Wednesday, October 23, 2013


We Don't ACT like we KNOW that !!
Republicans in our Congress are busily throwing sand into the gears of our Government; while Ted Cruz pauses to take a "victory lap" among his foaming and drooling backers in Texas.  Over the weekend, former Secretary of State and former Secretary of Treasury, James Baker, told Fareed Zacharia  that Cruz worked for him in 2000!  
That could explain a lot of things that happened in the 2000 election, (Bush v. Gore); and many other events  we have suffered through, as a nation, since that time.  Important people were "thrown under the bus" along the way, including the first female member of our Supreme Court.
 In response to a flap brewing over Congressman Grayson's comparison of the Tea Party to the KKK,,0,1030288., another Congressman interviewed on T.V. this morning said that there are three things that are not discussed in our Congress: Nazis, Slavery, and the KKK.  If true, then Congress provides "cover" for the politics of those who trade in these beliefs; and, who exist in our society today.  They have coalesced into some of the most vicious right-wing politics this nation has seen in almost a century.  The Tea Party certainly is a FACTION that contains traces of these subjects, and threatens the viability of our Government.

Suppose, for a moment, that you hired a team of people to run your business; to find and fix problems so that the business could run smoothly and efficiently.  What, then, would you do if you found that they intended just the opposite; to make sure your business did not run efficiently, or, run at all.  Instead, they looked for ways to profit from any inefficiency, while not "fixing" anything!  Suppose also, that you couldn't get rid of them because they were protected by a large "union" that was firmly installed as a pillar of our Governent.  Does this explain the Republican Party and their relationship to the Tea Party?
Speaking of government inefficiency; I was given a tour of the "control room" of NASA's JPL in the early 1990s, to witness their process for receiving data from their explorer satellites.  I was appalled at the "mish-mash" of computing equipment they were using.  It turns out that the "government" is really thousands of "bureaucrats", all of whom have their pet habits and likes and dislikes.  They grow in layers over decades.  Because we don't want "thieves" in our government, we make it very difficult for the "best and brightest" to serve in government and/or to sell their goods and services to our government.  We all know this; but we act like we DON'T KNOW this!  Shame on Us!!  Don't fall for the crap in the Media, sponsored by the opponents to Obamacare.  Stay Vigilant!
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