"Greed vs. Hate"??
Our MEDIA (both, extreme Right, and Left) treat our "difficulties" in governing in the United States as something to joke about. The Late Night Talk Shows are thriving on the phenomenon. At the risk that many readers might find this Blog humorless; I suggest: THIS AIN'T FUNNY!
It could be, because just about all of these shows, and our Media, in general, are dominated by a certain mind-set, characterized by a curious mix of deniability, invincibility, and an aversion to all things non-white; they are left with only humor as a tool with which to cope. That humor is ringing more and more hollow as the 17th of October approaches.
The fact that Ted Cruz appeared in our Senate, and in less than a year dominated all the other Senators, AND virtually took over the House of Representatives; is due to the strength and depth of his financial backing; NOT his "intellect". The fact, also, that he and Sarah Palin were both driven to the streets yesterday; outside the White House; stirring up a mob spouting their visceral hatred of President Obama; tells me that their backers are unhappy, thus far, with the apparent failure of their campaign. They are turning up the heat in all directions.
Could it be, that Palin is pushed into "street duty" because her "backers" are turning up the heat on her?
Could it be that she quit her job as Governor of Alaska to acquire these "backers"? She pulls the strings for both Cruz and Rubio; both of whom have Batista Cubans in their lineage. Could these "backers" be "foreign"? Because of Citizens United, we could never know. How far, and, in what direction does this web extend?
(Back to our childish, infantile, spoiled, white Media); Bill Maher said on his show last Friday that we're witnessing a contest between Greed and Hate. That's the closest I've heard any of them admit that visceral, race-driven, hatred of non-whites could be playing a role in what we're witnessing. It's surprising how far the other, older, "talking heads" will go to bemoan the fact that our President doesn't "have the relationship" with Congress that past Presidents had in the last 17 Shut-downs.
Well; DUH!!, as my grand-children would say.
Let's pray GREED finds a way to break its old Reagan alliance with HATRED.
Stay Vigilant! If you still want to "laugh" at this, view King Vidor's "Our Daily Bread", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Daily_Bread_(1934_film)
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