Monday, December 30, 2013

"Ultimate" DEMOGRAPHIC "Reality"??

Ms. Buffett's "Insight"
Will Non-White Women "Decide" our Planet's Fate??
In this last Blog of 2013, I reflect on a Charlie Rose show entitled: Three Generations of Buffetts  (10/23/13).  Reminiscing on their late mother (and wife), they shared her insight that the world will change fundamentally when women realize that they are the real "slaves" (emphasis added).

This insight should make us all "sit up straight"!  Of course, she was right!  All the powerful forces in our world have been harnessed to keep us all from realizing this!  Think about it:
  •   All of the wealth (post 1492) of European Culture sprang from the loins of non-white women. 
  •  "Abortion" in the U.S. is about white babies; very little else.
  • White Privilege cannot survive without white, male, babies.
  • Africa, and the Middle East continue to be controlled by European "interests".
  • The wealth from chattel slavery in the Americas is beyond measure.
  • The Nazi's "Final Solution" was the ultimate in global, white racism.
  • Extreme Right-Wing politics is inextricable from white privilege.
  • "Christian" religious practices provide the mainstay of white privilege.
  • Religion and Tribalism serve global white privilege: (Think "Syria")!
  • "Women" were declared "minorities" in Civil Rights legislation in the U.S. to "insure" white privilege.
  • If non-white women "wake up", they may still have time to "save" their children.
  • Europeans "mine" wealth from non-whites, today,  through "Foundations" and "Charities". Non-white women, because of what they believe, and teach their children, hold the fate of our planet in their hands.  They certainly will be the principal players in the fate of their own children.  As the 2013 film, The Help dramatized;  momentous change is possible when non-white women "wake-up"!!  We struggle to revive the Middle Class in the United States; following the calamitous attack it suffered in 2008.  In this country, the Rich WILL NOT pay the nation's bills; the Poor CANNOT pay the nation's bills; therefore, the Middle Class has ALWAYS been the default Bill Payers!  Ergo, no Middle Class: No economically viable nation!  Non-white women hold the key, starting with Affordable Health Care, to the economic revival of the United States. If you think about it.!! I'm sure you'll be able to add to this list.  Consider what these insights mean to you and your future.  HAPPY 2014!!
Stay Vigilant!  Don't be distracted from the REAL issues that impact your life!
Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC; All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


Global "Economy"; Global "Crime"' Global "criminal" MEDIA??

The German Nazis learned; from the Propaganda Programs they used to overthrow German Democracy in the 1930s, that the LIE is more important that the TRUTH!  When TRUTH shows up to expose the LIE -- IT NO LONGER MATTERs!!  We all saw this work in MEDIA response to the Trayvon Martin tragedy, and trial.  We may now be seeing it again in the BENGHAZI affair??

Go back and carefully examine the media treatment of Benghazi; beginning with Mitt Romney "springing" their "trap", positioned to destroy President Obama's chances for re-election.  It was immediately obvious that the "timing" of Romney's splash in the MEDIA was "off".  The MEDIA immediately switched emphasis to deny any connection to the VIDEO.  We now know, with careful reporting from the "legitimate" media (NY Times) that it WAS the VIDEO!!!  Does the TRUTH really matter at this late date??

What did Romney really know, and how did he know it?? Why did NO MEDIA investigate that Video more carefully, at that time??   Is this an "aha!" moment?  If so, who wins?  Who loses?  Is this proof positive that our Constitution faces severe limitations when confronting advances in technology that yields the global MEDIA, and global CRIME?  We really need to think more carefully about the short-comings of our First Amendment "protection"??

Stay Vigilant! "Protect" your Democracy!

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Sunday, December 29, 2013


Does the "White-Bubble" "Burst"??

Bill Maher,  (on his show, which bears his name),states that "white Conservatives" live in a "bubble" that does not permit any reality other than their own to "penetrate" it's shell.  I submit that all who "shadow-box" with racism (all colors, all genders, all income classes, both Parties) tip-toe around racial issues while safely ensconced in their protective "bubble".  It allows them to feign ignorance when caught in an openly questionable racial stance.

As the 2014 "off-year" election approaches, stresses within both major political parties are building to a breaking point that might "disintegrate" our "Democracy" in ways not foreseen .  The shifting Red (neck?) states and Blue (blood?) states reveal very little of what is really going on. Having 'dumped' poor whites from their midst, the more wealthy whites are re-forming to rid their political party (Republican/Corporate) of the most extremely religious, racist, gun-nuttiest, Conservative, 'Exceptional'; (take your pick) elements.  Under these pressures, these elements are "morphing" from Tea Party Nuts, into "Ducks".  Whites have to really stay on their toes to navigate our racial waters today!  Throw in Women, Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexual s, and Transgender folk; along with non-white immigrants, living-wage advocates, and those who hide behind the labels of "Libertarian" or "Independents" (all of whom practice their own versions of color racism), and you can easily see how 2014 could reveal the full dimensions of the "Obama-Phenomenon"!  'New' Party(s) could emerge!

Which side will win??  That depends on which combination of interests gets the most voters to the polls in 2014, while "suppressing" the vote of the other side.  Democrats have the numbers, but are weak on their commitment to "Democracy" and "Equal Opportunity/Treatment".  Republicans have the most MONEY, but have to successfully disguise the new racism they will need; to continue to concentrate power in the hands of a dwindling white, and corporate-controlled portion of our total population.

MEDIA, all sides, all stripes, all colors; is in HOG HEAVEN.  The money that can be spent in 2014 may dwarf the riches of  the Gold Rush of the mid-1800s!  It will virtually all go to Media in one or more of its many manifestations.

Stay Vigilant!  Each person must STAND THEIR GROUND in this battle, and VOTE!!!

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Saturday, December 28, 2013


Is it Race? or: Liberal v. Conservative??
2013 disappears into history in the next 3 days!  It began with the 2nd Inauguration of President Barack Obama.  Those dedicated organizations that worked for the past five years to defeat any and all things favored by the first black President; tripled-down this year to smear him with the blame for those things that Cheney/Bush did during their turn at the wheel.  Bush has openly refrained from "piling on", while Cheney gets a new, young, heart; and a second chance to destroy this country!  No jail in sight, yet,  for those most guilty of committing $13Trillion in damages to our country.

