Connecting the DOTS!!
Very large "dots" were placed before us in the "Shutdown" and "Default Threat". The most obvious took place in front of the White House a few days ago. Scrape aside all of the obfuscating rhetoric from the Repoob Right, and you will see :
1. War Debt; and resulting, severe, economic consequences to all citizens.
2. Media propaganda controlled by demagogues.
3. Refusal of the wealthy to pay any part of the debt.
4. Shift of payment; from the wealthy onto common citizens.
5. Demagogues arising, using the media to spread confusion, inflict economic pain,
and identify scapegoats.
6. Subterfuges: like the "Obamacare Law", used to mask their intent to overthrow the
We have been ignoring this set of events for the past several years! If we continue to ignore these, the United States will travel the road travelled by Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The parallels are stark, and should be obvious to anyone with an I.Q. above 50, and the will and courage to take a stand against it. Politicians and Think Tanks in Washington, D.C. are betting against the ability of our citizenry to effectively counter their attack. The battleground will be the United States Congress.
Their scapegoat of the moment is the President of the United States. They can use his color, and project upon him the Religion that we've all been conditioned to fear. Secondary scapegoats are those "immigrants" who are not white.
We have to end the tendency of all Media to ignore the blatant racism that is rising in the nation, on the streets; in the workplace; in hiring, firing, promotion, and layoff. One part of the Media is clearly using race to fuel their political diatribes.
The Republican Party, the G.O.P., has become a perfect "embryo" to harbor this monstrous attack on both our domestic economy and the global economy. The main question for our citizenry is whether the Party has to be destroyed to eliminate the existential threat to our nation posed by the demagogues who are parasitically embedded within it. It is not clear that this can be accomplished. Both sides are NOT to BLAME! We need to dismiss "blame" and focus on the "Threat"!!
Those citizens (of all colors) who think they can continue to "hopscotch" back and forth across the "color line" in 2013, are playing extremely dangerous games with their children's future.
Stay Vigilant! Stand up to the Enemy Within?? Its time for White Supremacy to GO! Its Too Expensive!!
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