Monday, December 9, 2013

COLOR DISCRIMINATION : First "RIGHT" of the Americas??

Our "Birthright" from our "Founders'?? 
In the part of the Americas known as "The United States", all babies are born with a "right" to practice color discrimination; courtesy of our Founders.  In the beginning, you had to be born White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, and Male to have that "birthright".  That meant no Catholics, Jews,  Non-Whites, or Women, could be expected to have the right to "discriminate" against WASP males; but everyone else was "fair game".  (One Founder, Benjamin Franklin, was doubtful that Germans were 'white enough" to be allowed to emigrate to this country!)  Makes you wonder which Europeans were "in the buggy" in the beginning, insofar as being allowed to become a citizen of the United States.
The first "equal-rights" struggle was to permit non-WASP males entry into the "club" of those allowed, by birth, to practice color discrimination, .  Jews were still not includeded, but Catholics and lesser Protestant males were.  That struggle was led by President Andrew Jackson (the Great Exterminator of Native-Americans); and ended with the Civil War;  a war that was really fought to protect the rights of free labor over slave labor.  Immigrants, during that period, were predominantly white, poor males, who spoke little or no English.
After the Civil War, the lesser-whites (North and South) earned their birthright, along with WASP males to practice color discrimination against persons with even one drop of African or Native blood.
Fast-forward to the middle of the 20th Century and all immigrants joined in the national pastime of "discriminating" on the basis of color.  Those from Latin countries had earlier adopted their mestizage
characterizations.  pdf  It was known that in Mexico and the United States color discrimination took place within families; singling out children (favorably and unfavorably) according to color of eyes, hair, and skin.  Over a period of 500 years, both Hispanic and Non-Hispanic European influences in the Americas flowed along color lines.
Today, in the 21st Century, we have one of our two major political parties hopelessly mired in the "mess" of color discrimination.  That party has damaged our countries ability to govern itself, because a person of color was elected to the Presidency in 2008.
Has our "birthright" become our "death-wish"??  Lets Hope Not!  When the White-Right protests losing their "rights" -- we can all hope they're RIGHT??
Stay Vigilant!
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