Yesterday's Blog concerned Reconstruction, that period in our history that came after our Civil War in the mid-1800s.  If we're facing another Reconstruction, where was the Civil War to proceed it?  It has been taking place, slowly, since the 1960s.  This time, not only free labor vs. slave labor interests are involved, but there are a host of other, surrogate, issues involved: women issues, health issues, maternity issues, regional issues, education issues, same-sex marriage issues, Immigration issues; the list grows daily!

The Obama election in 2012, brought racial issues to the fore, both here and around the world.  The reaction of the citizenry to his election, twice, has been un-mistakeable, in both racial and regional terms.  The whites in the South (not all, but a dominant faction) see President Obama as "the Devil" and have not veered from that view. Blacks, and Liberal whites, throughout the nation, have seen the first black President as a "Jesus" figure that can accomplish all sorts of "miracles" with no help from anyone!  Those are the opposition forces in play.

Both factions have un-realistic, even childish, views of the President.  The MEDIA is piling on, as they see that they can help drive the poll numbers against the President.  Fake scandals, stealth insurgencies in State politics, propaganda campaigns in the media, are the weapons used in this new Civil War.  Even some of the President's staunchest supporters are being swayed by the Media campaigns.

Voting rights, public education, Immigration,  privacy concerns, Gay and Lesbian rights in the work-place, and in marriage law, School to Prison, and School to Athletics; both new Plantation Systems, are in place wherein the victims are mostly black and brown males, and the new "Masters" are the owners of Teams or Franchises, or Investors in Private Prisons -- all of these are battlegrounds in the slowly evolving Civil War this nation is engaged in today,have been for past decades, and will be well into the future.  The maturity and sophistication of voters in the States will determine who wins and who loses the Civil War.  Big money, world-wide, has a huge stake in the outcomes.  Mitt Romney declared to CPAC, that the battle-grounds must be the State Legislatures.  Urban vs. Rural interests, and which will be funded and/or politically represented are at issue.

As the Tea Party yields to The Ducks; historically weak states like Louisiana (Lousy-Weesy), and Florida (Flaw-ida) take leading roles in the battles.  The citizenry, and our Democracy, face life-or-death political challenges as we head into 2014!

Stay Vigilant!  You don't want to "sleep" through off-year election (2014)! 

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Friday, December 27, 2013

21st CENTURY "RECONSTRUCTION" .. (global)??

The "FINAL" Design??
Snowden has discovered "police states"; Pope-Too is busy "cleaning-up" Catholicism; "Over-Policing" is catching attention from "white"-folk in the United States.  
If you want to see what a "police-state" was really like in the U.S., watch Lana Turner, Susan Kohner, and Juanita Moore's performances in the movie: Imitation of Life!  The 1959 film, appeared in the last year of this country's "dark decade" of Segregation, Lynching, and Jim Crow.  See how even small white children were "enforcers" of "The Law" during that time, and how stultifying the atmosphere was, for everyone;  especially those non-whites who were the subjects of the laws.  That decade, the first following the War Years, was most violent, in terms of the "Color Line".  The next darkest-decade, during my lifetime, was the 2000-2009 decade  -- when the "angry white males" rose up to present us, and the world with a series of atrocities, the likes of which NONE of us had ever seen before; (except,  for some people during World War II).
In the year 2008, of our most recent dark-decades, the Right-Wing Extremists "breached" the Color Line, ever-so-briefly, to eject the poor among them (welcomed into the "Middle Class" by Reagan). Today they must subsist, along with other "non-includeds" within the new "Reconstruction";  currently under design by the Rich, for the planet.  Whites, before 2008, weren't concerned about "policing", because they were still "the police".   "Advances" championed along with changes in the legal "Race-Law" structure,  mattered little, because, as the 1959 film vividly portrays, the new "social fabric" was already set.  Racism had become fully "institutionalized" by then; seeping into the bones, so to speak, of citizens of all colors.
Those poor, and angry, white males, changed organizations and names over the years since 2000,  from "angry white males"; to Republicans; to "Tea Party folk"; and now, "Ducks" from Down-the-River? i.e. Louisiana).
Across the planet, realignments are taking place as Income Inequality realities sink in.  Those not born to wealth and privilege will continue to see their life-styles decline, and witness increased difficulty finding enough income to sustain a family.  The Republicans, here, have gleefully decided that all persons who have not found new jobs, since they wrecked the economy in 2008, are "lazy" and should lose their Unemployment Protections.
Add to this the shenanigans of the world's Christians to "launder" scandals and money over past Millenniums; along with their complicity in chattel slavery, and we see the world's MONEY BOYs, and other "players" busy fashioning the 21st Century "Reconstruction"!  What goes around, comes around??
Stay Vigilant!  As you watch the movie; remember;  it was produced before "Women's Lib" !  
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The "Veneer" continues to disappear?

A "lump of coal":  The entire planet will richly deserve this "gift" for the Holidays if we fail to come to grips with the fact that "Tribalism" is what lies beneath most, if not all, of the planets most serious issues.  I Blogged early in 2012 that the Presidential Election in the United States would be a "Rorschach Test" for this nation.  See BLOG: (RORSCHACH" Election 2012),  (9-9-2012).  Time has proven my prediction to be accurate.

Since my early college days in San Francisco in the 1960(s), I've known how the Europeans used tribal hatreds as tools to control the populations they exploited in Africa during the Colonial Period. Those lingering hatreds have exploded periodically, as in Rwanda, and, today in the Sudan.  Even if it takes the bankruptcy of every European Country that grew rich off of Sub-Saharan Africa; no citizen of this country should fight and die to protect their riches!  Failure to put out these fires that are erupting could wind up bankrupting the entire planet!

Tribes have their own religions, and are very often willing to kill others in the name of those religions.  Empires that are formed by successful tribes, also design their own Gods.  No more, please!  In the 21st Century we should strive mightily to keep World War III (nuclear; in the long run) from occurring.

