, combined with tremendous computing power, would be sufficient as tools to "feed" off of the white anger, and take control of the economies of the United States and the World? First, they would have to seize "politics" domestically, and "rule" from that base? They knew, as Ray Stannard Baker discovered in "Following the Color Line" http://www.gutenberg.org/files/34847/34847-h/34847-h.htm, that white supremacy and color discrimination; especially against persons of any amount of African descent, was the "mudsill" of Western Culture and its wealth.
As the collapse of the Soviet Union approached, (the "smart Money" knew it was coming in the mid-70's) they made their move, through "Daddy Bush", to make sure there would be no more Thurgood Marshall's on our Supreme Court.! Freeing Blacks would lead to "freeing" everyone else held in various forms of bondage in our nation (Women, Hispanics, Gays, etc.). Clarence Thomas was their "fix". Blacks were stupid, and racist enough to embrace "any" "Black-First". Clarence was their answer, and it worked! "W" and his handlers used Condi as their second plank in their reverse-reverse discrimination game. They varied their methods by driving a wedge between those Hispanics who refused to acknowledge their Native and/or African roots, and the rest. Cubans; (the white and lighter-skin variety, that made it to the United States, by whatever means), were their "tool" to get a record percentage of Hispanic votes for "W" in his elections. Reverse-reverse discrimination worked very well for Atwater, and Rove (among Hispanics). Hispanics became more anti-Republican after anti- immigration "backlash" surfaced).
Fast-forward to 2013, and we see this method foiled by a politician, without "handlers", black, and very smart; who over-turned their game. Politicians of all colors and both genders have been scrambling since, to find a "fix" to their "fix". Failing in the general election of 2012, and in the Supreme Court, the CABAL has taken to a fall-back strategy; to dis-unite the country state-by-state.
The NationalJournal reported November 21, 2013, http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/the-man-who-discovered-susana-martinez-could-also-be-her-downfall-20131121 how a young, white, male "controls" Governor Martinez of New Mexico. He pays himself almost a Million Dollars a year in the process. He is reported to be a "Karl Rove" of New Mexico, who is upsetting the state's leading Republicans. Read the article, and you might get a hint as to why "Susana" was silent after the national media went viral with video of "Jackboot" tactics of state police beating up on a lone black mother and her five children on a remote mountain road near Taos.
Stay Vigilant! To rid this country of the threat they pose to our freedoms and way of life, VOTE
in 2014; and, unfortunately, even Republicans will have to vote against "their own" to rid the "host" of its fatal Tea Party, and White-Right Infection!! Chris Christy was recently "posed" in PR photo-Ops with Susana. Could it be that Cortez and Malinche have returned?; after 500 years?? Can U Spot the "race card" in white hands?? No Republicans in2014???
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