Friday, December 20, 2013

"FOLLOW" the "DUCK(s)" ??

"Tis the Season" & The "Ducks" are Busy!!
Are the remaining "Conservatives" in this country to pitied? Or, What?  It strikes me that they are extremely busy re-defining "Conservative" for the 21st Century.  I began this BLOG (The OWL) in 2011, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing on our "Smelly Telly"; in the run-up to the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama.
This heavily race-based government; fashioned and bequeathed to us by our Founders; has moved quite a distance, socially, politically, and economically from those days in the late 18th Century when Slave Owners
decided to "go-for-broke" and confiscate the assets of the King of  England (slaves and all).  
Today's "Conservatives" are fighting "tooth-and-nail" to 'conserve' what they can of that legacy, warts and all!  Enter the "Ducks": and find that many Deep South miscreants are busy re-defining things.  The "N" word is off the table for their use, so they need credible stand-ins.  These people live inside a peculiar, extreme version of the Christian Bible.  It is one in which every thing and every one they don't like, are "fair-game".  Homosexuals and Blacks are their most recent target.  According to "Papa Duck","We's (blacks)" are just happy-go-lucky, never "blue" shufflers.  Christians are the new name for "whites" (they don't say what non-Christians are); (their)God does not approve of Homosexuals, and history will be constantly re-written to conform to their image of those people who are "not like" them.
They fall perfectly in line with all other religious extremists around our planet who are busy cooking up trouble that, unless successfully-checked, will consume us all.  There is a strange assortment of "supporters" trailing in their wake.  One, the Governor of the troubled state of Louisiana, is of "Indian" extraction.  As the most racist Southern States "dig-in" to protect their troubled past; another state, South Carolina, has also chosen the "Indian" route to the achievement of their goals.  Could it be that India, aside from inflicting a terrible historic legacy on our Native Americans, are well versed, from Ancient times, in matters such as Race, Class, Caste, and Skin Color?  That past seriously threatens the future of India to this day.  Google Oliver Cromwell Cox, and learn all you need to know about this history.

Pay attention, also, to the very visible, and vocal, "white women" who champion "The Ducks".  Take it from someone who lived through decades of nationally-visible incidents from Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin, it's the WOMEN (all races, all religions) who are the "keepers" of the socio-economic order!  Don't fall for "Women" (the way voters fell for counterfeit Blacks i.e.,on our Supreme Court); -- mistaking them for "reformers"!!
Stay Vigilant!  Question everything, and everyone.  Choose wisely!
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