The "veneer" that covers tribalism and related religious hatreds is often "race".  As malignant "Ducks" arise in our Media, and in Pots of Rot, like the deep South states ( "Lousy-weezy", for example) and careen down the highways of "progress" in this country; we learn of new road hazards that now compete with the "terrified family" we're warned to look out far on road signs along the freeways as we enter San Diego.  We should now be careful not to tip over barrels of crackers along the roadside?  The "Ducks" would appreciate that, apparently!  They don't care much for immigrant families that try to dodge cars on the freeway, apparently.

Seriously, folks!  Tribalism is nothing to joke about.  It can snuggle into the house next door to you -- with guns loaded and cocked!  If we don't have a political party that will stand clearly against this crap, WE CAN INVENT ONE!  It shouldn't take too long in these days of the internet.

Stay Vigilant!  2014 is Nigh!  Time to prepare to vote (early, earnestly, if not often).

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Monday, December 23, 2013


Black Millenials are 'Seriously' MisEducated!!

"Puh-leeze"!! Tour'e:  not EVEN in Jest!    I flipped to MSNBC's The Cycle, just in time to hear Toure' suggesting (in jest, he claims) that black shoppers "mollify" (sp) white shop owners to appease white fears and induce them to take black income as you shop in their stores!  I guess Toure' should read about Oprah's Purse Incident.
(Check out earlier Blog on THE OWL. (8/10/2013)

First of all, inducing people to take your money flies in the face of common sense, and "smart shopping".  Any person or group who violates "market principles" to the extent of limiting choices of select groups of participants, are engaged in the death of capitalism.  They are pleading for the establishment of replacement "markets"!  Rather than induce your ENEMIES to take your money; learn to establish and and control YOUR OWN market!  If its anything like the "Rock 'n' Roll" market, they stole the products from blacks in the first place!  It's just plain STUPID!!  My grandparents generation knew enough to protect their own wealth!  What happened to their great grand-kids?  Just more evidence of the power of  whites to "mind-eff" of the world's non-white young??  Non-whites have to learn how to NOT to value, or think more, of any person or group than that person or group values you or your "group".  Chances are, the whites invented your "group" designation!

There were a number of black, and famous, people in our past who believed in the crap that Toure' alludes to.  Most prominent, perhaps, was "Step 'N Fetchit"  who allowed white actors in early Hollywood race films to "tee" golf balls, using his black "head" as a "tee"! 

In their defense, Segregation was so egregious, blacks had to suffer inhumane indignities in order to feed their families and to build and protect their communities.  Fast forward to this day, and,  we find the disappearance or dysfunction of those black communities!   Using the "cover" of "humor" or "satire"; these weak Millenials are herded into organized sports, "comedy" and other "careers"; all in the name of "entertainment"  for whites.  As the old ghetto kids used to say (some things ain't funny, MoFo!).

Stay Vigilant!  Continue this backward approach to spending your money, and stay poor, and unemployed!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, December 22, 2013

R We "MisReading" OBAMACARE ??

Is It a "Proxy-WAR" between Corporate Interests & Government??
'Twas Nixon in '74"
"Tricky Dick", as I remember, was the guy who injected the insurance industry into the nation's "healthcare"!
Since 1974, the industry has gobbled up all of the "sisters" in the plan: the doctors, the hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, and various smaller "strap-hangers".  Over time, the doctors couldn't decide who they feared most, the "government", or the insurance industry.
Because "insurance" is "regulated" by States in this country; some of the less-well-managed states permitted fraudulent "Mom & Pop" companies to operate and sell policies; who were safely in the Bahamas, along with everyone's premiums, and unavailable when time came to pay any "claims".  Of course, the larger, and more "reputable" companies knew this when they collaborated in the formulation of  OBAMACARE.  What if President Obama simply repeated the assurances he was given by the "industry" when the bill was being crafted?  If our Media were not so craven and incompetent, I'm sure that fact might have been reported by now.

Doctors and Insurers are not the only "players" in our 2013-economy who "welch" on deals; so no surprise there.  The ones who were "stiffed" were those who accepted such "assurances".  Such is "bizness" in this land of "Snake-Oil"!
As I have Blogged before, Corporations fear Government, something terrible!  Sherman Anti-Trust ghosts still roam the land.  Their malevolent henchmen in the Congress (Repoobs and Tea Party types) and in the "Stink Tanks", are revving up the Media and having a field day driving the President's Poll Numbers down.

If voters in 2014 sleep, or become seduced into voting for even ONE Republican, the Corporations can continue their march toward further destroying the ability of this nation to govern itself.  They also lessen the chances that the people will EVER get a chance to get them under control.  Ask any friends you have who are lucky enough to have a "job" how comfortable they are with the day-to-day encroachments corporations are making on their ability to have a life at all.  No one has any time anymore to have much of a life!  Their increased computing power also gives corporations the ability to do whatever they want with your time, your pay, your benefits.  They can easily get around ALL laws against discrimination; of any type they choose to practice.  We are so hungry for "jobs" that we're not paying attention to the steadily deteriorating working conditions and the excruciating stress levels that are building.  Workers are worse off today than the proverbial "frogs in a tub of hot water"!

Stay Vigilant!  Stupid is a fatal disease -- for everyone!!
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Blacks MUST "De-Construct" Willie Lynch ;;

... to "Survive" 21st Century Economies
If the Slave Masters who founded the United States of America had the computing power of today, even our Civil War would not be enough to get rid of slavery.  There would be enough global financial interest to overcome any opposition to that system.  The Old Masters would be able to "compute" the exact amount of meal and water to keep a slave alive for "optimal" time periods.  Fortunately, they didn't; and the Masters disappeared after that war; leaving their "Overseers" to take over; and , with the help of the Ohio Presidents; Jim Crow, Segregation, and other depredations took the place of chattel slavery.
is something blacks in this country (non-whites world-wide) should analyze carefully, in order to understand the limitations that those instructions place on the ability of persons of color to EVER succeed in 21st century economies.  Economic activity, in order to be successful, must rest primarily in an ORGANIZATION that works on implicit TRUST.  By gender, age, skin color, skin shade, eye color, and hair color; the instructions utilize envy, greed, jealousy, anger, and worship of white skin to destroy any POSSIBILITY that enduring trust among persons who are not white would ever exist without easy detection and/or eradication.
Imagine that a "magic substance" could be invented that "dissolves" all possible bonds between certain persons, while "bonding" irrevocably certain "other" persons.  Suppose that "substance" could be coerced by force of arms and unprecedented, horrific treatment, deep into the psyche of millions of people over centuries in time.
That "substance" was invented by the Popes of Rome; yielding chattel slavery; a type of slavery never witnessed on any scale in the history of man.  The Popes had the power to overrule kings, and to spread their "teachings" throughout the world.

