Monday, December 23, 2013


Black Millenials are 'Seriously' MisEducated!!

"Puh-leeze"!! Tour'e:  not EVEN in Jest!    I flipped to MSNBC's The Cycle, just in time to hear Toure' suggesting (in jest, he claims) that black shoppers "mollify" (sp) white shop owners to appease white fears and induce them to take black income as you shop in their stores!  I guess Toure' should read about Oprah's Purse Incident.
(Check out earlier Blog on THE OWL. (8/10/2013)

First of all, inducing people to take your money flies in the face of common sense, and "smart shopping".  Any person or group who violates "market principles" to the extent of limiting choices of select groups of participants, are engaged in the death of capitalism.  They are pleading for the establishment of replacement "markets"!  Rather than induce your ENEMIES to take your money; learn to establish and and control YOUR OWN market!  If its anything like the "Rock 'n' Roll" market, they stole the products from blacks in the first place!  It's just plain STUPID!!  My grandparents generation knew enough to protect their own wealth!  What happened to their great grand-kids?  Just more evidence of the power of  whites to "mind-eff" of the world's non-white young??  Non-whites have to learn how to NOT to value, or think more, of any person or group than that person or group values you or your "group".  Chances are, the whites invented your "group" designation!

There were a number of black, and famous, people in our past who believed in the crap that Toure' alludes to.  Most prominent, perhaps, was "Step 'N Fetchit"  who allowed white actors in early Hollywood race films to "tee" golf balls, using his black "head" as a "tee"! 

In their defense, Segregation was so egregious, blacks had to suffer inhumane indignities in order to feed their families and to build and protect their communities.  Fast forward to this day, and,  we find the disappearance or dysfunction of those black communities!   Using the "cover" of "humor" or "satire"; these weak Millenials are herded into organized sports, "comedy" and other "careers"; all in the name of "entertainment"  for whites.  As the old ghetto kids used to say (some things ain't funny, MoFo!).

Stay Vigilant!  Continue this backward approach to spending your money, and stay poor, and unemployed!

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