Friday, December 6, 2013


Should We Pity the Poor, Southern, and White "Mind"?? 
While the Outpouring of "Observances", world-wide, for the passing of Nelson Mandela (Madiba) continue; I challenge you to find the genuine South-African white faces in the crowds shown on your T.V.  Mandela was a genius in waging a quiet PR campaign among the world's literati, celebrities, and entertainers to raise money for destitute black South Africans; he never compromised his dignity, or that of his people.
In the United States, the White-Right (Republican Tea Party folk) can't stand any non-white they can't break, (by getting  them to compromise their self-respect).  Ergo, their hatred for President Obama verges on mania in the "Land o' Cotton".  Blacks like Clarence Thomas are more to their liking and much more useful for their agenda(s).  It has ever been thus, and will remain; because the poisons of centuries of operations in our nation's bowels have polluted the place in ways that neither time nor ecological cleansing can erase.  Only that, can explain why a states like Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina (both "governed" by immigrants from India), and, sadly, North Carolina; are firmly under the grasp of the Southern White "Mind-set" regarding skin color and its relationship to all aspects of human life.  That mind-set is spreading North and West.  The United States Air Force is responding to efforts to "turn" young, vulnerable Officer Candidates at their Academy into "followers".
President Obama, descendent from lineages not subject to the White Southern Mind-F**k for centuries, unlike the rest of us, appears better equipped to resist the crap those folk throw at him constantly;  in the Congress, in our "Think" (stink) Tanks, and in the Media.
The situation will not improve in this country, until persons of color acquire the ability of both Mandela and Obama to not "break" under malignant white pressure.  Those without the "stuff" to resist, will simply have to die-out along with the older and white Southerners who keep the crap alive into the 21st Century.  Their consistent abilities to weaken the nation financially, depriving even poor whites of the ability to feed themselves, is the only strategy they seem to have left; except for their ability to infect succeeding generations of non-whites with their malignant version of "Christianity".  I hoped that the Jim Jones, Jonestown in Guyana event would wake up more non-whites to the "Kool-Aid" they were voluntarily consuming.
Some of us were gifted with the teaching of those slaves who, like Mandela, believe in their own versions of "Heaven" and "Forgiveness".  We learned that our ancestor did not separate from us in death.  We understood why whites insisted that we not be buried among them.
Stay Vigilant!  Hope Spring Eternal; maybe the younger generations will "get it"!
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