The MONEY BOYS of the 21st Century know and understand how the "men" (they have always been male) behind "the curtain" control things.  They understand why the largest sums of money have, thus far, wound up in the hands of whites, or Europeans.  They understand how even the poorest of whites have always held "powers" over persons of darker skin.  
TRUST, not LOVE, is what must be built and maintained between non-whites, or they will never be able to "compete" globally; or within any smaller units of geographic organization. 
Stay Vigilant!  Got it?  Can you Get it?  GOOD!
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Friday, December 20, 2013

"FOLLOW" the "DUCK(s)" ??

"Tis the Season" & The "Ducks" are Busy!!
Are the remaining "Conservatives" in this country to pitied? Or, What?  It strikes me that they are extremely busy re-defining "Conservative" for the 21st Century.  I began this BLOG (The OWL) in 2011, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing on our "Smelly Telly"; in the run-up to the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama.
This heavily race-based government; fashioned and bequeathed to us by our Founders; has moved quite a distance, socially, politically, and economically from those days in the late 18th Century when Slave Owners
decided to "go-for-broke" and confiscate the assets of the King of  England (slaves and all).  
Today's "Conservatives" are fighting "tooth-and-nail" to 'conserve' what they can of that legacy, warts and all!  Enter the "Ducks": and find that many Deep South miscreants are busy re-defining things.  The "N" word is off the table for their use, so they need credible stand-ins.  These people live inside a peculiar, extreme version of the Christian Bible.  It is one in which every thing and every one they don't like, are "fair-game".  Homosexuals and Blacks are their most recent target.  According to "Papa Duck","We's (blacks)" are just happy-go-lucky, never "blue" shufflers.  Christians are the new name for "whites" (they don't say what non-Christians are); (their)God does not approve of Homosexuals, and history will be constantly re-written to conform to their image of those people who are "not like" them.
They fall perfectly in line with all other religious extremists around our planet who are busy cooking up trouble that, unless successfully-checked, will consume us all.  There is a strange assortment of "supporters" trailing in their wake.  One, the Governor of the troubled state of Louisiana, is of "Indian" extraction.  As the most racist Southern States "dig-in" to protect their troubled past; another state, South Carolina, has also chosen the "Indian" route to the achievement of their goals.  Could it be that India, aside from inflicting a terrible historic legacy on our Native Americans, are well versed, from Ancient times, in matters such as Race, Class, Caste, and Skin Color?  That past seriously threatens the future of India to this day.  Google Oliver Cromwell Cox, and learn all you need to know about this history.

Pay attention, also, to the very visible, and vocal, "white women" who champion "The Ducks".  Take it from someone who lived through decades of nationally-visible incidents from Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin, it's the WOMEN (all races, all religions) who are the "keepers" of the socio-economic order!  Don't fall for "Women" (the way voters fell for counterfeit Blacks i.e.,on our Supreme Court); -- mistaking them for "reformers"!!
Stay Vigilant!  Question everything, and everyone.  Choose wisely!
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"BLACK SANTA" .. "Rip"-off? or: "Riff"-Off?

YOU Can Decide .. "Reserved"  Rights Infringed?
I woke up to a replay of SNL's 14Dec "Riff" on Black Santa.  I bolted up at the lines about Santa "stealing" credit for my work.  I thought "I wrote that"!  Sure enough, on December 9, 2012, THE OWL published (over: "All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC") A Christmas Story (Santa as "Educator"??). 
After some digging, I found that a fast-moving story in the Media, involving Slate, FOX, MSNBC, and SNL was "going viral" over, what obviously, to me, sprang from my Blog.  Google: willigl, and it will pop up THE OWL (  Search the time line on the right of the articles and click on 2012, December, and the blog will appear as the December 9, 2012 publication.
One year and one day after I published, Slate published its article by Aisha Harris.
That article led to FOX folks reactions that involved throwing racist remarks about Santa and Jesus to their white supremacist base.  The story, as they say, now has "legs"; and is spreading rapidly.
I encourage all to read the December 9, 2012 story, and decide if "writers" in the media are playing fast and loose with "protected" content.
A footnote; a few years before I appeared as a black Santa, I asked a young Jewish colleague at the NSA if he held Christmas or Jewish Holidays for his young children.  He replied:  I do all of the versions, I don't want my kids to miss anything.  My sentiments exactly, resentments, and all!
Stay Vigilant!  Merry (purloined?) Christmas!
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Monday, December 16, 2013

SNOWDEN: "60 minutes": "intelligence" ??

Remembering When NSA (and our "intelligence") "worked"
Did CBS and "60 Minutes" lose their nerve, and their "way", after Cheney/Bush "gutted" Dan Rather?  Can' Be Sure??
Last night's lead story on "60 Minutes" left me, and, I'm sure many other citizens, "incredulous"!  Did I just see, in prime time, the head of the NSA say he traveled to Hawaii to "sit in the seat" that Snowden occupied when he ripped this country off?  Did I also see his "man in charge" openly disagree with his boss, for all the world to see?  Did I hear them both admit that we still don't know the extent of what Snowden did, or how he did it?
As a veteran who served "The Agency" during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I will never forget our President, those who supported him, and their "success" at turning away what was clearly the imminent threat of World War III  (nuclear)!!
Contrast that with our "Intelligence"  experiences during 9/11.  We were told that NOTHING worked!!  From the National Security Adviser, throughout the "Community", we were told that all "systems" failed!  Reports of "tampering" with "intelligence" leading up to the Iraq invasion; "shuffles" and reorganizations within the "community"; and a Medal for the guy in charge of the CIA at the time, were all paraded before us.
President Truman, famously, spoke out after the Bay of Pigs incident, citing the CIA as a rogue agency and a flaw in the reorganization of our security apparatus following World War II.  
Are we left to believe that a high-school drop-out, white male U.S. citizen, pulled off a caper that has hamstrung our security apparatus in 2013;  and, did it ALL ALONE??  If we do, then, shame on us!!  If Putin saw last night's show, he must have cracked a rib laughing at us.
Stay Vigilant!  We deserve the Government that we ACCEPT!!
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Sunday, December 15, 2013


