Who has one? How Much does one Cost?
As this infantile insanity (Shutdown) drags on inside our Congress, fewer than 40; mean-spirited, dim-witted, anarchic, Tea-Party Nuts are successfully threatening the finances and livelihood of hundreds of millions of our citizenry. They also threaten the World Bond Market with their "know-nothing" shenanigans.
We're told that this bunch is being led by a Canadian-born Texan (in our Senate) named Cruz. Texans, (if you read closely the history of this nation since the 1830's) are not too fond of paying allegiance to any political entity; other than Texas. That's been the long history of white Texans, I might add.
But Texans love horses and cattle! They know well what a "cattle-prod" is; and how to use one. That's used mostly for the cows (they aren't as smart as horses) -- Texans "kick" their horses. What we need in Washington is the right "prod" for this recalcitrant bunch holed up in the House of Representatives.
They've done significant harm already, and are now threatening the entire global financial structure with their temper tantrums. What's their problem? They can't understand that this nation stakes its reputation and its very life on the good "faith and credit" of its WORD and its LAWS. They use words in a rambling, nonsensical, deceptive and propagandistic manner; while pretending they can ignore established LAW.
The Speaker of the House is the person charged by our Constitution to solve this kind of problem. He has failed to do that, so far. He hails for a Bar in Ohio. He either doesn't know about cattle prods, doesn't have one, or does not know how to use one. He could turn to Texas or Oklahoma for assistance, but those guys are really anarchists at heart. The Speaker will probably have to turn to New Mexico or Colorado; forsome common-sense and expertise.
In the meantime, the rest of us can raise money and prepare to pay the expert that can get these "loonies" in the House "off-the-dime"??
Stay Vigilant! Pray for some "Sanity"?
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But Texans love horses and cattle! They know well what a "cattle-prod" is; and how to use one. That's used mostly for the cows (they aren't as ... icattleprod.blogspot.com