Friday, October 18, 2013

NATION in a "DITCH" ??

Can We "get out" ??
Everyone recognized the tremendous "ditch" the Cheney/Bush gang dug for our economy, for this nation, and for the global economy; and the 2008 Meltdown they left us with.  Lo and behold, while struggling to get out of that one, the first black President discovered there is another, older, "ditch" within. This other ditch is one his upbringing did not prepare him for.
My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the whites who controlled our Segregationist and Jim Crow daily existence, had decided long before that they were willing to keep non-whites "in a ditch", socially, economically, spiritually, and legally; even if it meant they would have to inhabit the ditch to keep them there.
When the whites arrived on these shores in the 1600s, their first task was to deal with the huge number of Native Peoples who were here.  Also, immediately (arriving one year before the Mayflower), there were black slaves to contend with in the original Colonies.
The Southern Colonies (receiving slavery and plantation lifestyles from the Spanish and Portuguese parts of the Americas) clung to that life; while the Northern Colonies abolished slavery, preferring to grow rich financing and insuring the slave trade.  The Southern Masters, who imported the dregs of Europe to "manage and oversee" their slaves, had idle time on their hands, to make Revolution and to dominate the government of what ultimately became The United States of America. 
Fast-forward to 2013, we find that, following a Civil War, the slave system was replaced with an economically more efficient Jim Crow system, targeted against former slaves and other non-whites.  An extermination campaign, and other forms of genocide were enacted against Native Americans in the 1830s.  The Overseer "dregs" (Catholic, poor, lower-class), seized the reigns of government formerly held by the Master class; all of whom were WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants).  Today they are represented by the Tea Party.
Following the Civil War, our public school system was put in place to coalesce diverse white ethnics into a single white tribe.  After 1954, when the system began to crack under a Supreme Court Desegregation ruling, the Republican Party reversed their founding principles on Race, and embraced the Southern dregs as their "base".  To make things even worse, they rigged our laws to give carte blanche immigration status to refugees from dictatorial regimes in former Spanish parts of the Americas.  These people form the base of the Tea Party insurgency today.  There you have it! -- Ditches within ditches.
Stay Vigilant!  K-12 education cannot turn today's children "white".  The system "dumbs-down"!
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