RESPECT is the KEY !!
I've been taught that "Nobody respects a person, or a people, who don't respect themselves, or those  people who were their "forebears"!  I am convinced that Nelson Mandela showed the world the power an individual can wield when he or she truly respects themselves and their ancestors.
The United States, an "immigrant" nation, has a history of attracting people from around the world who are eager to "extinguish" their past connections to country, family, kith, and kin.  In addition, they all are expected to subscribe to "exceptionalism" , and its former identities of "white supremacy" and "color racism". 
Non-white immigrants have have often striven to demonstrate their "non-blackness", or exhibit other techniques to "blend in" with the white "master class and race".  All of the nation's institutions, both religious, and secular, are tainted with the stain.  The nation faces the threat of ultimate decline as a result.  It shows in our failing educational achievements, in our failure to share power across "color lines", our attitudes toward "guns", and in our religious postures and practices. 
Non-whites, and especially those of them who admit to African ancestry, are peculiarly unable, this far in time from the formal "end" to chattel slavery, to break free of the curse of elevating all things white over all things "not-white".  Social pathologies have grown and multiplied over centuries, as a result.  The Trayvon Martin incident, and the failure of whites to respect President Obama are ready and obvious examples of the afflictions we face as a nation.  The refusal to take seriously our exploding gun violence, is yet another.  This nation's "identity crisis" supersedes all other social, economic, and political pathologies.
We depend on "Laws" to save us, but we don't enforce the laws we pass.  We police our nation, and "educate" our nation with institutions peopled and controlled by uneducated or undereducated white males who insist on protecting our "conservative" past; to include forms of Segregation and practices that have not changed much since the days of chattel slavery. 
From comic book heroes to Jesus Christ, we inflict our children with lies about their history and trick them into "worshipping" figures that are detrimental to their psyche. 
By teaching the black South African a way to "forgive" whites for their historic actions, Mandela has taught them not to fall for the Western Christian definition of "forgiveness" that teaches that whites or "chosen" by God; or that they are "God's Messengers on Earth", and therefore, can be "forgiven" in advance for whatever they do.  Its easy to see how they could, in the past, fool slaves who could not read or write (any white could kill them immediately for understanding any alphabet).
Mandela's "Going Home" today in the place of his ancestors, speaks volumes of his uniqueness among mankind.
Stay Vigilant!  The agents of "corruption" and "confusion" were to be seen at the funeral!  Pray for South Africa; Pray for the Earth!
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Saturday, December 14, 2013

a NATION on a "CROSS" of "GUNS" and "THE BIBLE" ??

26 Christian "Responses" to Newtown??
(the measure of a Nation's Mental Health?)
Stay Vigilant!  Can you find YOURSELF among these "Responses"??
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Thursday, December 12, 2013

When "RICH" whites "DUMP" poor whites (In the U.S.)

When It Happened Before 
"Mad-Ronnie"s Reagan Revolution (1980) worked because he convinced poor whites that they were Middle Class (simply because they were white).  The Archie Bunker, blue collar class rewarded Reagan by helping him kill their Unions!  The last time we went through this in this country was after the Financial Meltdown that took place between 1929 and 1933 -- known as The Great Depression!
At that time the Labor Union Movement established their foot-hold in their fight against the Wall Street Barons and Industrialists; by passing Glass-Steagall legislation to curb the excess of the Money Boys of that day, and The Wagner Act for organized labor.  Poor whites won those battles by forming alliances with non-whites.  Once the Unions were established, they turned against their black and other non-white allies by creating segregated unions.  Poor whites held rigidly to their "religion" of discrimination against persons of color.  The root of that hatred rested in the religion of the ethnic white poor.  The Rich of that day used those poor whites to "Police" the blacks and other non-whites in our segregated, apartheid nation.
Fast forward to 2013, and our Mad-Right, legacy of Mad-Ronnie, is engaged in a Civil War within the Republican Party.  The Party finally realizes that they must exorcise the Tea Party and their fellow-travelling race baiters; or their Party has no future!  Not all of these Wacko's are to be found in the Republican Party.  There are still "Blue Dogs", and "Yellow Dogs", in the Democratic Party.  Their poison is spreading throughout the nation, forming RED, (and Poor) states.
Hopefully, non-whites in the United States, like the blacks in South Africa, will find the inner courage and wisdom to stand up to this poison in all of its forms and get finally free from the shackles of slavery.
The poison works primarily in the mind, appealing to emotion, while killing off the ability to think rationally.  The current "kerfluffle" in the Media over the "REDSKINS" is a current example of the way this poison works.  The 'Birthers' are yet another.
Why now?  Poor whites have "discovered" that, despite the Media's long-standing campaign to paste a non-white face on Poverty in this country; the majority of poor people in the United States are, and always have been, white!
The Republican Party, from 2000 to 2008 bilked this nation out of 13 Trillion Dollars, through river-boat gambles that failed in the Middle East, Tax Give-Away's to the top 1%, Housing Industry Melt-Downs, and a free-for-all in our banking and financial systems.  That Middle Class that Reagan welcomed poor whites to join, vanished, as  result! 
While the Republicans "house clean" within their party, the Democrats must do the same!  Political Tricks like electing a tough gansta from New Jersey, or electing a female, or some slick skin-color ruse like "9-9-9"; will not save a party or save our country!
Stay Vigilant!  If Unions ever regain their strength, they'd better get it right this time!
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the"CURE" FOR "HEALTHCARE" in the U.S??

