Monday, October 21, 2013


Who "Cares"
Without skipping a beat, the Repoobs, and their Republican Hosts have "pivoted" from serious attempts to wreck the U.S. Economy, and the Global Economy, to a campaign to sabotage and undermine the roll-out of ObamaCare.
We know politicians are "agents" for others, so who are they "shilling" for?  Why is "healthcare" so important that strong elements of our nation are willing to go to extra-Constitutional lengths, risking the life of the Republican Party, to deny, weaken, or destroy it?
This subject has haunted my life since 1945, when my mother died a bloody, horrific death; bleeding-out during childbirth.  She and my baby brother lived for just moments after the ordeal ended.  It took years for me any my siblings to learn the details of what went on in that segregated, Hospital No. 2, on that Sunday; which started off as a bright, sun-filled autumn day, and ended in a terrific thunderstorm.  The black doctors, not knowing how to handle her situation, fled the scene, leaving teen-age nurse-assistants behind to tend to my mother and mop to up the blood.  No white doctor, by law and custom, could be called, or would lift a finger to help.
In 1960, I worked my way through college in San Francisco by living and working at the USPHS Hospital, also known as the US Marine Hospital.  I was harangued many times by doctors on the staff about the evils of "socialized medicine".  (By that time, I firmly believed that the AMA was the "American Murderers Association").  I met a Holocaust Survivor, a co-worker, who told me her life story.  I became interested in what happened in Germany and learned that medical doctors were key to the Nazi "final solution".
All of this was before Nixon got the bright idea to "monetize" health care by inserting insurance companies into the process of healthcare, and organizing hospitals "for profit".  Before Nixon, patients dealt directly with their doctors, and many doctors provided services in exchange for chickens or vegetables.  They also visited their patients in their homes. Except for that day in 1945 and once before in 1938, mother successfully delivered  seven children at home, attended by a black doctor.   Most hospitals were "not-for-profit", and owned by religious organizations.  During World War II, health care was delivered in the home by visiting Nurses.
This history can help explain the tremendous effort by factions within this nation to cripple, deny, and destroy "healthcare".  The cost to vested interests are staggering.  The costs to taxpayers are even greater.
Stay Vigilant!  We may all become software experts now; courtesy of the Repoobs?
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