Sunday, December 22, 2013

R We "MisReading" OBAMACARE ??

Is It a "Proxy-WAR" between Corporate Interests & Government??
'Twas Nixon in '74"
"Tricky Dick", as I remember, was the guy who injected the insurance industry into the nation's "healthcare"!
Since 1974, the industry has gobbled up all of the "sisters" in the plan: the doctors, the hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, and various smaller "strap-hangers".  Over time, the doctors couldn't decide who they feared most, the "government", or the insurance industry.
Because "insurance" is "regulated" by States in this country; some of the less-well-managed states permitted fraudulent "Mom & Pop" companies to operate and sell policies; who were safely in the Bahamas, along with everyone's premiums, and unavailable when time came to pay any "claims".  Of course, the larger, and more "reputable" companies knew this when they collaborated in the formulation of  OBAMACARE.  What if President Obama simply repeated the assurances he was given by the "industry" when the bill was being crafted?  If our Media were not so craven and incompetent, I'm sure that fact might have been reported by now.

Doctors and Insurers are not the only "players" in our 2013-economy who "welch" on deals; so no surprise there.  The ones who were "stiffed" were those who accepted such "assurances".  Such is "bizness" in this land of "Snake-Oil"!
As I have Blogged before, Corporations fear Government, something terrible!  Sherman Anti-Trust ghosts still roam the land.  Their malevolent henchmen in the Congress (Repoobs and Tea Party types) and in the "Stink Tanks", are revving up the Media and having a field day driving the President's Poll Numbers down.

If voters in 2014 sleep, or become seduced into voting for even ONE Republican, the Corporations can continue their march toward further destroying the ability of this nation to govern itself.  They also lessen the chances that the people will EVER get a chance to get them under control.  Ask any friends you have who are lucky enough to have a "job" how comfortable they are with the day-to-day encroachments corporations are making on their ability to have a life at all.  No one has any time anymore to have much of a life!  Their increased computing power also gives corporations the ability to do whatever they want with your time, your pay, your benefits.  They can easily get around ALL laws against discrimination; of any type they choose to practice.  We are so hungry for "jobs" that we're not paying attention to the steadily deteriorating working conditions and the excruciating stress levels that are building.  Workers are worse off today than the proverbial "frogs in a tub of hot water"!

Stay Vigilant!  Stupid is a fatal disease -- for everyone!!
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