"Dirty BIG Secrets"??
Those of us born before World War II know something, perhaps, the rest of you don't.
If you EVER paid ONE Cent of Federal Income Taxes during your life time, you have "subsidized" every medical doctor, every trained nurse, every pharmacist, and the "industries" they work in.
During the decades since WW-II, the most craven and self-centered among those in the "professions". have organized and worked to make their services "scarce"; for purposes of driving up prices, while restricting care.  This "socialization" of medical care, has been something the leaders of organizations like the AMA have prized most highly,  while pointing fingers and howls of "Socialized Medicine" at anyone who wanted to challenge their strangle-hold on healthcare in this country. 
After the 1970s, President Nixon brought the Insurance Industry into the picture; perverting healthcare and "conditioning" us all to expect to self-limit our access to healthcare by thinking we had to allow insurance officials to dictate who received healthcare and who didn't.  The insurance industry also became the force that "rationed" healthcare for all of us.  We docilely accepted this travesty, all the while continuing to subsidize all of them with our taxes, and passively accept our "lot" in their dictates.
We can stop this crap!!  Those of us in my generation remember when doctors and healthcare nurses visited your home; even if you, like me, were born in a racially segregated, "apartheid" world.
How!  Break the artificial barriers to the production of quality doctors, nurses, and pharmacists in this country.  Fire any insurance executive or agent who is not also medically trained to the highest level.
"Unbundle" those parts of the processes for healthcare delivery and strictly regulate every step in the process to keep the "snake-oil", unethical, and criminal elements out.  Make sure that no aspect of healthcare delivery "subsidized" in any way for our tax dollars is ever restricted or limited, or diminished in quality for any recipient.  Return to our national legal restrictions against advertising
any and all healthcare substances and/or devices that require a doctor's prescription!
Stay Vigilant!  Wake up and realize that the Repoobs and their backers are agents of the craven actors in this entire matter!  Obamacare is a "healthy" baby-step toward Healthcare Sanity!
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Monday, December 9, 2013

COLOR DISCRIMINATION : First "RIGHT" of the Americas??

Our "Birthright" from our "Founders'?? 
In the part of the Americas known as "The United States", all babies are born with a "right" to practice color discrimination; courtesy of our Founders.  In the beginning, you had to be born White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, and Male to have that "birthright".  That meant no Catholics, Jews,  Non-Whites, or Women, could be expected to have the right to "discriminate" against WASP males; but everyone else was "fair game".  (One Founder, Benjamin Franklin, was doubtful that Germans were 'white enough" to be allowed to emigrate to this country!)  Makes you wonder which Europeans were "in the buggy" in the beginning, insofar as being allowed to become a citizen of the United States.
The first "equal-rights" struggle was to permit non-WASP males entry into the "club" of those allowed, by birth, to practice color discrimination, .  Jews were still not includeded, but Catholics and lesser Protestant males were.  That struggle was led by President Andrew Jackson (the Great Exterminator of Native-Americans); and ended with the Civil War;  a war that was really fought to protect the rights of free labor over slave labor.  Immigrants, during that period, were predominantly white, poor males, who spoke little or no English.
After the Civil War, the lesser-whites (North and South) earned their birthright, along with WASP males to practice color discrimination against persons with even one drop of African or Native blood.
Fast-forward to the middle of the 20th Century and all immigrants joined in the national pastime of "discriminating" on the basis of color.  Those from Latin countries had earlier adopted their mestizage
characterizations.  pdf  It was known that in Mexico and the United States color discrimination took place within families; singling out children (favorably and unfavorably) according to color of eyes, hair, and skin.  Over a period of 500 years, both Hispanic and Non-Hispanic European influences in the Americas flowed along color lines.
Today, in the 21st Century, we have one of our two major political parties hopelessly mired in the "mess" of color discrimination.  That party has damaged our countries ability to govern itself, because a person of color was elected to the Presidency in 2008.
Has our "birthright" become our "death-wish"??  Lets Hope Not!  When the White-Right protests losing their "rights" -- we can all hope they're RIGHT??
Stay Vigilant!
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Sunday, December 8, 2013


... For "All" God's 'Chillun'  ?? 
For much of last week, and, I expect for most of next week, we have, and can expect to see, "leaders" who are prominent on the public stage, "reset", "adjust their image", or, "otherwise posture" in the wake of the announcement of the death of Nelson Mandela.
The likes of Newt and Ted Cruz, both champions of the White-Supremacist Right, are struggling to "get right" with what is unfolding politically; not only here in the U.S., but around the world.  White Politicians; most of whom can count on the fingers of one hand the "non-whites" they are truly close to;  are scrambling for face time in the Media to keep their "charges" properly reassured regarding their racial stances.
What can we expect ahead?  As a citizen of this country with the misfortune to be born "Colored" in Apartheid North Central Missouri in 1939;  I, like Nelson Mandela, was born into Methodist Christianity.  As the President of the Richard Allen Club at the Historically Black College where I began my advanced education in 1957, I knew full well the hypocrisies and poisonous "teachings" that persons of color received from white Christian religions.  My maternal Grandmother also reinforced the requirements of firmness of mind and intellect to withstand their corrosive effects.
To this day, the message from the line in Phillis Wheatley's poem from the 1700's: "Remember Christians, Negro's black as Cain, May be refin'd and join th' angelic train."  is believed and firmly held by blacks and whites alike.  The Religion is the root of the Evil.
Black South Africans, to include Mandela, were successful in adapting their religious teachings into what is effectively a different religion.  Blacks and other non-whites in this nation have failed to do so, and suffer untold pain, sufferings, and tragedies as a result.  The fundamental lesson we need to learn here and throughout the Americas, is how to "Overcome" the crippling effects of that variant of Christianity to widely practiced in this country in the Eleventh Hour on Sunday Mornings.  "Forgiveness" to Mandela, did not have the meaning taught here by white Christians: a "pass";  freedom from guilt for their deeds.
Those with Catholic upbringings face even stiffer challenges.  Throughout the Americas, Catholics, John Kennedy is the best known exception, have held more firmly to the racist and fascist strains that survive today within that religion.  Thank God(?) the Fascist Pope resigned!  Maybe Pope-Too can make significant changes.
After the myriad and ugly "truths" revealed, to all who will see, in the Trayvon Martin tragedies (events before, during, and after the murder and "trial"); it is especially incumbent on Mothers of Non-White Children to understand the implications of race across this country today and what they must do to keep the babies they bring forth healthy and alive while they grow up here.  They must also instill in them the resolve of Mandela; to fiercely, intelligently, and always resist white-supremacist teachings and practices wherever they are encountered in their daily lives.
Stay Vigilant!  Free Your Mind(s)!  Begin by reading Willie Lynch, and stop thinking the white baby is "pretty" and your baby is "ugly".  Hollywood and our Media will work against your success!
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Saturday, December 7, 2013


