Wednesday, October 16, 2013


McCain & Cruz hold the KEYS ??
We got to see who the Repoobs are talking about, when they say "Americans", or, "The People".
The people we all saw in confrontations with police in front of the White House, form the "base" for the votes that brought us Ronald Reagan, and all of the white and male Presidents who followed him.  This all started with prominent Heritage Foundations operatives in the late 1970's.  I was told by someone "in the know", in 1979, that Heritage was searching for an "affable dummy" to become President of the United States.  We got Reagan, and his political strategist, Lee Atwater, and this "base" was built.  This "base" brought us Reagan, Daddy Bush, Slick Willy, and "W".  Hopefully, this "base" will continue to shrink.
An organization knows as Heritage Action  figured prominently in yesterday's activities in the "Default" saga we're all suffering from.  Senator Cruz, at this eleventh hour, states that he will not question "the timing" of today's proposal for getting our government and Congress back in business.  Is Cruz waiting for a "better time" to continue his "Cruz-ade"?  Over the weekend, McCain warned: "what goes around, comes around".  Is he, too, waiting for a better "time"?
A new Esquire-NBC News survey seems to show that our nation is rapidly forming a new "political middle".  If the findings pan out, "time" is not on the side of the Repoobs; and, maybe not on the side of the Republicans.  
The question, for the moment, is whether this represents only a loss for "this round"; of a fight that will resume in January of 2014?  Speaking of time, its now more than 10 months after the election of 2012, and the "American People" recognized by the Repoobs, still don't "understand" what elections mean.  McCain seems to be looking for a path back toward the "Middle"; while Cruz is hoping to push further to the Right.  The other "pantywaists" on the Right (Rubio, Graham, Paul) may be seeing the end of their "political road".  We can only hope.
Stay Vigilant!  Where do you stand? : Righteous Right; Talk-Radio Head; Bleeding Heart; Gospel Left; Minivan Moderate; MBA Middle; Pick-Up Populist; Whatever Man ??
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