Thursday, October 24, 2013


Where Do YOU "Fit"??
In the United States, we view our politicians as our "Leaders" (oxymoron:  example, Ted Cruz).
In the United States, we look to our government for goods and services at "bargain" prices, or for free (considered "smart" when the rich do it; considered "immoral" when the non-rich participate).
In the United States we expect the rich to pay less, or nothing at all for the things they acquire (moronic).  In the United States, we expect that those who can afford lobbyists will  "get away" with cheating the taxpayers and taking more from government than they pay for (moronic and stupid).
In a country like ours, that was designed to pit the very wealthy, religious WASPs, against everyone else; we have, over time, expanded our "divisions" to include non-WASPs, non-whites, economic classes; and, today, urban dwellers, rural dwellers, and  wealthy political "donors". (Pathetic!) 
In the beginning, there was such a thing as DISCIPLINE, in our personal behaviors, in our communities, between and within races, between and within classes, within families, and in social thought.  DISCIPLINE became a dirty word in all manner of relationships; it quickly disappeared as the Baby Boom materialized and grew like a cancer within our society.  It was our amazing DISCIPLINE as a society that brought us victory in World War II.  We promptly discarded it immediately after the War ended.
Today, that spoiled, undisciplined Baby Boom horde is entering Social Security at the rate of 10,000 per day.  They have saved virtually nothing (undisciplined); they've raised children who have no moral compass, and who "scare Hell" out of their parents.  The "gang mentality" that characterized our European ethnic immigrants can now be found in our politics, in our police forces, and within our military forces.
I'm not advocating that we return to beating Hell out of our kids; but common sense demands that we "draw lines" somewhere; or the entire nation will devolve into "gun-crazed" chaos.
Stay Vigilant!  A little bit of discipline here; a little bit of discipline there; could work wonders!
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