a CABAL ? ; LARGER  than the TEA PARTY? 
What if; following the break-through legislation and court rulings against racial discrimination in the 1960s and '70s; a rich CABAL formed to feed off the anger spilling into the streets and Media from the poor-whites as they "Back-lashed" ??  What if this CABAL was formed of  very rich, right-wing factions, world-wide?  What if they realized that Big Money, combined with tremendous computing power, would be sufficient as tools to "feed" off of the white anger, and take control of the economies of the United States and the World?  First, they would have to seize "politics" domestically, and "rule" from that base?  They knew, as Ray Stannard Baker discovered in "Following the Color Line", that white supremacy and color discrimination; especially against persons of any amount of African descent, was the "mudsill" of Western Culture and its wealth. 
As the collapse of the Soviet Union approached, (the "smart Money" knew it was coming in the mid-70's) they made their move, through "Daddy Bush", to make sure there would be no more Thurgood Marshall's on our Supreme Court.!  Freeing Blacks would lead to "freeing" everyone else held in various forms of bondage in our nation (Women, Hispanics, Gays, etc.).  Clarence Thomas was their "fix".  Blacks were stupid, and racist enough to embrace "any" "Black-First".  Clarence was their answer, and it worked!  "W" and his handlers used Condi as their second plank in their reverse-reverse discrimination game.  They varied their methods by driving a wedge between those Hispanics who refused to acknowledge their Native and/or African roots, and the rest.  Cubans; (the white and lighter-skin variety, that made it to the United States, by whatever means),  were their "tool" to get a record percentage of Hispanic votes for "W" in his elections.  Reverse-reverse discrimination worked very well for Atwater, and Rove (among Hispanics).  Hispanics became more anti-Republican after anti- immigration "backlash" surfaced).
Fast-forward to 2013, and we see this method foiled by a politician, without "handlers", black, and very smart; who over-turned their game.  Politicians of all colors and both genders have been scrambling since, to find a "fix" to their "fix".  Failing in the general election of 2012, and in the Supreme Court, the CABAL has taken to a fall-back strategy; to dis-unite the country state-by-state.
The NationalJournal reported November 21, 2013, how a young, white, male "controls" Governor Martinez of New Mexico.  He pays himself almost a Million Dollars a year in the process.  He is reported to be a "Karl Rove" of New Mexico, who is upsetting the state's leading Republicans.  Read the article, and you might get a hint as to why "Susana" was silent after the national media went viral with video of "Jackboot" tactics of state police beating up on a lone black mother and her five children on a remote mountain road near Taos.
Stay Vigilant!  To rid this country of the threat they pose to our freedoms and way of life, VOTE
in 2014; and, unfortunately, even Republicans will have to vote against "their own" to rid the "host" of its fatal Tea Party, and White-Right Infection!!   Chris Christy was recently "posed" in PR photo-Ops with Susana.   Could it be that Cortez and Malinche have returned?; after 500 years??  Can U Spot the "race card" in white hands??  No Republicans in2014???
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Friday, December 6, 2013


Should We Pity the Poor, Southern, and White "Mind"?? 
While the Outpouring of "Observances", world-wide, for the passing of Nelson Mandela (Madiba) continue; I challenge you to find the genuine South-African white faces in the crowds shown on your T.V.  Mandela was a genius in waging a quiet PR campaign among the world's literati, celebrities, and entertainers to raise money for destitute black South Africans; he never compromised his dignity, or that of his people.
In the United States, the White-Right (Republican Tea Party folk) can't stand any non-white they can't break, (by getting  them to compromise their self-respect).  Ergo, their hatred for President Obama verges on mania in the "Land o' Cotton".  Blacks like Clarence Thomas are more to their liking and much more useful for their agenda(s).  It has ever been thus, and will remain; because the poisons of centuries of operations in our nation's bowels have polluted the place in ways that neither time nor ecological cleansing can erase.  Only that, can explain why a states like Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina (both "governed" by immigrants from India), and, sadly, North Carolina; are firmly under the grasp of the Southern White "Mind-set" regarding skin color and its relationship to all aspects of human life.  That mind-set is spreading North and West.  The United States Air Force is responding to efforts to "turn" young, vulnerable Officer Candidates at their Academy into "followers".
President Obama, descendent from lineages not subject to the White Southern Mind-F**k for centuries, unlike the rest of us, appears better equipped to resist the crap those folk throw at him constantly;  in the Congress, in our "Think" (stink) Tanks, and in the Media.
The situation will not improve in this country, until persons of color acquire the ability of both Mandela and Obama to not "break" under malignant white pressure.  Those without the "stuff" to resist, will simply have to die-out along with the older and white Southerners who keep the crap alive into the 21st Century.  Their consistent abilities to weaken the nation financially, depriving even poor whites of the ability to feed themselves, is the only strategy they seem to have left; except for their ability to infect succeeding generations of non-whites with their malignant version of "Christianity".  I hoped that the Jim Jones, Jonestown in Guyana event would wake up more non-whites to the "Kool-Aid" they were voluntarily consuming.
Some of us were gifted with the teaching of those slaves who, like Mandela, believe in their own versions of "Heaven" and "Forgiveness".  We learned that our ancestor did not separate from us in death.  We understood why whites insisted that we not be buried among them.
Stay Vigilant!  Hope Spring Eternal; maybe the younger generations will "get it"!
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

