The "FINAL" Design??
Snowden has discovered "police states"; Pope-Too is busy "cleaning-up" Catholicism; "Over-Policing" is catching attention from "white"-folk in the United States.
If you want to see what a "police-state" was really like in the U.S., watch Lana Turner, Susan Kohner, and Juanita Moore's performances in the movie: Imitation of Life! The 1959 film, appeared in the last year of this country's "dark decade" of Segregation, Lynching, and Jim Crow. See how even small white children were "enforcers" of "The Law" during that time, and how stultifying the atmosphere was, for everyone; especially those non-whites who were the subjects of the laws. That decade, the first following the War Years, was most violent, in terms of the "Color Line". The next darkest-decade, during my lifetime, was the 2000-2009 decade -- when the "angry white males" rose up to present us, and the world with a series of atrocities, the likes of which NONE of us had ever seen before; (except, for some people during World War II).
In the year 2008, of our most recent dark-decades, the Right-Wing Extremists "breached" the Color Line, ever-so-briefly, to eject the poor among them (welcomed into the "Middle Class" by Reagan). Today they must subsist, along with other "non-includeds" within the new "Reconstruction"; currently under design by the Rich, for the planet. Whites, before 2008, weren't concerned about "policing", because they were still "the police". "Advances" championed along with changes in the legal "Race-Law" structure, mattered little, because, as the 1959 film vividly portrays, the new "social fabric" was already set. Racism had become fully "institutionalized" by then; seeping into the bones, so to speak, of citizens of all colors.
Those poor, and angry, white males, changed organizations and names over the years since 2000, from "angry white males"; to Republicans; to "Tea Party folk"; and now, "Ducks" from Down-the-River? i.e. Louisiana).
Across the planet, realignments are taking place as Income Inequality realities sink in. Those not born to wealth and privilege will continue to see their life-styles decline, and witness increased difficulty finding enough income to sustain a family. The Republicans, here, have gleefully decided that all persons who have not found new jobs, since they wrecked the economy in 2008, are "lazy" and should lose their Unemployment Protections.
Add to this the shenanigans of the world's Christians to "launder" scandals and money over past Millenniums; along with their complicity in chattel slavery, and we see the world's MONEY BOYs, and other "players" busy fashioning the 21st Century "Reconstruction"! What goes around, comes around??
Stay Vigilant! As you watch the movie; remember; it was produced before "Women's Lib" !
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