Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Cruz in "CONTROL" ??
The masks are starting to slip.  Boehner, as Speaker of our House of Representatives, is 2nd in Succession to the Presidency (after the Vice President).
A couple of days ago, the Speaker of the House surrendered to an "insurrectionist faction" within the Republican Party.  This is exactly the threat that our first President, Washington, warned against.
It's no coincidence that this is taking place in the House of  Representatives.  That is "where the money is".  The Money Boys, who lost, "big time", in 2012, and have been acting in defiance through their minions in Congress and the Media, ever since; are slowly revealing their hand.  They want to destroy our current form of government through DEFAULT!  Our silly children, who have become "talking heads" in our Media, don't have a clue!  They actually believe in their "equivalence" in Media doctrine!
It can be argued that the Repoobs began to "shut down" government when they gained control of the House of Representatives in the off-year election of 2010.  We all walked in our sleep through the charades that posed as Republican Primary and General election Campaigns in 2012.
The economic carnage that every citizen in this country will suffer; will continue to mount, as we lead up to the deadline of Default, due in mid-October.  Where is Walter Cronkite when his nation really needs him??
Senator Cruz, our Canadian-born Senator from Texas, is dictating talking points and the overall strategy for this caper.  He manipulates the House from the Senate!  Constitutional Conventions and Amendments to our Constitution take too long.  Cruz is in a hurry, it seems.  "Seccession", (see The OWL, 11/16/12), the favored Texas-remedy; would be too obvious, and too bloody.  This path seems to fool just about everybody in our Media, and in our general public
Cruz makes Newt Gingrich look like a "piker".  Newt was the last to Speaker to pull this "high wire" act, 17 years ago.  But Newt, deep down, would like to see this country survive and prosper.  No such evidence that Cruz gives a damn about anything; except his own ambition!  Does "Beer Hall" or "Reichstag" ring a bell with anyone?
To read what really is the issue; read last week's Cover Story in BARRON's.  The House remedies since the "shut-down" are tantamount to trimming the toe-nails as a cure for cancer!
Stay Vigilant!  The "Adults" are all in the Democrat Party!
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