"JESUS was a JEW" ... and a "PALESTINIAN", Too

A True "Christmas" Story
Fifty-One years ago, as we approached the Christmas Season in 1962, I taught a Sunday School class for Protestant children of primary-grade-level on Fort Meade, in Maryland.  We had narrowly escaped, a few months before, what was widely expected to be a "nuclear holocaust"; and we, on the Fort, expected to be "ground zero".
As a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force, half-way through my first year of assignment to the NSA, aka, "The Agency", or, "The Puzzle Palace", I was grateful to still be alive, along with my wife and 3-month-old first born, a son.  The Kennedys were celebrating, what turned out to be their last year in the White House.  Their young son, "John-John" was just past 2 years old.
The lesson was, of course, about the "Baby in Bethlehem".  The class was mixed-race, composed of mostly white boys and girls from the deep South.  A young white girl shot up her hand and inquired: : "Is President Kennedy a Catholic?"  I replied "yes he is", but added,  "in our country we do not consider their religion to be important for choosing our leaders".  I added, we are mostly a Christian country, where we worship Jesus, who was a Jew from Palestine".
A little white boy erupted: "O-o-oh; I'm goin-ta' tell my Momma!  You said Jesus was a Jew".  Other children in the class chimed in; including some of the few black children.  I was shocked at their response.  I thought everybody knew that Jesus was a Jew from Palestine.  How on Earth could you tell the Christian "Christmas Story" and claim otherwise?
As this nation has struggled through the decades of unspeakable horrors that erupted in the wake of the assassination, less than a year later, of President Kennedy;  I now understand, fully, how "Christians" in this country don't hold the same beliefs; not even about Jesus!  Regional, racial, economic, and political differences all "trade" among the differences that exist among "Christians" in the United States.
The White-Right poses their threat to the viability of our country under a Southern brand of Christianity.  Having failed miserably in their attempts to defeat, defame, and undermine the first Black President, in the election of 2012, and in the Congress afterward, they have "seeped" into various states of this country attempting to establish their Tea Party-led political base.  Many states struggle to deny them a stronger foothold.
Stay Vigilant!  On this day of the Death of Mandela, don't let our country become a Theocratic Dictatorship! 
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Monday, December 2, 2013

When "FAITH" Trumps "TRUTH" and "TRUST" ...

... "CHAOS" Ensues ??
The entire world witnessed, in "9/11", what happens when "Faith", taken to extreme and malevolently directed, "strikes"!  In response to 9/11; It can be argued that the white/Right regime in power in the United States at the time, resorted to its own "Faith"; in ways thought be "extreme" by many,  when it "struck back"!  The remaining years of that regime culminated in a massive destruction in "Trust", on many levels, in many places, and within key global institutions. 
Since 2008, massive efforts have been undertaken to "set right" our financial institutions, international relations, and social order.  There is a great deal left to be done.
Is the world left to proceed on "Faith" as practiced by the world's various religions?   What has, and will happen to Truth, Reason, Confidence, and Trust?  There is, according to many extremely religious people, a "Faith" version for each of these, that the "faithful" are eager to substitute.  Science; advances in which have produced the wonders of our Modern world, is cast aside by many of these adherents.
"Faith" has proven over time to be the "womb" from which such evils as racism, classism, and social "supremacy" have sprung; and are spreading; to this day!  What can we do?  We need to examine closely everything we have been in the past, and are now, asked to "accept" on "Faith".
In economic matters, "Faith" really comes in very handy1  We are asked to have "faith" in certain brands, commercial propositions, and in their proponents.  I think it was blind "faith" in certain financial institutions, and their leaders, thatled us to the stupendous financial collapse of 2008!
Those politicians who trade in "Faith", especially  that part of the Republican Party in the United States known as the Tea Party, is now offering "Government-based-on Faith"!  Are you a "believer"??  So far, the majority of voters in national elections have not been mislead; in spite of massive amounts of money, and international collusion to bring them success at the ballot box.
Stay Vigilant!  The "Faith Healers" in our past created quite a bit of havoc.  Their decendants have retained their historical affinity for   "filthy Lucre", however!
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Sunday, December 1, 2013


Non-"Profit"?? -- What's Up??
Is it just me?; or, have you noticed what appears to be an explosion of "Charitable Trusts"; NGO's; "Celebrity" Fund-Raising (Think Bono?); State-Sponsored Fund-Raising (Think Clinton and "W'' for Haiti).  The list is long and growing longer.  We know why "celebrities" do it:  they can't let their "STAR" fade, or they're "done-for"!  Politicians do, because the gold-mine in cash-raising comes after they leave office.  Their Foundations are their personal "Churches"  (repositories for the loot they skim), and their "Causes" come straight from the News Media.  Its a new Gold Rush, stolen from the tricks of organized religions.
There is a penchant for starving, under-educated, disfigured children of Africa.  Never-mind that the education, health-care, etc. doesn't matter a "fig" to them; when it comes to Black and Brown children at home.  Every wonder why? FAITH. Brother; "Faith"!!  Many of these Fund-Raising entities are Hard-Right Religious NUTS!!
Yes, like the private and religious snake-oil of old, you're asked to empty your pockets on blind faith.  Has anyone seen an accounting of where the funds for Haiti went?  Take a look at Haiti today and you'd be hard-pressed to convince yourself that the money went into anything except the pockets of the fund-raisers.
One such "cause" was to provide cheap electronic readers to young Africans.  (Ever notice that it is always "Africa"; never a specific country, tribe, or village?)  The teller of the tale said he visited a "school" looking for books the children had for reading, and found a "History of UTAH"!!!  Guess who got to these people in Africa first!!  They seem to be everywhere; except for exposing the tremendous wealth and businesses owned here in the United States; funded by their "Missionary" work.
Faith works wonders; chief among them is building personal wealth for political dynasties, aging entertainers, and a horde of budding entrepreneurs who have "sniffed out" this gold mine.  If this trend continues, the established Churches, of our established Religions, may find their "competition" for easy money hard to combat.
Stay Vigilant!  KNOW who gets your money?? Another argument FOR Bit-Coin??
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