Wednesday, October 9, 2013


A "Patch" for a Design Flaw ??
Whenever some "FACTION" arises within any branch of our Federal Government, using powers granted under our Constitution, with clear intent to threaten the Viability of the Nation, or, to "Extort" powers not granted under the Constitution of the United States; all persons involved with that FACTION shall be arrested by the Chief Executive , and tried for TREASON!
We've seen for the past ten months, and for several months prior, the evolution of tactics by a FACTION within our Congress to usurp extra-Constitutional Power.  A weakness, or design-flaw in the Constitution has been  exploited by Multinational Corporate interests and regional and religious elements within our populace.  When our Congress passed legislation establishing multinational corporations in the 1970s, they failed to exact any kind of national allegiance from those entities.  They relied on "Patriotism".  We now see that elements of our nation limit their "Patriotism" to their own race, class, religion, or financial interest.  This trend puts the nation at risk.
Our weak voting majority in the Democrat Party has, so far, proved to be ineffective in dealing with a bullying, well-organized and well-funded Faction within the Republican Party that is dedicated to the destruction of our Government, as it was designed to function by the Founders and writers of our Constitution.  We've had to amend that Constitution several times to "fix" design flaws.  The time has arrived to "fix" flaws that have been exposed during the Cold War and the Technological Revolution that accompanied it.
Much of that technological advance has been focused in new Media, and communication technologies.  The power to persuade, confuse, and deceive have magnified significantly as a result.  We saw these conditions wreak havoc on the Democracy that Germany lost in the 1930s.
Stay Vigilant!  It is time to stop wring our hands and FIX what is broken!
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