RESPECT is the KEY !!
I've been taught that "Nobody respects a person, or a people, who don't respect themselves, or those people who were their "forebears"! I am convinced that Nelson Mandela showed the world the power an individual can wield when he or she truly respects themselves and their ancestors.
The United States, an "immigrant" nation, has a history of attracting people from around the world who are eager to "extinguish" their past connections to country, family, kith, and kin. In addition, they all are expected to subscribe to "exceptionalism" , and its former identities of "white supremacy" and "color racism".
Non-white immigrants have have often striven to demonstrate their "non-blackness", or exhibit other techniques to "blend in" with the white "master class and race". All of the nation's institutions, both religious, and secular, are tainted with the stain. The nation faces the threat of ultimate decline as a result. It shows in our failing educational achievements, in our failure to share power across "color lines", our attitudes toward "guns", and in our religious postures and practices.
Non-whites, and especially those of them who admit to African ancestry, are peculiarly unable, this far in time from the formal "end" to chattel slavery, to break free of the curse of elevating all things white over all things "not-white". Social pathologies have grown and multiplied over centuries, as a result. The Trayvon Martin incident, and the failure of whites to respect President Obama are ready and obvious examples of the afflictions we face as a nation. The refusal to take seriously our exploding gun violence, is yet another. This nation's "identity crisis" supersedes all other social, economic, and political pathologies.
We depend on "Laws" to save us, but we don't enforce the laws we pass. We police our nation, and "educate" our nation with institutions peopled and controlled by uneducated or undereducated white males who insist on protecting our "conservative" past; to include forms of Segregation and practices that have not changed much since the days of chattel slavery.
From comic book heroes to Jesus Christ, we inflict our children with lies about their history and trick them into "worshipping" figures that are detrimental to their psyche.
By teaching the black South African a way to "forgive" whites for their historic actions, Mandela has taught them not to fall for the Western Christian definition of "forgiveness" that teaches that whites or "chosen" by God; or that they are "God's Messengers on Earth", and therefore, can be "forgiven" in advance for whatever they do. Its easy to see how they could, in the past, fool slaves who could not read or write (any white could kill them immediately for understanding any alphabet).
Mandela's "Going Home" today in the place of his ancestors, speaks volumes of his uniqueness among mankind.
Stay Vigilant! The agents of "corruption" and "confusion" were to be seen at the funeral! Pray for South Africa; Pray for the Earth!
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